Roast Beef and Yorkshire Puddings

On Sunday I made roast beef and yorkshire puddings, Its a tradition back home in the UK to have a roast dinner on Sunday's as a dietitian we always joke with folks that its the only day of the week folks eat their veggies, sad but it can be true.

So I roasted the beef with fresh herbs (rosemary, cloves, thyme, sage), garlic, a little red wine with carrots and potatoes all in all pretty good. But a wee bit dry, I did it at 300 for 2 hours, help me fellow food bloggers and foodies what did I do wrong?

But the Yorkshire puddings were lovely, small but good all the same, the best are made by my Grandma who hails from Yorkshire!

  • about 2 cups of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of flour multi purpose flour
  1. blend it all together until you get a pancake batter
  2. heat the oven to 400 needs to be nice and hot, add a little olive oil to the bottom of the muffin pan then fill with batter and add to the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Oh and as a little treat with a cup of tea the left over Yorkshire puddings are great with jam, or golden syrup!

Has anyone else had Yorkshire puddings?

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  1. I haven't ever had Yorkshire pudding but I've been meaning to give it a try. Yours looks wonderful!

  2. I'm very fascinated by yorkshire puddings! I love making them and watching them through the oven window. It is amazing how they rise up right before your eyes.

  3. I love yorkshire pudding! It is great with roasted beef.

    Did you bring the beef to room temperature before roasting, it helps!

  4. never heard it before.Sounds easy!!

  5. I've been wanting to make Yorkshire pudding for such a long long LONG time. I'm moving this up on my thing to make list.

  6. I must have ago at yorkshire pudding too! that looks like a wonderful meal..!

  7. Your puddings look perfect. I really like them. They look so cute. I must give a try.

  8. Hmm yorkies! Couldnt live without them and yours look perfect. I think 2 hours may be a bit too long for the beef, depending on the meat cut. If a nice tender cut I would stick to just over an hour :)

  9. This is one of our family favorites in the Hoffer family. I love your individual Yorkshire puddings. This would make sure everyone gets their fair share of this wonderful treat.

  10. Yum! What a fabulous meal! I've always wanted to make Yorkshire puddings but haven't gotten around to making them yet. They look so delicious!

  11. Something new to me...looks really mouthwatering...

  12. I do make this - even if just once a year - around New Year's. It's the grandest family meal! Yours looks perfect!

  13. My grandma's yorkshire puddings were the best, big and puffy and you could fill the inside with gravy. Oddly I've never made them myself but then I don't often roast beef at home and I wouldn't serve them with any other meat.

  14. Barbara Bakes: oh you must try it a British classic
    Danielle: good taste
    Bo: oh so true its awesome to watch them cook
    Fresh local and best thanks for the meat tip, I'll learn
    Shanana: it is and so good
    Jenn: can't wait to see yours
    Zurin: thanks
    Mary: hope you try
    Sushma: thanks
    Ruth: thanks for the great advice on the meat appreciate it
    Sam: oh your family knows good food lol
    5 star foodie: u will love them

  15. Vrinda: thanks
    Claudia: oh so cool you make it
    Sarah: wow grandmas are always the best cooks

  16. My English friend, Katie, has been talking about these. We have not gotten together to make these. I will have to try your recipe soon. Thanks for sharing. -Tien :)

  17. We love having this in our home. It is such a great British tradition.

  18. My all time favorite meal! Your Yorkshire puddings are spectacular, too. Thanks...

  19. omg! my mom used to make yorkshire pudding... so good, thanks for this

  20. Ahhh, this looks so good. I'm starving now!

  21. Lovely, lovely, lovely - can't beat a good Yorkie! You've given some fab top tips for successful Yorkies, too, so I hope more people will have a go at making them...

  22. I wish I could give you some advice on the beef but I've never done one before. I would use the crockpot next time, if you have one. Those little puddings look great!

  23. Tien: oh hope you try them
    Bridgett: smiles
    George: oh cool
    Anne: oh thats lovely
    sinful southern sweets: have one!
    a forkful of spaghetti oh me to hope folks try it
    I think I cooked it too long sob sob

  24. Wonderful pudding...sounds great with roast beef..another new recipe for me ..thanks Rebecca !

  25. Cooking the beef in the post, braise it with a little water or beef broth and leave the lid on the pot and keep it on a low simmer. If you're using the oven and roasting the beef open, you need to put water or a combo if beef stock and water in the pan below the rack and baste the roast at least every 15 minutes. If it's browned to your satisfaction, tent it with foil and continue to baste it.

    The Yorkshore pudding looks grand. I've never tried it before, you make it look so easy and very tempting!

  26. Gulmohar: thanks
    Katherine: thanks so much for the advice i need it lol

  27. I have never had the the opportunity to enjoy a yorkshire pudding-sad for me, because it looks quite delicious.

    As for the meat being a bit dry? That depends on the cut of meat...You may have just over cooked the meat a bit.

  28. Had it in England and I love it with REAL gravy!
    I have no food nor have I unpacked any pots or pans and you are making me so hungry:-)

  29. I always wanted to try Yorkshire puddings yum! Your roast looks delicious with all those fresh herbs and veggies.

  30. Oh my goodness.. I love Yorkshire puddings and roast. How perfect for you to post this a few days before the weekend. Now I have time to run out and get my ingredients!

  31. I had this once, on a lay over when I was taken to the wrong airport in London...was so cool to find out what all the fuss was about, and I mean growing up in the sticks this meal sounded like heaven, and it was a little piece of it too!

    Yours looks great!

  32. Absolutely wonderful! We did roast beast and yorkies recently too. I just love them.

  33. This is my dream meal! I always save my Yorkshire pudding for dessert though and have it with golden syrup like you suggested and lashings of vanilla ice cream!

    I always under-cook beef just a little because it finishes cooking while it rests (under a foil tent).

    Best wishes,

  34. You are getting lots of use out of your new pot! ;-) Your dinner looks delicious. I have eaten Yorkshire Puddings but have never made them.

  35. Velva: yep i think so hope you get to eat them soon
    doc oh can't beat real gravy
    Reeni: oh you would love Yorkshire pudds
    Laurie: oh thats wonderful enjoy lol
    Chef E: oh thats a nice story
    Natashya: oh thats cool that you eat them as well
    Natasha oh wow with ice cream heaven
    Deb: oh yep love the pot

  36. oh, yorkshire pudding! i've always wanted to try! your looks awesome!

  37. I love yorkshire pudding and yours look lovely.
    I think the cut of meat and the fat marbling in it has a lot to do with the tenderness of the cooked meat.

  38. The puddings look so perfect, my ex housemate used to make it all the time but never turned out like this lol

  39. Oh the puddings look great! i've never had those before... I want to try it, that's for sure!

  40. Teresa; thanks so much
    lululu: oh your lil boy would love em
    Mimi: yep maybe I got the wrong cut
    3 hungry tummies: smiles

    sook oh hope u try

  41. I would love to try that pudding!What a wonderful meal, Rebecca! Looks comforting and delicious!

  42. Had them once .. thought they were ok .. but your entire meal looks wonderful! my hubby would love it :)

  43. Your yorkshire puddings look great! I usually do my roast at 275, but it depends on how big it is. I think they say about an hour for each pound. It looks really delicious and comforting though.

  44. thanks Erica
    Muneeba I guess its a British thing lol
    Kim: thanks for the advice I will master it

  45. I love those Yorkshire puddings but haven't had those in a while. The beef looks great and moist.

  46. such a classic - I think I might be making some yorkshire puddings this week - thanks for the inspiration

  47. Divina; thanks
    Doggybloggy: cool can't wait to see yours LOL

  48. those yorkshire pudding are just ready for the taking... I want to grab one!
    for the beef cover it with tinfoil it helps... don't turn or poke the roast to trap the juices in.
    I also carmelize/or brown the beef first...
    but then again i'm not a chef so I'm not an expert hahaha... but I hope it helps!

  49. My goodness, the yorkshire puddings look really good. I'm going to make these one of this day. Thanks, rebecca! You're cooking like a pro, Honey!

  50. Malou thanks for the tip
    my little space oh you are so sweet I have come a long way thats for sure

  51. I have been wanting to make Yorkshire Puddings for a long time & with roast beef- great combo! Thanks for the reminder- yum! I can't wait to make this!

  52. I just made Yorkshire pudding for my blog the other day. Love them! Glad to see that you made them in muffin tins (I did mine in popover pans), because people kept commenting about how they had never seen them served like that! So it does exist!! :)

    ps. first time at your blog-- love it, will be following you!


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