Tangerine/Mango Smoothie and Juicer and Orange Giveaway!!!

We have a wonderful Breville Juicer, that is easy to use and great for a variety of fruit and vegetable smoothies. As far as appliances go I have always been a fan of Breville its an Australian company with great classy and very functional appliances. I have an espresso machine and panini maker and now a juicer! There's a wonderful website called FoodThinkers.com by Breville and I contribute to the healthy snack column, its so much fun. I love making fresh juice for Jasmine and us I must confess though its easier to make a whole batch for a couple of days. 

A few days ago, I made a simple tangerine and mango smoothie. Not just any tangerine I ordered them from The Orange Shop in Florida, they ship fresh citrus from the groove. The owner Pete has been a citrus grower his whole life and The Orange Shop has been in business since 1936. 

Fresh Juices are packed with nutrients the mango and tangerine juice provided more than a days requirement for vitamin C, potassium, B6 and folate. I recommend buying al natural juices not juice drinks which are often marketed as healthy but loaded with sugar and only a small percentage of fresh juice.

You simple peel the tangerines or oranges and blend, simple as that!

and out comes the delicious juice

So I figured what would be cooler than getting a box of oranges with a juicer as a giveaway!, The Orange Shop has kindly agreed to send the oranges and Breville has sent me this juicer to re send to the lucky winner.

  1. live in the US so so sorry but the juicer is going to be expensive to ship and the fruit wouldn't do well going over sea's
  2. Consider following @FoodThinkers (they tweet really cool foodie stuff) and @TheOrangeShop (for all things citrus!)
  3. Leave a comment telling us what citrus you would like to try from http://www.floridaorangeshop.com/ 
  4. I will pick a winner at random and announce it next friday April 23rd 

Good Luck!!

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  1. i'm a huge fan of blood orange juice (especially blood orangina). if i could make my own juices that would be amazing.

  2. LOL! I was just writing about orange juice too! This looks like a great giveaway. There's nothing that matches fresh orange juice!

  3. We love tangerianes here. Lately we are eating those cutie mandrin oranges. That juicer would help me get over this head cold f my son wouldn't drink all the juice. lol

  4. I'd love to gift this to a niece who lives in the US.

  5. Wow! I'm loving the Indian River Grapefruit.

  6. That smoothie looks so good! I just love mangos - they are delicious. If I had to try some fabulous citrus from floridaorangeshop.com (twist, twist) it would have to be the honey tangerines - yummy!

  7. I wish I can have a glass of this orange juice, look so refreshing. And hope your next giveaway will open to all readers. Thanks in advance.

  8. I am thinking the ruby grapefruit would be refreshing! Yummmmmmmmm!

  9. Hey New here... wud like to say I love orange juice ne time... nd lovely lukinh smoothie

  10. My brother gift me a juicer last X'mas! It was fantastic! Now, I can enjoy fresh fruit juice with my family anytime I want.

  11. Awesome giveaway. I have a Breville electric juicer and just love it--it's a great brand. Tangerines and blood oranges are my favorite citrus juices.

  12. Great giveaway! I wish I could participate anyway best of luck to all. A glass of fresh orange juice is just unbeatable!

  13. I love freshly made juices....so full of nutrients and delicious. That's a great giveaway but too bad I'm not in the States.

  14. Can I join in? Love to have this to my best friend J in Seattle. ;DD

  15. I am entering on behalf of my US self and address, pretty please. The Indian River Grapefruit looks so good. I love grapefruit and now that i think about it I do not think I have seen any in a while.

  16. My favorite juice and citrus fruit of the moment is grapefruit and I hate all the sugar that is in most storebought varieties! I would love to try some of their ruby reds.

  17. Hubs and I like the ruby red grapefruits. We do not have a juicer and would love to try using one. Hubs has grapefruit or cranberry juice each morning before starting his day.

  18. Nice giveaway, Rebecca! Although I don't think you better enter me...I have a juicer AND access to all the oranges I want so this would be a fab gift for someone who doesn't.

    I still have a problem loading some sort of script, but the computer asks me if I want to stop running it and if I say yes, your site loads. Very strange, but at least I can read you now!

    Computers are so annoying, am I right? I had a problem for 6 months with URL's to my old recipes. Finally figured it out with the help of my computer guru.

  19. A refreshing combination of flavours! By the way, have you changed the look of your blog? I'm detecting something a little different but can't quite put my finger on it...

  20. Smoothie looks yum rebecca...and what a lovely giveaway but sad i dont live in US....

  21. I'd love to try the valencia oranges! We've been eating a LOT of clementines here...and I've never had a juicer before!

  22. That is a beautiful juicer, I'll come and pick it up if I win lol. Have a great weekend!

  23. Well considering this is the second thing I've seen about juicing I am thinking I really need to dig my old creaky juicer out of the junk room ... or better yet, try to win this one! lol

  24. I'm so lucky I'll be in Los Angeles till the end of April! So I'm definetly participating!
    I see it's the season for Honey tangerines, Valencia oranges and ruby rd grapefruit, so I'll pick the first ones as my favorite.

  25. Honey Tangerines sound really good to me. Thanks for the giveaway.


    zekks at yahoo dot com

  26. My favorite is the Florida "Ruby Red Grapefruit". Why? Its so tasty and ReD, the color of blood- sign of vitality.
    Excellent giveaway..The stainless steel juicer will "blend" well with my stainless steel appliances.

  27. Being an ex Floridian I already follow the orange shop. Now that I am a Californian I have a several citrus trees and no juicer! GREG

  28. I follow The Orange Shop on twitter.

    I would love some fresh ruby red grapefruit and orange juice mixed together.

  29. www.whatscookingwithdoc.April 16, 2010 at 10:59 AM

    I'm like Kara, I love blood orange juice-with a little champagne fora "Bloody Mimosa"!

  30. The Valencia Oranges and Ruby Red Grapefruit look great!!

  31. I am a big citrus fan of course living in Florida I should be:)
    My grapefruit and lemon tree have the best fruit, so I'll go with something I don't have. How about key lime, or blood orange!

    The tangerine/mango smoothie sounds really good too!

  32. I would love to try some of their honey tangerines. I never really thought of making grapefruit juice, that would be yum!

  33. I would love to try the spring time basket! Looks delicious : )

  34. Cool giveaway! Those valencia oranges look great to try!

  35. Love your new header!!!!!!I love the tangerine-mango combo!!!Fantastic, Rebecca!Great giveaway!

  36. Indian River Grapefruit! sounds interesting..I would love to try this one..

  37. This is a great giveaway...Thanks for hosting this...I will go with Honey Tangerines!

  38. Looks delicious. good luck to all your US readers.

  39. I say boy that honey tangerine looks great. Tks, Cyndi

  40. I want a juicer really bad!


  41. My pick is for Honey Tangerines. I've never tried them and I love clementines. Great giveaway, Rebecca!

  42. What a refreshing smoothie, Rebecca. I love freshly squeezed orange juice so so much!


  43. That smoothie looks fantastic. I would love to win this juicer. I am now following FoodThinkers on Twitter... and on the website, the Valencia Oranges look juicy and delicious! ***crossing my fingers!**

  44. I would love the Indian River grapefruit...yummy! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  45. Oh wow! A juicer would be amazing!! I would love the Oranges or Tangerines... love those but never cared for Grapefruit as much.

  46. Honey tangerines is what I'd love to try Rachel, and I just LOVE the giveaway. I have a US address, so am going to hope my name gets picked.
    Thank you!!

  47. Oh, my! Citrus fruit is a weakness of mine, and oranges are at the top of that list. I ate so many at my grandmother's when I was a kid, that I literally turned orange. Mom thought I might have "yellow jaundice" - back in the day! LOL! Would love to win the juicer and some great Florida oranges. LOVE THE BLOG!

  48. We'd love to try grapefruit here.

  49. I think the honey tangerine looks pretty scrumptious! would love to try.


  50. What a gawgeous juicer! I would love to juice Blood Oranges *swoon*

  51. Wow what a post! Great screenshots of juicer and juices and captions.
    I loved it..
    I felt like drinking juice that you have shown in the pictures

  52. That's one fine looking juicer. The honey tangerines sound divine! Thanks for an entry into your awesome giveaway. :)

  53. So hard to pick just one because we love citrus, but probably the Indian River Grapefruit.

  54. Love Honey Tangerines. They are my all time favorite. I believe this juicer will give me a glass of refreshing Tangerine Cooler

  55. I would love a sip of that sunny and delicious smoothie Rebecca! My favorite juice is orange and I would love a chance to win the Breville juicer.


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