Beautiful Spring

I thought I would share some beautiful blossom snaps from being out and about walking, isn't spring amazing. I love how the Japanese celebrate the start of the Cherry blossoms and enjoy the season of renewal. Its a great time to be thankful and renew ourselves like the trees do.

Magnolia just opening, I adore this trees we don't have them back home in the UK

Tulips, not mine maybe next year!

A lovely creek I love walking along

Showing little Jasmine the flowers she loves picking them. Have to be careful as the neighbors yards will get sparse!

Also I won a delightful giveaway from Brenda's sweet blog Ladybug Dreams, it was a gorgeous writing set, pens, sewing set and chocolate, little Jasmine got into this straight away!

Have a great weekend everyone, get out and enjoy the Spring Blossoms and maybe share your snaps!



  1. I love spring flowers. Sometimes, I just pause and take in all the smells of spring. Thanks for taking us on your walk. -Tien

  2. Rebecca, wish you a happy and peaceful weekend!

  3. We don't have four seasons here, so I always love to look at those beautiful pictures.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. What beautiful flowers. I hipe the spring weather is sticking around for you. It got much colder again in Baltimore.

  5. Wonderful spring and flowery girl Jasmine, so cute!

  6. I LOVE flowering tree!! I wish the blooms lasted longer. We have a japanese plum thats the most gorgeous thing ever for about a week. my neighbors next door have a magnolia that makes me swoon.

  7. Happy spring Rebecca to you and your lovely family. Have a great weekend.

  8. Spring has sprung. And it's so beautiful!

  9. Superb start to the photos of flowers everywhere. Have a great weekend

  10. Congratulations! I think Jasmine is the one who won the prize LOL! haha... Beautiful pictures! Love all the flowers especially those fully blooming trees.

  11. thanks, I love looking at beautiful flowers and trees, it cheers me up, btw your little girl is so cute :)

  12. Spring is indeed the season of smiles.

  13. Lovely spring pictures and yours too with Jasmine :D I'm just happy and excited that the freezing winter is finally over....brighter & warmer days ahead.....colours too :D Have a lovely weekend.

  14. Lovely spring pictures and yours too with Jasmine :D I'm just happy and excited that the freezing winter is finally over....brighter & warmer days ahead.....colours too :D Have a lovely weekend.

  15. There was a house in my street in Shepherds Bush that used to have a magnolia tree in the front garden, it gave me such pleasure each year to see it bloom. You don't see that many of them over here sadly.

  16. You are right...a beautiful time of renewal...what a beautiful neighborhood!

  17. It was a beautiful day in Scotland today Rebecca. We went to visit my DH's cousins for our 'New Year' lunch that was postponed due to the snow and ice at New Year. It certainly felt like a New Year had begun properly today in the warm sun.

  18. Thanks for that wonderful touch of spring! I love the photos with Jasmine. Blossoms are a favorite of mine too (they must be for you hence naming your daughter Jasmine) I'll see if I can get a photo of my Jasmine in bloom! :)

  19. gorgeous! I'm excited for spring. I love visiting my mom in spring when all the flowers are a bloomin'. But I guess the pollen is really bad this year? Thanks for the beautiful pictures :)

  20. Beautiful pictures, we do not have much in bloom here yet. And your sweetie is so cute!

  21. Where I live in California, it's been so gloomy lately. It's sad! But your pictures are making me jealous of the beautiful weather you've been enjoying! :)

  22. Tien: oh my pleasure love that you stop we don't do that often enough
    Angie: oh thanks so much and the same to you
    Anncoo: oh my hubby just told me its the same in India
    Melinda: oh sorry its ok here have fun with your folks
    the lacquer spoon smiles
    Lauren: oh I need to plant one!
    Simply life smiles
    Sam:oh thanks so much lol
    The Duo Dishes oh so true love it
    kitchen butterfly not like your pro pics though
    my little space she wins it all!
    Olive oh me too I snap pics all the time
    Claudia oh so true
    Mary: oh me too lol
    Sarah oh thats cool they can grow in the UK
    Carrie thanks not mine I drive to the good ones he he
    Janice: oh Mum and Dad said it was nice
    Lyndsey can't wait to see your Jasmine pic
    eating RD oh yeah the cars are covered aw well
    Brenda thanks so much

  23. Sook will send the nice weather your way

  24. Gorgeous pictures Rebecca! I love the cherry blossoms:D

  25. Such beautiful pics! My magnolia tree is blooming now, I just love it!

  26. Lovely photos. The wonders of spring. Have a good weekend.

  27. Awesome Spring-walk post! You know what I miss from childhood days? Jasmine. Yes. I used to wear thread-strung Jasmine on my head. Love and miss that heady perfume..I don't see it in the US.Atleast not in the NorthEast.
    Speaking of Jasmine, your daughter is a pretty flower!

  28. So beautiful, I've been enjoying beautiful weather, flowers and nature myself, and every time we go out for a walk my daughters bring a bunch of wild flowers home.

  29. Happy Spring to you and sweet Jasmine!

  30. Thanks for sharing your surrouding pictures, I like to see this kind of photos. You have a nice Spring. Too bad, Malaysia here don't have Spring, all time summer, hot and hot..

  31. Ahh, Spring! Spring is definitely my favorite time of the year, nature really shows it beauty this time of the year and makes me want to throw lots and lots of picnics. Great post! :)

  32. I love spring too, but I guess due to the changing weather patterns the weather is hotting up. This year is exceptionally hot in my hometown - Dehradun,

  33. Love it! I took a spring stroll yesterday too. Will take another today!

  34. Oh, spring looks so full of colors in your place! Jasmine shines among the flowers!

  35. Beautiful, Rebecca! Don't you love magnolia blossoms?

  36. Kim: oh me too lol
    Amanda: oh wow lucky thing add a snap to your blog
    Jenn: thanks you too
    Cool Lasse love Jasmine
    Dajana: oh Jasmine picks the neighbors flowers!
    Reeni: thanks so much
    Sonia: oh we are lucky for sure
    Kamran: thanks so much appreciate it
    Tava Tea going to India in Sept scared of the heat!
    Kris: enjoy your stroll
    sushma thanks
    Laura: oh your so kind
    Barbara oh they are my favs

  37. How adorable and what a thoughtful thing to do!

    It is so beautiful outside right now I am blog surfing on the patio!

  38. What gorgeous, gorgeous pics. Shes growing up so fast!!

  39. Your pictures look wonderful. We are still having snow in my world--it does melt off in between. Spring is a wonderful time of year. Enjoy all those flowering trees and budding flowers!

  40. Chef E oh great idea
    Ruth I know a proper lil girl now
    Christie hope it warms up for you soon lol


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