Guest Post: A Special Texan Breakfast!

It is with great pleasure to bring you a guest post from the lovely Bonnie from Sweet Life: Cooking Eating Living - My sweet life in Texas: I adore her blog her personality and love of her home state (I know Chef E will like this one) I am also thrilled to bring you a Tex Mex recipe, how cool!, I fly to India tomorrow, will try and blog some while there to share the food and culture with you all, love and hugs Rebecca

A big Texan Welcome from Edinburg, Texas. I’m Sweet Life also known as Bonnie from Sweet Life, a blog that focuses on my super sweet life living in Texas. I currently live in Edinburg, Texas. Edinburg is part of the Rio Grande Valley, a stretch of four counties at the southern most tip of Texas that run along the Rio Grande River which separate us from Mexico. Edinburg is the county seat of Hidalgo, the seventh largest county in Texas and home to The University of Texas-Pan American where my husband is currently enrolled to receive his Masters Degree. I am Texas born, Texas raised, Texas proud and plan to live my life happily residing in Texas. I have happily resided in Aransas Pass, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Driscoll, Killeen and Edinburg.

In Texas Tex-Mex is truly loved as much as our beloved BBQ. Every region in Texas has their own spin on Tex- Mex. Here in Edinburg located extremely close to the border Tex-Mex along with Authentic Mexican food can be found in many restaurants. Flavors from Mexico run heavily here allowing you to find a wide variety of grocery stores, meat markets, bakeries and restaurants that solely provide Mexican products. I plan to enjoy my time here to the fullest soaking in the local cuisine, learning new recipes and finally perfecting my Spanish.

Well enough of me let’s move on to the main event, the food, shall we? Breakfast being either in Edinburg or any part of Texas is taken seriously. As everyone else in the United States we Texans are busy people who require the fuel to complete our busy days. We want to be fed, comforted and leave for our busy day feeling glorious we took the extra time to make ourselves a truly Texas breakfast. I bring two, yes my dear friends two wonderfully different breakfast recipes sure to give you a taste of Tex-Mex and highlight our State Tree. Enjoy!! Sweet Life

Migas are well known in every corner of Texas as a quick and easy way to start your morning. Diced Corn tortillas fried until golden, mixed with sautéed onion, tomato and Serrano for heat with scrambled eggs. Add a steamy cup of coffee and your ready for a delicious start to your day.


by Sweet Life
Serves two

4 corn tortillas diced
Vegetable oil
½ onion chopped
2 tomatoes chopped
1 Serrano sliced finely (remove seeds if you desire less heat)
4 eggs
Handful of chopped cilantro (stems removed)
*Extras if desired*
Chopped cooked bacon, cooked chorizo, cheese

In a large non stick skillet or cast iron add vegetable oil allowing to come to medium-high heat.
Add diced tortillas and cook until golden brown about 5 minutes.
Remove from skillet, placing aside. Add chopped onion and Serrano to skillet, cook for 3 minutes until slightly soft add tomatoes and continue to cook for another 3 minutes.
Add diced tortillas back to skillet and mix.
Add the eggs, mix to cover all ingrideints with eggs and cook until eggs are scrambled.
Remove from heat and add cilantro.

Needed something sweeter to start your day off in the right track? Well let’s add together two of my favorite Texas flavors and see what we come up with. Take our famous Texas Toast dunk it into a savory egg mix, cook until golden brown and then pour over a sweet mix of Texas pecans with brown sugar giving you a little extra motivation to jump out of bed. Enjoy!!

Texas Pecan French Toast

By Sweet Life

Serves two

4 slices of Texas Toast
3 eggs, beaten
½ cup butter
½ cup brown
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup chopped Texas pecans
Extra halves for garnishing
Heat oven to 200 degrees.

In a large bowl combine eggs, salt and pepper.
Heat a large non stick pan or griddle to medium high heat and add vegetable oil or butter.
Dunk each piece of Texas toast allowing
each piece to soak in the egg mix.
Add slice to griddle as many as fit, do not overcrowd.
Cook until golden brown on both sides.
Remove and place in oven to keep warm until sauce is ready.
Melt butter, brown sugar in saucepan over low heat.
Add vanilla and stir to combine.
Add pecans
Drizzle mix over toast and garnish with pecans halves.
If mix becomes too thick add a little bit of water, it will help to loosen mix.

I would like to thank Rebecca for giving me a chance to share a tiny piece of Texas with you. I am honored to have met her and wish her the best in the future with her wonderful blog and her talk radio program which is loved by many. I hope you all enjoyed my post and please stop by if you get a chance to continue to taste a bit of Texas with me. Lots of Love, Sweet Life

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  1. Oh looking at those pecan french toasts is a torture!

  2. Que Rico, gotta know I LOOOOVE Migas!! And that french toast looks absolutely divine, too. YUMMMMY! =)

  3. Wow the colour of toasts look awesome.

  4. Migas are very similar to Chilaquiles, one of my favorite Mexican breakfast dishes! These look great!

  5. Nice guest post! and the french toast look super good.

  6. Now this is how I'd like to start off every day! Thanks for sharing. 8-)

    And safe travels to you, Rebecca!

  7. Wonderful to have Bonnie here! Lovely recipes....mmmm. She's a wonderful blogger like you, Rebecca!

  8. This is lovely. Looks so inviting.

  9. lovely post, love the breakfast dish and toast yummm. would love to check out her blog to try my hand in texan cooking :)

  10. Hi Rebecca
    I hope you had a great weekend.
    Lovely to get acquainted with Bonnie`s Blog. Great work, delicious and so perfect. Great clicks too ♥

  11. I just had to stop by and say howdy to your Texas guest Rebecca. I spent many happy years in Texas and that's where I met my husband.

    Everything is bigger in Texas including that gorgeous breakfast with the Migas and French toast. I wish I was there with you to enjoy it.

    Happy trails to you and Bonnie,

  12. Love your work as always and yay to the guest post. That Texas Toast - you do everything bigger (and sweeter) in Texas.

  13. Hey Guys, what a great post. I've actually heard of 'migas', but I never really knew what people were talking about...? Know I do, and it's right up my alley-easy and healthful! Thanks Bonnie!
    Ooh, and that Texas Style French Toast looks too good (smile).

  14. I'm reading this in the morning before I have eaten anything and now I am STARVING! I really don't know which one I would like better, both please!

  15. Mmm, I just love migas! Can't wait to try this one!

  16. This is the first time I've heard of Migas. It sounds like a great way to start the day. Then maybe end it with the Texas French toast!

  17. These are my 2 favorite Texas breakfasts! Thanks for sharing :)

    Mmmm now I'm hungry...

  18. Thanks for the recipes. Looks yummy, especially the French Toast.

  19. Wonderful guest post! Thank you for sharing those delicious recipes, Sweet Life.

    Bon voyage, Rebecca!

  20. Nice guest post...and I sure would love to have this kind of breakfast :-)

  21. I would be in heaven if I was given a plate of these...I love migas and that French Toast looks HEAVENLY!

  22. Bonnie, you know how to do breakfast right! These look fantastic.

  23. What a fabulous breakfast! Yum!

  24. Ok, now I'm really missing Texas! Oh how I love migas. My favorites ever were at the Dream Cafe up in Addison, Texas. thanks so much for sharing a little more about South Texas.

    Rebecca, have a great trip to India. I can't wait to see the pictures and hear about the food!

  25. Well YEEHAW! I love living in Texas and having so many opportunities to eat like this at the local spots.. but now that I had a recipe to use I can easily make em at home :) delicious!

  26. Hi Rebecca: Thanks for introducing your friend! Breakfast is my favorite, and right up there is Mexican food, so I'm having a little food envy moment towards Texans!

  27. Matthew and I went to Texas to visit some family of his. It is a great state and the people who live there have so much pride for their state. We also enjoyed eating food that we don't get in Kansas City while we were there. Fun post!

  28. Thank you all for your lovely comments, I had a blast working on this post, hey it was super yummy!!
    HUGS to Rebecca for her invitatrion and may you have a wonderful time with your family!!

  29. You are making me homesick for Texas food! Love those migas and the French toasts with these pecans! Oh my! I am in heaven!

  30. Have heaps of fun in India Rebecca! I've never been there....but I love Indian food!

    That french toast looks really really yummy! It looks so good, it could be a dessert as well as a breakfast! I've never had migas before but it looks delicious too =D And it's so different to any breakfast I've ever had...

  31. denise @ quickies on the dinner tableAugust 24, 2010 at 7:28 AM

    I didn't know what migas was before but boy it looks good!! I could happily have either for breakfast and be happy!! The French toast is especially tempting!!!

    Thanks Rebecca and Bonnie, for a fantastic post :)

  32. I could eat all of the mex-tex migas myself followed with those battered toasts cuddled in Bonnie's Texan charm - thanks for sharing her with your readers

  33. Migas, what a great way to start the day! Thanks so much for a recipe. And that French toast looks wonderful.

  34. I love that Texas French Toast. I'm going to make that for my MIL when she comes down.

  35. They both look grand but the pecan French Toast really invites. Who doesn't like sweets from Texas in the a.m.?

  36. How nice to have two of my favorite bloggers in one place! And I'm wondering why I've never had migas! How insanely delicious! And love that decadent looking french toast too. Safe and happy travels Rebecca!

  37. Bonnie, great post. The French Toast looks divine!


  38. Yeeeehaw...God Bless Texas!!!
    oh you just brought a tear to my eye with those granmother use to make me eggs with onions, tomatoes, peppers and tortillas in them..if I was really lucky she had some chorizo to throw in I miss Texas!! and those pecans, we had a pecan tree in the front yard......what great memories and what a great post!!!

  39. Migas is my new breakfast nest friend. Am goinna fix it soon for sure. What a great Texas big breakfast post! Thanks Rebecca & Vianney :)

    Ciao, Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

  40. Hi Rebecca,
    I just recently discovered your amazing blog. I'm loving the guest blog posts like this one too. Though Texas barbecue is at the top of my list, Tex-Mex is up there. Will have to make Migas soon!

  41. Always love the guests posts-travel safe!

  42. Rebecca...A fine piece of culinary Texas we got today. A little savoury...followed by my favourite sweet breakfast top off.

    Bonnie...very flavourful recipes...thanks very much for the extra ideas ;o)

    Ciao for now,

  43. I love pecans this looks delicious!

  44. Yum! No other words needed.

  45. That's enough food to keep me going most of the morning! It all looks so tasty too :)

  46. thanks everyone for the lovely comments I will pass to Bonnie and thanks Bonnie for the post
    I have been out and about with my camera in India and hope to add a post soon

    love Rebecca

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  48. What a wonderful post! I love, love all breakfasts and would love nothing more than to sample some of each of these dishes. They both look gorgeous.

    Have a wonderful time in India!!

  49. Bonnie, the migas and french toast sounds delicious. I would really like to try the migas.

    Rebecca, great choice for a guest blogger :)

  50. This definitely would be a way to get me to eat breakfast more often!

  51. magnifiques recettes ça a l'air très délicieux
    bonne soirée

  52. Oh, I just love Bonnie @ Sweetlife! The french toast sounds devilishly tasty!

  53. LOL Yes I do like this one- I have also been so busy and not going around to my lovely blog friends- I see this and think of my favorite TEXAS TOAST! Ummm, butter and garlic, toasted in the skillet growing up!

    Hope Jasmine eats better, maybe the heat? Safe travels- as I leave...


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