Carrot and Date Bread and be Silly!

For Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a day we were to make a carrot bread and Olive Spelt bread unfortunately I didn't make the later but folks said it was so good. The carrot bread made a wonderful sweet bread with a cup of tea and we enjoyed this for breakfast. It also had coconut and I added dates.

be sure to head on over to Michelle's blog Big Black dogs to see what everyone else did in this wonderful group.

Finally be silly!
your never too old to act like a kid!


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  1. Such a cute picture of you and the baby!

    I almost added dates but finally settled on apples and cherries but now I wish I've of added some dates or maybe even figs!

  2. What a great the pic of you and baby!!!

  3. That's a great and lovely photo. Your bread looks awesome too.

  4. I almost added dates to my version as well, but decided on currants instead. This is a good bread to serve with tea.

  5. It is fun to be silly, even at my age! Do you know what 'see food' is?

    I would teach Jasmine that, mouth full of bread, open my mouth and "Jasmine, See Food", lol!

  6. I love it! Your bread looks great and no, you're never to old to be silly! It made me smile!

  7. Michelle: oh figs would be great thanks she is so much fun
    femalechef: thanks
    Divina: smiles
    Chef E yep love that one
    Cathy: oh perfect with tea
    Lyndsey: love making ya smile

  8. Oh the bread looks fantastic, Rebecca! And you and your daughter are too cute!

  9. I have to say coconuts and dates are my favorite, but I will definitely have to try it with carrot cake! Yum.

  10. I don't know how you crank out the blog posts and bake with hands full of your darling baby! Great job!

  11. i love your motto about being silly - because frankly, that's what i call myself all the time. the colors of the bread look great!

  12. It must be the week for carrots-I made carrot cupcakes this week. Your baby is sweet.

  13. Lovely pic rebecca and thats a lovely combo bread which is perfectly baked...

  14. Healthy, yes!! I can be silly anytime for this :D

  15. WHat a beautiful baby! Your bread looks wonderful and I love the addition of dates. I'd like to try that in my next batch of carrot bread.

  16. Lovely picture of you and your baby, you must had a wonderful moment with your baby..This sound like a healthy bread..

  17. such a lovely photo! this looks like a delicious and healthy bread.

  18. Darling picture! The bread looks wonderful too!


  20. Omg, wat a delicious and healthy bread, love the pic of u and ur kid..

  21. Another healthy and delicious bread. Love your cute!

  22. Another easy bread for baking novice like me.
    Charming photo Rebecca!

  23. Sounds like a lovely nutritious bread!

    Jasmine is so cute! :)

  24. yup, never to old! Your bread looks like what Germans would call a cake. So light looking.

  25. Hubs and I act silly a lot when our grandkids visit. Your bread looks great! I would have loved dates in ours but I did not have any at the time. I think the dates would have made it sweeter. I saw that you are following my blog. You should come back over and comment on my give away post if you like what you see.

  26. Oh my gosh! That is a super cute picture of Jasmine and you! The bread sounds wonderful!

  27. Baking and a baby? You are the bomb! Your bread looked delish!

  28. peachkins: thanks
    Sook: smiles thanks so much
    Kim: oh its good
    Renee; late nights eek
    Krissy: good motto
    Esme: oh that sounds lovely
    sushma: thanks
    the lacquer spoon: smiles
    Bonnie they worked well
    Sonia: we need to cherish those moments for sure
    Azita: you would love the bread making book
    Mother Rimmy thanks
    doggy bloggy will check it out
    Priya: thanks
    Mary: thanks
    3 hungry tummies oh i bet your bread would be great
    Lisa come visit!
    a bowl of mush yeah its pretty healthy has sugar in it it tough!
    Petra: love German cakes
    Brenda: ok will do that
    fresh local and best thanks lol

  29. I used figs in mine which must have tasted very similar to the dates. Great idea! Your loaf looks so much nicer than mine too.

    Adorable photo :)

  30. Love the photo very cute, could use some silliness around here.

  31. Happy Easter Day! I've an award for you, please come and pick it up when you're free.

  32. Your carrot bread look scrumptious and you and Jasmine are so cute!

  33. It is such a great feeling to be silly with the little ones. I love that! Yummy bread too and would be perfect with my tea this morning as well!

  34. such a cute click!..lov d bake..neva tried wth dates...will give atry,,,nice shot

  35. You and Jasmine are adorable! What a cute pair.

    Love the dates you added to this bread. They must have added a nice sweetness.

  36. I didn't have time to make the olive bread either. Your carrot bread looks great. Anything with coconut has got to be good :)

  37. So cute!!Beautiful snap :)
    The bread sounds wonderful too!!

  38. You and Jasmine are so cute! The bread looks yummy. Adding dates to carrot bread is a great idea.

  39. Oh my goodness that looks so cute...and a wee bit silly too! Grin. Love the bread. Dates have been on my 'mind' lately too...trying to use them up. Come on over for a 'look see'.

  40. I loved the dates I put in mine, and the picture of you and your daughter are so fun! It makes baking worth it when you have someone to share it with :)

  41. You can tell that you and Jasmine are having a wonderful time in the photo!

    The bread looks great.

  42. savoring time in the kitchen oh love the idea of figs
    Peanutts go on pull a funny face!
    Anncoo always free for u'
    Reeni: thanks so much lol
    Bridgett see the Brit has worn of on you with the tea!
    Subhie: thanks so much for stopping by
    Joanne: thanks sure did
    Teresa; aw well at least we did one smiles
    Sweta: thanks my friend
    Mimi: thanks
    Trish: on my way over!
    Ezzie thanks
    Christie oh so true
    kim: she is so much fun

  43. What a great the pic of you and baby!!!
    free internet jobs

  44. New here... I just loved it.... I will try it out soon :)

  45. Kanishk thanks
    Aps: welcome thanks for stopping by
    Sophie: thanks and well said


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