Coffee Infused Sponge Cake and Art!

I love and cake and coffee so why not combine the two? so I made a simple sponge cake and added a cup of coffee to the batter, it stuck a little to the bottom maybe too much coffee but it infused a wonderful coffee flavor and was oh so moist.


  • 1/2-1 cup of your favorite coffee
  • 4 oz of self raising flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 oz of sugar
  • 4 oz of butter 
  • caster sugar for dusting

  1.  cream the butter and the sugar until light and fluffy 
  2. then add the eggs and coffee and slowly fold in the flour
  3. bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes

We went to a restaurant downtown today then visited a local art gallery little Jasmine enjoyed the cat and looking at all the paintings you may be surprised galleries are actually pretty interesting for toddlers :-)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

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  1. I love how quick and easy this recipe seems to be! Love coffee! Thanks for checking out my Cold Brewed Iced Coffee Post ( Feel free to link it for your coffee blog.

  2. The cake does look super fluffy and moist. It's probably great with a cup of coffee as well. If you're not coffee'd out by then. :)

  3. Oh Rebecca, this cake is really well done and looks absolutely scrumptious! Wish I can have a slice too. Nice to see bake! Hope to see more. =o) Enjoy your day!
    Blessings, kristy
    p/s Oh little Jasmine is growing looking like a princess. So pretty!

  4. a quick and yummy sponge cake, you too have a wonderful weekend ahead..

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a cool idea - you should be on Ramsey's new Master Chef show! :)

  7. Love this grown-up cake, and I need more than one piece!

    Sending my hello to Jasmine from Tokyo :)

  8. Any cakes with coffee is my favourite :D Jasmine....beautiful pose!

  9. Any cakes with coffee is my favourite :D Jasmine....beautiful pose!

  10. Looks the styling too :)

  11. Quick to make and very delicious.
    Great photos too.
    Jasmine looks so sweet.
    Wishing you a great weekend ♥

  12. Such a beautiful and spongy cake,looks yum and jasmine is so cute...

  13. How simple! Love the idea of coffee cake.

  14. I love my coffee so this cake is wonderfully appealing to me!

    What a darling photo of Jasmine at the art gallery. You may be inspiring a budding artist :)

  15. yum, this looks so good. i love coffee flavored anything..super creative!

  16. Cake and coffee are best for afternoon tea. Looks so good Rebecca.
    Have a nice weekend.

  17. cake looks so moist and that addition of coffee in!

  18. A real coffee cake! It looks so light and delicious.

  19. The perfect coffee cake that live up to its name! Love the drifting beans... maybe I wouldn't even need the cup of coffee!

  20. I love anything flavored with coffee, and your cake looks delish! I like that it seems pretty simple to make too. Thanks!

    Sounds like Jasmine had fun. She is so cute:)

  21. What a great idea...sounds fantastic:) Jasmine is so adorable...You have a great weekend too:)

  22. Jasmine has grown so much! She's so cute. And your cake looks scrumptious!

  23. Jasmine looks like she's having a wonderful time! A coffee infused sponge cake sound superb:)

  24. now thats truly a coffee cake!! what a great idea infusing the cake with coffee..I bet it was delicious!! of course I will have to have it with my coffee!

  25. That Cake looks & sounds delicious - I would love a piece right now! Also, Jasmine is just beautiful - wow! Thanks for another fabulous post:)

  26. I'm not a coffee drinker but love the smell. I will try this for my family.

    Plan B

  27. looks lovely , have a nice weekend

  28. I love coffee flavored anything! Delicious.

    I love that you are taking jasmine to art galleries...she's going to be so cultured!

  29. this coffee cake looks so tasty and moist. Jasmin looks so adorable.

  30. Love the coffee-flavoured cake! Yours looks very moist!

  31. I love coffee flavoured cakes, but haven't had one in ages.... I may just get abaking this week. Lots of love to you all

  32. Nice presentation and great combo!
    Your little girl is so cute and pretty!

  33. high low thanks so much love your blog
    The Duo Dishes: oh I had it with coffee he he
    My little space: trying to Kristy but no where nr as good as you!
    Sonia oh thanks and you
    Platte productions oh thanks would be fun
    the lacquer spoon will pass on a hi from you, heres a couple of slices of cake
    Mary thanks
    3 hungry tummies aw thanks so much
    Ana oh same to you
    Shirley thanks
    savoring time in the kitchen good to appreciate art lol
    Emily oh thanks so much
    Anncoo oh so true
    Suman thanks
    Mimi thanks
    Claudia thanks had fun with the snap
    Raina thanks
    Magic of spice enjoy the weekend too
    Reeni I know she is nearly two!
    Kim thanks
    chef Dennis heres a slice
    Stephanie thanks your too kind
    chef B oh thats nice of u
    teresa thanks
    peannuts same to u
    Joanne he he hope so
    azita thanks
    Angie a lil too moist he he
    Kitchen butterfly hugs
    cheah thanks

  34. I love cake and I love coffee too! Thanks for sharing this recipe hun :)

  35. Oh, this sounds deeelicious, Reb! I love the coffee infusion!

  36. What a great idea! Darling picture of Jasmine. :)

  37. Kimberley thanks
    girlichef thanks so much
    mother Rimmy oh thanks

  38. I wish hubby liked coffee flavored desserts, but he does not even like the smell, so I avoid it, but this sounds fantastic!

    I always encourage art and youngsters, even reading groups at the library then walk around and look at the art with them!

    I am sure she is a fantastic artist herself, and is she enjoying the music tape still?


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