Guest Post with Skip to Malou

It is with great pleasure to introduce you to Malou she is one of the sweetest folks in the blogging World, a great Mum, amazing cook and has such a great outlook on life. I asked her to do a guest post in her own lovely style, be sure to visit her blogSkip To Malou it always brings a smile to my face.

It's almost noon during an unseasonably cold, hazy spring day as my daughter, hubby and I decided to take a walk at the beach. The beach? Really? On such an overcast day? I know, I know... it doesn't seem right but the beach being just in our backyard seems to always beckon us... especially when my eldest daughter comes for a visit... coming from a highly stressed environment, the beach is therapeutic... even minus the bright skies.

Spring is evident all around, even under grey skies. We drove past rows of flowers all in bloom. Vivid hues of shimmering yellow, romantic red and vibrant purple... the lively chorus of birds chirping and the rhythm of their flapping wings as they fly in droves... ahhh this is why I love spring!

On the beach, surfers in wet suits glide with the waves with grace and balance. The beach is not crowded, that makes us appreciate it more. My daughter and I giggled as we realized we moved in synchronized motion as we took our shoes off and ran towards the ocean. Meanwhile, my husband was standing, watching over us by the roadside, seemingly content with the captivating views of the the cliffs and the ocean... and relaxing to the sound of the crashing waves landing on the shore.

We screamed every time the waves hit the shore and washed our feet. We could see my husband's head shake as he hears our screams and shreiks.. but we didn't care... we were there to enjoy and celebrate the beauty of God's gifts in a rare occasion where it's just the three of us.

As we dusted off the sand from our shoes before entering the house, my daughter glimpsed at the pictures posted on the wall. The gallery of photos has always been there on the entry way all these years, but having a wonderful feeling coming from the beach, she looked at these pictures differently.

"Heartwarming" she said... to see the last pictures we had in my hometown at about the same time in early April, one Easter weekend ten years ago. Even when we move, these pictures always find their place on the entry wall. It happened to be the last Easter we celebrated before we moved to the US. They never fail to remind us of the good times we had in the past. The nostalgic feeling led my daughter to request for one of her comfort food from my home town... and yes, which leads me to share with you the recipe of a noodle dish known in my home town as BATIL PATUNG.

Batil Patung is stir fried noodles served with an egg topping (patung),and a side serving of egg drop soup (batil) the dish is not complete without the sauce--- soy sauce and vinegar with lots of raw onions. It maybe high in cholesterol and sodium but hey there's no taste like home!


1/4 lb. ground beef
1 pc. chinese sausage, sliced
chinese cabbage, sliced
mongo sprouts
carrots, sliced
onions, diced
garlic, minced
soy sauce
oyster sauce
beef stock
fresh egg noodles (found in the refrigerated items section in an asian store)


  1. Sauté the garlic and onions. Add ground beef and sausage. Cook for about 4 minutes or until beef is brown and the sausage is cooked. Add the vegetables. Season it with soy sauce and oyster sauce. Adjust to taste. Set aside.
  2. De-glaze the pan using beef stock. (you can also use chicken or pork stock). Add soy sauce and oyster sauce Let it simmer. When the soup stock is simmering, break an egg and stir. Pour into a serving bowl and set aside.

3. Using the same pan and with the remaining soup stock, add the noodles. (You may add more beef stock if needed) Cook the noodles for about 3-4 minutes.

Place the noodles on a serving plate. Arrange the stir-fried beef, sausage and vegetables on top. Add a poached egg.


Soy sauce with lemon or a little vinegar
Diced onions.

We enjoyed slurping the soup and reviving the memories we had back home. As my daughter says: “those were good times, good times!”

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  1. Nice tale and taste! I love going to the beach always bring out the kid in me..never get tired of watching the ebb and flow of the waves crashing at my feet..the "boundless vastness" makes you feel humbled.
    The stir-fry looks good.

  2. Oh yay I love Malou! She never fails to brighten my day.

    This looks like a delicious stick-to-your-bones kind of recipe!

  3. I love how you presented the dish. I want to sink my overworked teeth into it!! haha

  4. Malou, you're a sweetie and it's great to see you here! Thanks for shining your spotlight on her, Rebecca. 8-)

  5. Wonderful post. Well-written and interesting. Great recipe, fantastic flavor profile. I did a guest blog last week, what an awesome experience to touch base with a new reading audience. Cheers!

  6. It is so wonderful whenyour children visit and they take a new comfort in their home-suddenly the photos that have been on the walls for years, comes alive. I look forward to that day.

    A day at the beach is wonderful and thank you for sharing this soul satisfying meal with us.

  7. this is a great post and such a wonderful recipe!delicious!

  8. oh rebecca.. thanks for the kind words... and thank you for the feature... im glad to impart positve thoughts ... life is short, we all desserve to enjoy it!

  9. Lovely post! Japan has a similar fried noodle and glad to find we're sharing our cultures. Thank you, Rebecca and Malou :)

  10. I love Skip to Malou's blog too. Love her family story. That's a lovely noodle meal. Beautiful presentation.

  11. Nice to know malou, and loved what she did too...lovely dish

  12. Very nice presentation. Love reading her blog ;)

  13. Looks fantastic, from where in Asia is this dish?

  14. What a beautiful and heartwarming post. I'm off to check out her site:D Thanks for sharing Rebecca!

  15. What a sweet story! This dish looks really delicious! What a treat.

  16. Lovely story; I think we all probably have things that immediately make us feel at home when we move.
    The ocean is mesmerizing... I love it.
    Excellent recipe, Malou, and thank you, Rebecca, for introducing me!

  17. So nice to meet you Malou! thank you for sharing the lovely story and post. Those noodles really look tempting!! And thanks to Rebecca too, for finding such wonderful bloggers!!

  18. I love Malou too :-) She is a great cook and a wonderful lady :-)Such a lovely post here..Thanks Rebecca :-)

  19. I will pass on all your wonderful comments to Malou she is such a Joy LOL Rebecca

  20. Malou, want a sweet post! Your writing always reflects the warm sentiment and care that are the essence of your personality.

  21. I want to walk the beach with Malou. I also would like the high-cholesterol, sodium-laden food that she has tempted me with and it's just a delightful post.

  22. Those noodles look so fresh and delicious! Yum!

  23. Malou is such a cheerful and friendly person. She brightens up my day. Malou, you have to cook for me one day. Great noodle dish. Thanks for the guest post Rebecca.


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