Mexican Spiced Chicken over Southwestern Corn Pasta

The other day at the farmers market in Winston Salem I got some handmade pasta from Red Barn Pastas in High Point, she was the sweetest lady and sells it on etsy. I got the Southwestern Corn pasta infused with cilantro and chili. I decided to use Mexican fajita seasoning with chicken and vegetables to serve with it for a kind of Tex Mex dish. But I am no expert, overall it was very tasty.


  • one small pack of the Southwestern corn pasta
  • one small pack of all natural chicken
  • 4 cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1/2 a red onion shopped
  • 1/2 a green pepper chopped
  • 4 small chopped tomatoes 
  • one pack of Mexican fajita seasoning (I need girlichefs help on this type of cuisine!)
  • a handful of frozen peas
  • one small broccoli crown chopped

  1. heat some olive oil and saute the onion, garlic and chicken for 5 minutes 
  2. then add the spices, and all the vegetables stir fry for another 5-10 minutes 
  3. add the tomatoes and let it reduce down for a sauce
  4. serve over the pasta and enjoy
I would love to learn more Southwestern dishes if you have some, please link below

Have a lovely weekend Everyone 



  1. What a flavorful dish! I've never seen corn pasta--I'll have to look for it.

  2. corn pasta is something new to me..sounds delicious and healthy too..have a nice trip to India..have fun and enjoy...btw, which city you going to visit..

  3. I attempted something similar to this recently and it definitely did not turn out as tasty as this looks!!

  4. That's an interesting combo.Never had corn pasta before

  5. How fun to be able to buy different pastas at your farmers market. It sounds tasty!

  6. This sounds delicious! The corn pasta must have tasted especially good in this dish. I love a good southwestern recipe!

  7. You had me at Mexi... LOL Looks great!

  8. Oooh, corn pasta. How exciting! I'm going to have to look into that one... Yum!

  9. looks superyum n to state r u going to.,...its ur first time or u hv been to india before...enjoy n hv fun,....

  10. a spicy perspective thanks so much
    Suman: going to Chennai my hubby comes from there
    Evan oh sorry have mine lol
    Gulmohar thanks
    Barbara it was a great market
    Gina on me too
    Savoring Time in the Kitchen aw thanks
    Chef E but your the master of this cuisine
    Katie oh it was pretty good
    Sanyukta Tamil Nadu my 4th time, but first time with lil one!

  11. corn pasta is new to me, but it sound healthy and good.

  12. I love Mexican food. This pasta dish must be very delicious...mmm

  13. Arriba, arriba André.
    So delicious.
    Have a great weekend ♥

  14. Ooh, interesting pasta that I've never tried! Love the Mexican flavour, spicy and tomatoey :)

  15. Ooo... how lovely it that! Another homemade dish from my darling Rebecca. Corn pasta, sounds pretty cool! I wonder if I can try making it with maize flour! Btw, your pasta dish looks healthy scrmptious. Thanks & enjoy your day.
    Blessings, kristy

  16. It looks very tasty but I have not tried corn pasta though I have seen it at the health food store. I sually get the rice pasta.

  17. We love Mexican food. Corn pasta sounds like a real treat.

  18. I love your southwestern corn pasta, and the chicken sounds super flavorful!

  19. I too like southwestern flavors but don't have many recipes. I hope you'll be doing more in the future with these fun flavors.

  20. Yum! I've got a great cookbook I need to share with you (actually I have two) for Southwest and Tex Mex food. My aunt and uncle spend half their year down in Baja and gave me a cookbook put together by the guild down there. There are some awesome recipes!

  21. sonia oh it was tasty
    sushma thanks
    Mary yep pretty tasty have a fab weekend
    ana thanks and the same to you lol
    the lacquer spoon aw thanks nice to experiment
    Kristy oh your sweet love how you encourage folks to cook LOL
    biren oh rice pasta sounds good
    Mimi smiles
    5 star foodie thanks so much
    Sam will try my best
    Julie please share cookbook link lol

  22. Wow! This sounds wonderful. I have never heard of corn sounds great! Love that your paired it with Tex Mex chicken:)

  23. A hundred years ago, I lived across from a, made from scratch pasta maker, in Laguna Beach. The pasta was so amazing and fresh, you could throw anything on it for a delectable meal. So...I'm going to try this local pasta and pray. Thanks for the tip!

  24. Wow, Southwestern corn pasta sounds really intriguing! I think the chicken topping is a great idea to serve it :) I love Southwestern food!

  25. Wow handmade corn pasta infused with cilantro and chili, I would want to try those.
    Your dish looks awesome. I have to look for those pasta.

  26. What a special pasta dish for the weekend!

  27. I have never seen corn pasta before - it looks interesting and I am sure it tastes yummy...!

  28. Lovely dish, and that pasta sounds wonderful :) Very unique flavors...

  29. It sounds delicious, and I love farmers markets. It must be fun to experience them all over the place :)

  30. Angie thanks so much
    cooking gallery it was pretty good lol
    magic of spice thanks so much
    Christy oh me to

  31. What a fun pasta--love the flavors in it. I am sure the whole dish was delicious!

  32. That looks wonderful, Rebecca! Love the flavors.


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