Butterflys and Farmers Markets

Hi all well, I thought I would share some beautiful pictures of my walks, butterflies and farmers markets. The amazing butterflies were taken along the Muddy Creek Greenway a lovely trail that goes for miles in Winston Salem, its so relaxing like a country trail in the city, we saw loads of butterflies that day. 

Sometimes I feel like a butterfly fluttering around from this activity to the next and not really having the time to stop and rest. All busy folks can relate as parents we are non stop, then with the blogging for companies and promoting triadguide.com I get a little hyper. I sometimes wonder if taking on the company blogs is wise, as I end up staying up late at night. But I really enjoy it love the food, recipe writing and the tweeting, radio shows and marketing its funny but through Chow and Chatter I have found my niche. Although trained as a dietitian I adore blogging, twitter and networking. I am loving my work for Triad Guide a local guide, directory, events, radio and more for my area. I am meeting and interviewing so many wonderful folks in my community on the site and on the radio show. 

I recently interviewed a lady called Jane a Perigord Black Truffle grower who was had the honor of Martha Stewart hunting for truffles on her farm! and got to meet her today at the farmers market what a treat. I have a list of folks to interview for the guide and am now getting requests, I also met a 6th generation grass fed meat farmer today, what an opportunity to help promote great businesses. 

I need to get balance though well I guess we all do, thats why I only post here a few times a week. I love you all dearly and stay up often till after midnight reading comments and your blogs :-)
Please bear with me if I don't always visit as much as I would like I do care. How do you all manage to keep up and find balance ? 

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the butterflies

This is a wonderful garden in Reynolda village, my favorite place in the City.

Jane the truffle grower, I got a little (costs a lot) of black truffle butter he he

My sunshine 


  1. You have a lot of jobs to juggle around, I don't know how you handle everything :) Get some rest this weekend! Jasmine is sure getting big!

  2. A great day out :) jasmine certainly is not shy of the camera :)

  3. I totally know what you mean about being overcommitted but completely happy about it! I'm totally the same way. I just don't sleep :P

  4. She is such a beautiful bundle of sunshine :)These are gorgeous pictures, and thank you for sharing them with us...It sounds so exciting with everything you are doing, but I am sure it can be exhausting. Happy weekend!

  5. Oh Rebecca- I don't know how you have the time and energy for all that you do! It's hard to stop once you find something you truly love! ;)

  6. Thank you for the beautiful post! Jasmine looks really happy for the walk. It's nearly time to be back to update my blog, we're already in mid summer!

  7. Thanks for sharing these pictures, this remind me I have so long did not visit to Butterfly farm in Penang Malaysia, here you can see hundred type of butterfies.Happy weekend!

  8. Thanks for taking us along Rebecca. Lots of lovely sites to see in WS including Jasmine and the butterflies. We've planted a butterfly garden of perennials and they bring us such pleasure each year. Great photos.

    I don't know how you juggle all of the things you do. I was never much of a multi-tasker myself.

    Hope you and your lovely family have a great weekend.

  9. lovely photoes especially your little sunshine. I dont know how you juggle keeping up with everyone , i am trying hard to keep up with everyone and doing a lousy job at it hehehe. take time for your self too sometimes:)

  10. Très jolie petite fille et belles photos.
    Good weekend and see soon.

  11. As busy as you seem to be, you seem to do an awesome job balancing it all. That picture of your little one is adorable.

  12. Great photos! I love farmers markets and taking long walks. I also have a hard time finding time to comment and even post on my blog especially in the summer, and it sounds like I do not do nearly as much as you. So it seems to me you are a pretty high-energy and productive person:)

  13. Awesome day out, lovely photos.
    Your girl is a real treasure.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend ♥

  14. I don't know how you do it, I have a hard time managing the one blog I have! Like you, I love it though as well so the work doesn't feel that way to me.

    Your daughter is so beautiful! It looks like you had a fun day at the gardens. Have a great rest of the weekend!

  15. Everything you do sounds really exciting and sounds like you are always having a great time, I sense that whenever I visit your site. But I know sometimes you ask yourself where did the time go? I hope you'll get a chance to slow down. Your sunshine is so adorable. Thank you for sharing all the photos.

  16. you are a busy lady!! Just make sure you always have time for that little love bug, Jasmine is gorgeous!

  17. It's nice to see that you make the time to stop and watch the butterflies! Jasmine just gets cuter and cuter.

  18. great photos!

    i love farmers' markets and locally grown food. it's so great that you get to meet local growers and learn about the food you buy. :-)

  19. Jasmine looks bigger now, and like sunshine, her picture makes you smile... such a lovely day to walk and see those butterflies.. yes Rebecca, you need to rest, you'll need all that energy in India!

  20. Your sunshine is adorable! You are one busy lady! Have a great day!

  21. 5 star foodie: oh thanks will do lol
    3 hungry tummies: he he that was a lucky shot
    Joanne: oh you must be so busy being in medical school as well wow
    Magic of Spice well I guess its good to be busy with fun things
    The Ungourmet oh so true
    the lacquer spoon do you have one in Japanese as well
    Sonia wow that sounds beautiful
    Sam: oh its lovely in Winston Salem, looking forward to seeing pictures of your garden
    Peannuts when we go to India all the relatives are there so such be nice to sit back a little
    Nadji thanks
    Emily try hard lol
    Raina oh you are so sweet hugs Rebecca
    Ana thanks
    Julie oh the same to you
    Madin god advice
    Dennis oh for sure shes priority
    Claudia oh thanks we agree he he
    Emily oh its amazing to learn that
    Malou good advice your a lovely person
    Pam thanks

  22. Lovely shot of the butterfly and Jasmine is darling! roz

  23. Love Reynolda Village - glad had the chance to enjoy it, despite your hectic schedule. Your daughter is too cute!

  24. How beautiful! I have always wanted to go truffle hunting =)

  25. Jasmine enjoy the day very much. She's soaking wet! Is it very hot over there right now? Enjoy your day.
    Cheers, kristy

  26. Roz thanks
    lynn thanks and cool you know where it is lol
    Girlichef come down we will go together
    Kristy yep its hot here and humid he he

  27. Jasmine is way too cute! Balance is always changing, stay flexible.


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