Easy Beef Goulash and Good News

This was an nice easy, ground beef version of Goulash and yep using the Le Creuset again he he

  • one pack of lean beef
  • one chopped onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoon of paprika
  • one tablespoon of all purpose flour
  • one can of chopped tomatoes
  • some tomato puree
  • pinch of salt
  • one green bell pepper chopped
  1. saute the onions, garlic, pepper and meat in olive oil for 5- 10 minutes then still in the flour, tomatoes and paprika
  2. simmer on low for 30 minutes
Now you can't get any easier than that! serve with rice and vegetables or also great with egg noodles.

This dish would also freeze very well, great for those days when your really busy.

Good News a recent study done in middle aged folks in Israel found that when they lost an average of 12 lb and kept it of over 2 years they were able to decrease the plague (fatty deposits that lead to heart disease) in their necks. This is great news so by following a balanced diet and losing weight we can reverse some of the damage of athersceloris/hardening of the arteries


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  1. You are loving this Le Creuset cooking aren't you! New toys are fun!

    I love goulash, have not had it in a while...

  2. If I had a Le Creuset I would be using it at every meal. I have a giveaway with the Le Creuset pinch bowls that I so want but am giving away!

  3. Looks wonderful. I love one dish meals. And some to freeze too...wow.

  4. You are loving that pan! ( I know that is what Chef E said too-I was thinking the exact same thought) I received a Dutch oven for Christmas and I have really been enjoying it as well.

    I really like your goulash recipe. I have to put that on my list of dishes to make. Thanks.

  5. Nice info and a lovely click too rebecca..

  6. wish I had hat pan! mmmm deliciousness

  7. chef E: oh I love it I just made a Thai soup in it as well LOL
    Mom on the Run: hope you get one lol
    Foodie with little thyme: oh me too easy and good
    Velva: oh it was so good, I know you guys will get to know my red pan very well he he
    Sushma: thanks
    Zurin: aw thanks
    Bo: good man!

  8. Goulash is wonderfully easy, tasty and healthy! the good news is always welcome!

  9. I never met a goualsh I didn't like. :-D

    I need to get me some le creuset stuff. I barely just got myself a cast iron skillet.

  10. Man you are making great use of your new toy! ;-)
    The goulash looks delicious!

  11. My Le Creuset will be coming out as the weather is turning colder.

  12. That looks like a great comforting meal!

  13. This is a new dish to me. Looks very delcious. Thanks for sharing the health news.

  14. doggybloggy: you know!
    Claudia: it was my first time lol
    fresh local and best aw thanks
    Jenn: go on treat yourself!
    Deb: got to get my moneys worth he he
    Penny: thats right our seasons are back to front!
    Angie: it was nice lol
    Mary: my pleasure

  15. hey - send me an e mail - my computer crashed and I cant find your e mail...

  16. Rebecca, that is awesome. The beef goulash is comforting and very flavorful. I don't blame you for using it everyday. :D

  17. Hey, First time here. You have quite a collection of recipes here! The ghoulash looks fabulous! Following you! Could ground lamb be used for this?
    BTW, I love the Le Creuset range of dutch ovens. I am going to wait till Black Friday to snag some at a bargain! Hey, love your profile picture. When I stumble over a new blog I am always checking the profile pictures. Is that Tuscany?

  18. I love goulash and this looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing the good news!

  19. That looks so delish Rebecca...looks like beef keema.nice one

  20. yummy and easy... perfect for those rush crazy days...thanks for sharing the study

  21. I love Beef Goulash. I want to add this in my to do list :)

  22. You are sure making good use of your Le Creuset. I haven't made goulash in years thanks for the reminder on what a delicious meal this is.

  23. If only studies like the one you mention were enough of a drive to make people become aware of the problems of eating too much!

  24. thank you both for the goulash recipe and the good news :)..I would love to have a dutch oven like yours too..really nice! :)

  25. Looks wonderful.....nice click Rebecca!

  26. This would be perfect over rice as you suggested. It looks so rich and comforting.

  27. Beef goulash is always good news to me... But, in all seriousness, it was interesting to learn about the Israeli study. Never too late to do something about one's health, seemingly

  28. Looks good, I love goulash. I like your good news, I could do to lose a pound or two myself!

  29. Wonderful recipe love Goulash and the news are very good for dieters!



  30. Gotta love cast iron! Meat's best friend.
    Looks very comforting indeed.

  31. My mom used to make the best goulash. And I don't have her recipe. (She probably never wrote it down!)
    So I'm going to try yours. It looks wonderful, Rebecca!

  32. This goulash looks really good. I use a ground beef recipe for goulash as well. Mmmm, now I am hungry for goulash! =)

  33. Your Goulash looks fantastic! I haven't had it like that before. I need to make more Goulash!

  34. This recipe looks good! And it definitely looks like something I could make.
    I am hungry right now so I probably shouldn't be reading your blog. haha.

  35. Your goulash looks excellent! So hearty and comforting!

  36. doggybloggy: sure thing
    Divina: smiles
    Cool Lassie sure lamb would be great the pic is in the South of France thanks for stopping by and following on my way to your blog
    Azita; my pleasure
    Vrinda; yep is like keema
    Nour: oh love quick recipes
    Anncoo: hope you like it
    Mimi: my pleasure
    Laura: i know but its complex as you know lol
    Olive: hope you get one lol
    aruna: aw thanks
    Bridgett: thanks
    aforkful of spaghetti love the results of that study
    trendsetters thanks
    Janice: oh I hear ya!
    Gera: smiles
    Natashya; and mine!
    Barbara: oh wish you had her recipe
    Emily: u can make it next
    Lyndsey: it was my first time!
    swankyrd: your funny
    ReeniL thanks

  37. I love goulash and yet always forget to make it. Interesting fact about the weight loss.

  38. Oh, I love beef goulash, especially in the midst of the Minnesotan winter! Reminded me so much of my days there! Thanks, Becca! Yours looks so good ... So is your Le Creuset ... Argh ...

  39. Sarah: thanks I love that study
    Pei Lin wow it must have been so cold there

  40. Being of Hungarian descent, I totally love ghoulash. You are fortunate to have a Le Creuset. I never bought one and now wish I had.

  41. You could add avocados to the mix! really yummy, and they help you lose weight! read the facts at our blog!

  42. You could add avocados to the mix! really yummy, and they help you lose weight! read the facts at our blog!


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