Guest Post: Cashew Nut Cookies by Ana

It is with great pleasure to introduce you all to the lovely Ana, I haven't known her long but her blog is fantastic and so creative I am also in awe when bloggers do posts in three languages I am pitiful and just do English sob. Be sure to visit her blog Magic Flavors she is Portuguese and lives in my homeland :-)

About me:

I`m Ana and I was born in a place called Vila Real Santo António, Portugal.
I love experimenting with all sorts of food and for many years now I am completely in love with edible things, specially the ones that are delicious and beautiful. I`ve always had the passion for entertaining, so let`s gather the family and friends and enjoy good food.

 Cashew nut cookies

These cookies are excellent to serve with tea or coffee. To have a nice yellow coloured egg wash for brushing, you can add a few drops of yellow colouring into the beaten egg yolk.

150 g unsalted butter
100 g icing sugar, sifted
2 eggs
300 g plain flour, sifted
1 tsp baking powder, sifted with flour
100 g cashew nuts, toasted and ground
cashew nut to top 
egg yolk

1 Preheat oven at 180ºC.
2 Beat butter, icing sugar and eggs until light and creamy. Fold in flour, baking powder and ground cashew nuts and mix well to form a soft dough.
3 Lightly flour working surface and dough. Roll dough.
4 Use a cookie cutter and cut out the cookies. Place cookie dough on greased baking tray.
5 Press a cashew nut on top of each cookie for decoration. Brush cookies with egg glaze.
6 Bake in preheated oven for 5 to 7 minutes until golden brown. Cool on wire racks before storing in airtight container.

Recipe link:

Thank you again I am so blessed that folks offer to guest post its humbling and a treat


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  1. Ana and Rebecca, thanks for introducing the lovely recipe! Japanese has learnt a lot from Portuguese through its history, for example, "kasutera", a sort of sweet sponge loved by us all was developed from "Pao de Lo". Love Portuguese seafood too :)

  2. Lovely cookies, crisp and tempting. Must try it soon.

  3. Hi Rebecca
    Many thanks for your lovely invitation, I am delighted to have done a guest post for you.
    Wishing you all the best ♥

    P.S. Just a little note, Magic Flavours is posted in 3 languages, English, Portuguese and Spanish. Its a huge work but I love doing it.

  4. this is a type of cookie we made during Chinese New Year, a very nice cookie.

  5. These cookies look great, Ana! There are definitely not enough cashews in the baking world.

  6. Questi biscotti sono favolosi. Buona settimana Daniela.

  7. What a lovely post. Cashews are one of my favorite nuts. I don't like cookies overly sweet so this looks perfect.

  8. I love cashews and these cookies look delicious! Just wish I had one!

  9. Shame on me - I have never baked with cashews before. Now thanks to this lovely recipe I can rectify that!

  10. Wow, cashew cookies, I don't think I ever had these...they sure sound and look delicious :-)

  11. You know I am excited about this dish! Learning some food ideas for Spain and Portugal is great, and this is lovely...

  12. Thanks for such lovely cookies by Ana. I would love that with a cup of tea.

  13. so clever to use cashews...looks so sweet and delicious...

  14. thanks everyone will be sure to pass the comments along to Ana

    lol Rebecca

  15. Thanks everyone, lovely comments.
    Rebecca, it was a real pleasure to be have been invited as your guest.
    Wishing you a great week ♥

  16. Ana, these are beautiful cookies...I am looking forward to viewing your site:) I do not see cashews frequently in culinary dishes.


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