Pancetta and Shrimp Gumbo

After making the Pancetta risotto I was on twitter and asking @ChefAustinSzu about Pancetta he said it could be used in place of bacon in any recipe so I thought why not Gumbo!

This turned out to be fabulous Gumbo and had a good kick to it. Shame Jasmine wasn't so keen her Indian half hasn't kicked in yet!


8 slices of pancetta
one spoon olive oil
one small red onion chopped
4 cloves of garlic
one green pepper chopped
one cup of okra chopped
one cup of wild caught shrimp
2 small red chilli's
2 small tomatoes chopped
one cup of vegetable broth
3 medium potatoes chopped
some cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
salt and pepper to taste

  1. cook the pancetta for 3 minutes add the onions and garlic for another few minutes then add the pepper, chilli's, potato, tomato, okra
  2. add the broth and the rest of the spices turn the heat low and simmer for 10 minutes
  3. then add the shrimp and simmer for a further 15 - 20 minutes

Finally its so wonderful to have my parents here and magical to see them with Jasmine, heres a picture of our friend Wayne building a swing for her, stay turned for a picture of her in it. We have to wait two days for the cement to set that may prove too difficult!!

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  1. love the combination! I love replacing bacon with pancetta too :) Enjoy your time with your parents!

  2. A terrific gumbo, great idea to use pancetta here!

  3. The gumbo looks fantastic. You are truly blessed with a lovely family. Congrats. Cheers!

  4. The gumbo looks tasty. Can't wait to Jasmine on her swing. Have a fantastic visit with your parents.

  5. The gumbo looks delicious.
    Isn't Pancetta a Italian bacon? I call all these made with pork bellies "bacon". ;-))

  6. Jasmine is just so darn cute! And look how she is loving all the attention she is getting!

  7. It looks delicious...and you must have really happy to be with your parents..its such a wonderful feeling if you see them after a long time...

  8. Enjoy your visit with your family and the gumbo too!

  9. Looks delicious. I would love that poured over rice and make a delicious soupy rice.

  10. @Angie... the main difference between bacon and pancetta is that bacon is cured then smoked, whereas pancetta is only cured but not smoked

    thanks again for the mention =)

  11. Nice try! I'm pretty sure Jasmine will become the fun as she grows :)

  12. Wonderful! I remember when my parents put in a sand box for their grandkids! Jasmine will be so happy, as we all have wonderful memories of swinging at some point in our life!

    I love gumbo, my mom was from Louisiana, so we ate it often!

  13. Looks great! I must try to make this one day.

  14. The gumbo looks very filling and terrific. Nice to know that you and sweet Jasmine are having a great time with your parents! Enjoy!

  15. Nummy combination, how I love gumbo!

  16. She will come around, I'm sure. How could she not with such a delicious dish! Have fun with your parents!

  17. oooooooh another gumbo recipe, good to have parents over right? Cant wait to see the swing :)

  18. Looks like a delicious, hearty soup. What a little angel. Looks like she's in for hours of fun.

  19. this look so nice, and have fun with your parents.

  20. This looks really good. Great idea about adding pancetta.

  21. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time together! Pancetta is some good stuff:D

  22. Enjoy your parents!!!!! Love the pancetta-shrimp combination!

  23. Anything with shrimp wins my heart! Great idea to add the pancetta! Bet jasmine can't wait!!

  24. yay - is there anything more fun than a new swingset?!

    This is such a great recipe - nice idea to use pancetta in there.

  25. You already know how cute Jasmine is so I'll just gush over you latest creation. And gumbo just happens to be one of my very favorite things in the whole wide world so...gush gush gush.

  26. Why pancetta would be great in gumbo. Why didn't I think of it? Enjoy your family while they're here. Jasmine seems to be having a great time. Can't wait to see her in her swing.

  27. Delicious gumbo!!!!

    Aww... Jasmin gets her own little swing. I'm sure she'll have loads of fun with that.

  28. 3 hungry tummies: thanks so much I will be doing that more often
    5 star foodie: thanks so much
    Lazaro: oh I am smiles
    Mimi:oh the pic is on its way!
    Angie: oh they are all tasty
    Michelle oh its so cute to see her with them lol
    Sushma oh it really is
    Carrie thanks
    Mary: oh thats the perfect thing to do
    Austin S thanks for sharing with us chef LOL
    the lacquer spoon for sure
    Chef E oh your moms must have been amazing
    Paul thanks
    Anncoo: oh you will love it
    Cool Lassie oh your so kind
    lostpastremembered oh me to
    Sophie thanks so much
    Joanne thanks so much she will he he
    peannuts I am hooked on it lol
    peachkins thanks
    Barbara oh I am so excited she loves it
    Sonia aw thanks
    cherie thanks
    Kim: oh I just used it after blogging he he
    Erica thanks so much
    Ruth oh she can't
    Nancy: oh its the best thing for sure
    Lisa smiles
    Sam: not long will add a pic he he
    Jenn: oh she deserves one! lol

  29. Your gumbo looks like a big pot of comforting yumminess. How fun for Jasmine to have swings! Enjoy your visit with your parents!

  30. I've never really tried pancetta before....but I imagine if it's anything like bacon, it must be wonderful! What a lovely-looking gumbo! Yum!

  31. Delicious-looking gumbo--it's a favorite of mine. Glad you are having such a nice time with your parents. ;-)

  32. Love the pancetta idea and you have a good looking gumbo there!
    What a fun swing for Jasmine too. :)

  33. Love the pancetta idea and you have a good looking gumbo there!
    What a fun swing for Jasmine too. :)

  34. I've never made gumbo before-will try it out :)

  35. Pancetta is a dream ingredient. I use it in lots of things...especially since I started watching Giada, who uses it instead of bacon all the time.

    Love gumbos! This looks like a delicious recipe, Rebecca! A nice spicy one.

    PS: My teas arrived yesterday and I am thrilled! Thank you for such a lovely giveaway!

  36. Oops! That last interupted comment was me!

  37. This looks quite yummy! I have some shrimp leftover in the freezer, hmm... : )

  38. Great idea to use the pancetta for a gumbo!

  39. Reeni: thanks so much oh she adores the swing
    Sophia yep a lot like bacon it was my first time using it
    Deb: thanks
    Megan thanks so much lol
    Sweta; oh its so good and my hubby loves it
    Barbara so pleased you liked the tea you deserve it
    Rachel oh thats great enjoy
    taste of beirut thanks

  40. I do love gumbo and pancetta sounds wonderful for it! After all the trouble that the Iceland volcano created, it must be sweet to have your parents with you. And lucky Jasmine - that swing set looks like it will be such fun for her!

  41. oh this is really hearthy and lovely. Would love to dip my spoon in one of those :-)

  42. This looks delicious! I love pancetta, and I love gumbo...what a great combination! I enjoy your blog very much and have given you a Sunshine award. Please stop by my blog and pick it deserve it!


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