Charleston SC Eats

My hubby had a fun days off so we decided to head down to Charleston SC for a couple of nights with my friend and her 11 month old. We got a great deal on a lovely cottage on Folly Beach it was beautiful and it was my friends baby first time to the beach. Jasmine had so much fun with the "Baby!"
Today we ate at SNOB or Slightly North of Broad in Downtown Charleston-192 East Bay St.
Charleston, SC 29401 the wait was really long, it was recommended to me by @EatItAtlanta on twitter! it was a great restaurant with typical low country food I would give it 7/10.

The Interior

Align Center

One thing I thought was great they brought little bowls of fruit for the girls before they took the order.

I got a beef shank in a olive and tomato sauce with mashed potato and okra overall very nice. The beef was from a local Organic butcher

Hubby got fried chicken livers and grits very Southern!Align Center

My friend got shrimp and grits with homemade sausage this was really good.

The coolest thing for me was the discovery that there is a tea plantation South of Charleston the only one in America and the tea was really good!, we enjoyed this with a slice of carrot cake no picture it was gobbled up fast!

Then this evening we went to a Local seafood place near folly beach look at the Sunset!

Sauteed shrimp this was yummy but unfortunately the only thing on the menu not fried!

Deviled Crab

We had a lovely couple of days in Charleston, if you haven't been its a must. One of my favorite cities in the US beautiful buildings good food and Southern Charm and they grow tea!!!

I will announce the giveaway winners tomorrow, stay tuned

Love from South Carolina


  1. Looks like you had plenty of fun and Jasmine seems to be enjoying her bowl of fruits! Enjoy!

  2. I want some of those deviled crab!! Yum!!!!!

  3. I've been to Charleston several times, and it's a nice city. It's one of my hubby's favorite places.

  4. Awesome trip! It looks like you got the full southern comfort treatment.

  5. Look like you had a lot of fun in this trip, good for you!

  6. Your post conveys how you all are enjoying the day-off, indeed! Food looks awesome!! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. How charming! I have been reading about Southern food, sounds really interesting!

  8. Lovely place and seems u all had so much fun...

  9. lovely place..n hope u enjoyed ..

  10. Beef shank with okra looks really great! The place seems quite nice.

  11. We love Charleston. It has such old southern charm. It's the best place in the world to eat shrimp and grits. I'm sure the homemade sausage had to put it over the top.

    Sadly but true, so many seafood places in the south fry most everything. You made an excellent choice with the shrimp you ordered. I've heard that the locals still love their seafood fried. Until that changes, I guess nothing will.

    I'm impressed that the restaurant brought fruit for the kids.

  12. shrimp and grits , livers and grits, the shank - I wouldnt know what to pick - looks like fun!

  13. I have always wanted to go to Charleston. It looks so beautiful and historic. Looks like you had a great day!

  14. Looks like you had a great time. It's nice that they serve the kids fruits before they take the orders...

    blowing peachkisses
    The Peach Kitchen
    peach and things

  15. Gorgeous seafood!! Drooling here! So glad you had a great time! Like the idea of the little bowls of fruit too.

  16. That's where we were this past week! I had She crab soup for the first time and it was amazing!

  17. What a lovely getaway! We loved our visit to Charleston as well and I remember that we brought back some of that tea back home!

  18. Love the site redesign! I'm a little behind on blog reading.

    Glad Charleston was so nice! I've never been there, but it looks like a great place to visit. :-)

  19. What a wonderful place to be! I've always heard about SC, the company, the food and for me the quilting has a great reputation. Happy you had a great time.

  20. Cool Lassie: oh loved that they gave fruit
    Jenn: smiles wish I could have sent u some
    Judy: oh your hubby has good taste
    Joanne:oh thats for sure
    Sonia: thanks so much
    the lacquer spoon thanks for coming along
    3 hungry tummies come on over and visit we can take u!
    Sushma oh we did thanks
    Subhie thanks
    Angie: LOL
    Sam: oh your right hope they learn to fry less for us healthy folks lol
    doggybloggy oh you would love Charleston
    Kim: hope you get to visit lol
    peachkins i was impressed
    Ruth oh its your kind of town!
    Mireya oh thats wonderful
    Mimi: lol
    5 star foodie great minds think alike
    Emily hope you can visit no problem your a busy student lol
    Dana thanks
    Cristie thanks so much

  21. I love Charleston and all the surrounding areas. We stayed in Folly Beach last summer and had a fabulous time!

  22. I have always wanted to go there! The food looks fantastic and sounds like you had a brilliant time!

  23. sinful Southern sweets oh isn't it lovely there
    lostpastremembered: oh I hope you get to visit one day

  24. What a great trip! The food looks really good, glad I ate breakfast already!

    Jasmine is going to be quite the food enthusiast!

    I drove through Charleston once, but more time in NC, than SC...


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