Guest Post from My Man's Belly

It is with great pleasure to bring you a guest post from Pamela from My Mans Belly, this is a wonderful blog with first class recipes, good humor and relationship advice I love it. This is a special post as my Parents should be finally arriving tomorrow and Rhubarb is one of my Dad's favorite things shame she didn't post us all some of this yummy Rhubarb and Strawberry sauce, enjoy!

Spring’s Hidden Gem - Rhubarb

I’ve been reading Chow and Chatter for some time now and was honored when Rebecca asked me to write a guest post. Then my brain really kicked in and started taunting me with things like: What should I write? What would her readers like to see? Does anyone really want to hear what I have to say? Once my brain was done with the self-flagellation I was able to settle in to what I would write about.

A trip to the farmer’s market gave me all of the inspiration I needed. It’s rhubarb and strawberry season! If you’ve ever seen those pinkish red stalks (that kind of look like a really pretty celery stalk) and never knew what to do with them…I’m here to help.

Rhubarb is probably not something you want to sit down with and just start chewing on, it’s very tart. But when you mix it up with some of Spring’s fresh strawberries…now you’ve got something you can slather onto just about anything and give it a little zip of Spring.

Growing up, my mom always made strawberry rhubarb pie with a meringue crust. As I got older I realized why I liked it so much. I just liked the tart filling. Thus began my lust for rhubarb sauce. I eat it all by itself, which causes my husband to cringe while watching me slurp down the tart concoction. (He is not of the tart persuasion…he would be on the sweeter side of the coin.) But if there are any baked goods around, or pancakes, I catch him spooning it on very generously. While the rhubarb sauce is tart, when it’s put onto something sweet the pucker power of it is greatly diminished.

Makes approximately 1 ½ cups


  • · 1 Pound Strawberries (hulled and quartered)
  • · ½ Pound Rhubarb (sliced to ¼” – ½” pieces)
  • · ¼ Cup Water
  • · 3 Tablespoons Sugar*


  1. Add Strawberries, Rhubarb, Water and Sugar to a small saucepan. Cook ingredients over medium high heat until rhubarb is soft and falling apart. (This takes 20-30 minutes) Stir frequently to keep ingredients heated evenly.
  2. Remove from heat and let cool.

Serve by itself or over sponge cake, biscuits, toast, pancakes or even white fish.

*Or add more sugar to taste.

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  1. Oh YUM, you know I love this rhubarb treat! I miss the huge amounts I would get when clients at the cafe brought it to me, but I can drool over this dish, beautiful color too!

  2. You're right, rhubarb isn't normal in a dessert in my house, but with strawberries, things change a lot :)
    Sweet and colorful guest post Pamela and Rebecca!!

    Have a great week,


  3. Looks yummy, nice guest post rebecca

  4. Beautiful! Love the intensified colour of red. Thanks for the recipe, Pamela and Rebecca :)

  5. Have not tried rhubarb. Looks delicious. Hope to try this. Thanks for sharing.

  6. This looks the colour too!

  7. Thanks,
    I always mean to work with some rhubarb, but never get to it. I will now!

  8. I am overjoyed that it is rhubarb season as well! I just made some rhubarb sauce myself and definitely found myself eating it with a spoon. How could you not?

  9. I like rhubarb pie, but so often use rhubarb because of it's sourness. Recipe looks good though!

  10. Hi, never had rhubarb but looking at the photo it looks delish

  11. This is a great post, simple and yummy ;)

  12. making me homesick, so love rhubarb pie and this looks amazing! Thank you so much oh and Rebecca hope you have a lovely time with your parents!

  13. This looks really good. I will be honest, I have never tried rhubarb because it seems scary, just the sound of that. I think that makes me a bad dietitian, maybe? I really want to give some a try. One of my old coworkers always made stuff with it because his parents grew rhubarb, and I swear I never tried it because I was scared. Now I wish I did.

  14. thanks for all the comments will pass them onto Pamela

    Love Rebecca

  15. I love rhubarb! There is something about the tang and sweet that you can't get with any other vegetable. Great post!

  16. Great guest post! I love rhubarb too and find myself stocking up on it and stashing it in my freezer:D

  17. to tell you honestly i haven't tried a rhubarb yet... i have seen some posts about it lately so im intrigued... now i guess it's time for me to try

  18. Ah yes, rhubarb. You can't go wrong! But I like it pure with no berries, as Rebecca knows!
    But I might make an exception for this!
    Nice guest post!

  19. Sounds delicious and looks great! You chose the perfect topic, I like it! Can't wait for May--that's when the local farmers markets open here!

  20. Yes! Rhubarb! I made a huge batch of this and it's already gone. On toast, over vanilla ice cream, as a late-night snack all on its own. Except mine isn't nearly as pretty as this one but it is so good. Great guest post!

    ps) It turns into something extra special when you throw a vanilla bean into the pot.

  21. I love rhubarb and this is a wonderful recipe! Great post!

  22. This is easy-have put rhubarb on my grocery list!!!


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