Guest Post: Verrines and a Winner!

I saw a wonderful post on verrines by Barbara of Moveable Feasts I love her blog, so full of life with amazing dishes. I asked her if she would mind sharing the post with Chow and Chatter so here it is, Thanks Barbara.

Also the winner of the Black and White Cookie Giveaway is Mireya please email your address (rebeccasubbiah at yahoo dot com)- Congrats


A while back a couple of my favorite bloggers introduced me to verrines. I'd never heard of them before and since have discovered they've been quite popular in Europe for several years. We must be a tad behind in the U.S. because a search for books on the subject didn't yield much, although I did finally find a a gem of a book simply entited "Verrines". It's in French, so I'll have to depend on a few food blogger friends from Europe and my daughter, who speaks the language fluently.

Verrines can be just about anything: appetizer, salad or dessert. For my trial run I chose an appetizer verrine. Now I don't have the adorable glasses that Kate and the book have, but used a small glass coffee cup. It seemed the perfect size for an appetizer as savory as this. I loved the way it turned out and served it the same night. Everyone was so enthusiastic!

After looking through the book more thoroughly it occurred to me that many of these verrines actually looked like deconstructed salads, appetizers and desserts. I had been introduced to deconstruction of dishes on a TV show called Top Chef. Why not try it with a dessert verrine? So I made a dish I have been meaning to post anyway called Eton Mess. And deconstructed it in the brandy glass so when it's served, everyone can stir it all together and make the "mess" they're supposed to make! Eton Mess- for those of you who haven't heard of it- originated at one of England's most famous public schools, Eton. As I understand, it is served during their prize-giving ceremonies. I think this translates perfectly into a dessert verrine.

Enjoy my two successful experiments, take another look at your glassware, think about what recipes you could showcase in some of them and go for it! Be sure to let us know all about your creative endeavors!

Verrine À l'italienne

Adapted from Verrines by José Maréchal


60 grams (2 ounces) of black olive tapenade
50 grams (1.6 ounces) pesto

4 tomatoes
60 grams (2 ounces) sun dried tomatoes
large ball of Buffalo mozzarella


Cut the tomatoes into quarters, remove seeds and dice. Mix the tomatoes with the sun dried tomatoes in a food processor and process.

Cut thin slices of mozzarella with a cookie cutter that is exactly the size of your container.

To finish your verrine, layer tapenade, a slice of mozzarella, the tomato mixture, another slice of mozzarella and top it off with pesto. Serve with breadsticks.

Eton Mess Verrine
Adapted from Jamie Oliver’s Cook with Jamie


1 basic meringue recipe (or buy some ready-made)
1 pint whipping cream
1 vanilla pod, scored and seeds removed
2 tablespoons sugar
2 cups strawberries, hulled and sliced
1/2 cup raspberries
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon rosewater


Have your meringues prepared in advance. Whip the cream with the vanilla seeds. Soft peaks are good enough, you don’t need it to get too stiff. Take half the fruit, mash it in a bowl with sugar, balsamic vinegar and rosewater. The other half I sliced and added a touch of sugar. Smash the meringues into smallish chunks. Bring out your glasses and layer as follows: some of the crushed fruit, some crushed meringue, some whipped cream and then some of the sliced berries. Continue until your verrine is filled and top with a nice strawberry.

I was twitter today chatting to Rachel from Laptops and Stovetops and I saw she had an amazing Verrine for Valentines heres the link

Has anyone heard of these, I hadn't and have you made them?

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  1. I saw these verrines on Barbara's blog as well and was amazed! They are so pretty and yet I had never heard of them. Now I absolutely need to make one.

  2. Sorry it's been so long since I have commented! I have made verrine's and I love Eton Messes. They are both elegant and delicious in addition to being very versitile!

  3. There are beautiful dishes! Thanks for the introduction Rebecca! Off to her blog now.

  4. I adore Barbara's blog too! I just saw the verrines there...I never knew verrines existed, but they are just such simple yet exquisite things!

  5. wow so beautiful and amazing verrines...didnt know what is was until i saw ur post...and congraz to the winner,lucky one...

  6. Never heard of them until now. What an awesome looking dish! I like your version as well as Barbara's! My hearty congrats to the winner!

  7. I love Barbara's blog. These verrines are so pretty, never tried these before.

  8. This term is completely new to me but they look just fabulous.
    I have posted something especially for you at my blog so pls do check out and kindly accept my big SORRY.

  9. Oh they all look fabulous! so pretty and colourful. what a good idea for a dish or dessert. ^^

  10. Yummy,
    Thanks Rebecca,
    I always learn something from you!

  11. I am just loving this new idea and how beautiful everything is!

  12. I learn so much over here - go figure - but its true!

  13. Oh My..i am drooling over those pics...too good....

  14. Thanks, Rebecca. Love the Valentine's verrine. Copying the URL. Am making another with rhubarb to post soon!

  15. I have been reading alot abt verrines these days...looks amazing!

  16. So pretty - I do love layering foods. I make something similar with the tapenade, pesto and mozzarella - just present it differently. You hve me thinking of all sorts of wonderful verrines now - oh the possibilities!

  17. I saw theses on Barbara blog and thought how fun they would be to make.

  18. I have never heard of Verrines before, where the heck have I been!?!?! Oh well, everything looks beautiful.

  19. I've never heard of them either. What's the difference between a verrine and a parfait? It kind of seems similar..


  20. I saw these amazing verrines on Barbara's site too!

  21. everything looks beautiful, but they are new to me..great post !

  22. So gorgeous!! What masterpieces indeed!

  23. thanks all for your comments, be sure to check out Barbara's blog if you haven't already
    and Pari I love the chaat lol Rebecca

  24. All of the verrines are so gorgeous and colorful. It sure makes for a pretty presentation.

  25. I love these verrines. I've never made one before and will definitely give one a try!

  26. By the way Rebecca, I wanted to let you know how much I treasure your friendship and how blessed I am to know you! You are so genuine and so filled with kindness! Thanks for being my friend! xoxo!! Diana

  27. These are cool - just think of all the things you do with a verrine. Fun!

  28. I've never heard of verrines but as I do speak French and 'le verre' is glass, then all we are talking about is something in a glass with a clever little name. A very smart concept and certainly they do make the food look good!

  29. Rebecca,
    Wondering if Verrines can be made in the form of smoothie. Just curious. If yes, then I might whip up something and post about it. :)

  30. Janice oh thanks cool to know the French
    Diana: oh lova ya too, will facebook you
    Lassie: i guess so Barbara would know lol

  31. This is wicked good...does that sound weird? Grin....been hanging out with some friend's kids and I think that means....good! What a great idea! I have several parties to go to soon so this might fit the bill!

  32. These verrines all looks so wonderful-I guess it's time for me to make one...

  33. Great post! I hadn't heard of Verrines either until I read this. I guess that I have kind of been making them and calling them my own little thing, I even posted something similar on my blog a couple of months back. I guess I had only thought of going the dessert route- I am so excited to do savory & salads along the same line- I can't wait to post on my blog about fabulous Verrines. Thank you for the inspiration and beautiful pics!

  34. Oh My...I have never heard of Verrines as well. This is the first and I hope to be able to make one soon.

  35. Trish: oh love it wicked good
    Stella thanks so much for stopping by, can't wait to see yours
    Rhandi thanks for stopping by will look for your verrines as well
    penny: oh yours will be fab

  36. I had never heard of these until now but they look fantastic! Thanks for introducing them! Also, I finally got around to making a blogroll and have added you. =) Have a great weekend!

  37. Just beautiful-I bought a verrines book at xmas-I need to start cooking.

  38. OOOOh - they looks so good. I haven't made them but I want to try now!

  39. Wow, I had been making little things in glasses for catering (so people can move about parties and nibble with clean fingers.) I never knew it actually had a name, that sounds so much better then "blah blah in a glass"
    Thanks I love your blog!

  40. thanks all I knew you would love this
    Renee feel free to email me a pic to share LOL

  41. These two dishes both look amazing. I have heard of verrines, one of my favourite bloggers, Mowielicious does them from time to time and I always mean to get some suitable glasses.

    I did some trifles in wine glasses recently and they did look good but were a bit on the large side!

  42. wonderfull...congratulations to the winner....eheh:P

  43. That looks great!
    Try adding almonds to the mix... read the health benefits at my blog!

  44. oh wow - super super pretty. I can't say how much I love these, especially the verines with the strawberries and the roses. I had never heard of these before your blog post, but I NEED to make one ASAP.

    best regards,

    Sasha Http://



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