Portuguese Baked Cod

The lovely Ruth of I love Flavor me inspired this dish I have been reading her blog for a while now, and always admire her seafood dishes.

Cod is a wonderful and healthy fish low in Saturated Fat. It is also a good source of Niacin, Vitamin B12 and Potassium, and a very good source of Protein, Vitamin B6, Phosphorus and Selenium.
  • 4 pieces of Cod, Frozen wild Alaskan (I didn't use salted cod)
  • 1/2 green bell pepper chopped
  • 1/2 red onion chopped
  • a few olives
  • 4 cloves of chopped garlic
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1/2 tablespoon paprika
  • some salt and pepper
  • olive oil
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • one carrot chopped
  • 3 medium potatoes thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup of milk, I used 2%

  1. slice the potatoes then boil with carrots for 5 minutes
  2. in a separate pan lightly poach the fish in the milk for 5 minutes not allowing it to fall apart
  3. then heat olive oil and saute the garlic, pepper, onion, olives and spices
  4. heat a little butter in the bottom on the dutch oven and layer the potatoes on the bottom, then add the veggies, carrots, and peas, with the cod and milk on top
  5. bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 300
This was a simple and delicious meal, little Jasmine ate a whole piece of fish!

Have a great weekend everyone


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  1. This looks really really good! I need more inspiration for fish recipes :)

  2. Mmm...veggie goodness and fish. Love it!!!

  3. Oh this baked cod looks delicious! It must have been so good!

  4. This looks colourful and healthy :D

  5. I like the idea of baked fish! Its no wonder that Jasmine liked it. It must be yummy!

  6. I love salted cod, but in southern Italy mainly only eaten during the christmas and new year fesitivites.

  7. The cod dish looks marvellous with assorted veggies!

  8. Looks delicious! Glad Jasmine enjoyed it too! ;-)

  9. I have Portuguese cod all the time, LOL. Cod is really big here, but it is always salted. It is baked or grilled, but always has a lot of olive oil with it.

  10. Oh, I can almost smell it!! Looks awesome!

  11. eating RD: oh you will love this recipe
    Jenn: oh thanks try it out
    fresh local and best: it was lovely
    Sushma: thanks
    Anncoo: thanks
    Shirley: Jasmine has good taste lol
    Luigi: Oh thats cool I will eat it year round!
    Guomundur: oh thanks enjoy
    Angie: thanks
    Deb oh she loves fish
    Melinda: must be good where u live
    sinful southern desserts smiles

  12. I don't cook cod very frequently for some reason but this recipe looks quite delicious!

  13. That's a beautiful and delicious dish but still light and healthy.

  14. Looks delicious and moist (and healthy). Another great post!

  15. the cod looks so creamy n delicious an dhte vegetables look perfect! a lovely dish indeed. beautiful Rebecca.

  16. Perfect for my meatless days. Yes. Just perfect.

  17. Hope you too have a great weekend! I love cod and I have to try this recipe!

  18. I love the bed of veggies and flavors the cod is sitting on! Such a colorful, tasty dish. I don't eat a lot of cod, but this looks wonderful, Rebecca! I know I will always find an interesting dish that I want to try here!

  19. Rebecca,oh how I love this dish. Awesome flavors, easy to prepare and truly delicious to eat.

    I definitely want to try this recipe. Many thanks...

  20. Im learning one more new dish to me.Thanks for sharing!!

  21. nice....I too love my baked fish...grin...see today's post. But this is seasoned wonderfully with the pepper and olives...oh yummers!

  22. this backed cod looks so healthy and delicious! great recipe!

  23. Wow, you must have really enjoyed this meal as it looks delicious. Healthy too!

  24. That looks wonderful! I love fish and Ruth's blog, too!

  25. Thanks Rebecca... I never get cod because my husband only likes it fried... and I hate frying fish, for more reasons that health :)

    I love the spice collections... can't wait to make it

  26. I love cod and don't cook it enough. Thanks for this recipe, Rebecca.

  27. Sounds like a wonderful preparation! Excellent dish!

  28. I love all those wonderful veggies! Looks graet!

  29. Rebecca,
    Beautiful final plating! I'm glad I "re-found" you on Twitter today. I've missed the food blogging world and am so glad to be back.

  30. A lovely healthy dish! I love Ruth's blog as well, she's a real sweetheart.

  31. Yum! I have to remember to cook with fish more often. Delicious and healthy too.

  32. doesnt matter how you cook it I love fish but this does look very tasty.

  33. This is such a healthy dish. I would love this for my dinner a few times a week.

  34. Joanne: oh you would love it
    Divina; smiles very true
    Ed thanks so much
    Zurin aw thanks
    Claudia: oh you must try
    Laura: oh the same to you sweet Laura
    Barbara; oh thanks you are so sweet
    George: oh my pleasure
    Vrinda: thanks
    Shanana: no probs
    Trish: oh love the word yummers!, will check out your post
    Azita: thanks to Ruth not me
    Bridgett: oh was a lovely meal
    Erica: we are Ruths fans love it
    Nour: enjoy
    Judy: my pleasure
    5 star foodie; thanks
    swanky RD thanks
    Janice: smiles
    Joie: oh nice to see u again lol
    Trix: oh she really is love her
    Natashya: oh love fish
    doggybloggy thanks
    Marla: oh me to!

  35. That's a delicious dish. I love cod.

  36. mmm, this looks so amazing. I LOVE cod. I usually prefer it fried in oil with some chips...hahaha. No, I love it because it's simple and goes with just about anything. Thanks for the recipe!

  37. Mary: thanks
    Gina: hope you try it
    Queen B thanks so much

  38. A fresh, healthy and deliicous meal. Very nice.

  39. That is so nice to hear that your daughter likes fish! I have a very hard time getting my children to eat it. This looks delicious.

  40. I bought some salt cod for fish cake but might try making this instead!

  41. Great meal... simply delicious and love the whole combination. Yummm...

  42. That looks very nice, I love olives with cod. Glad your little one liked it.

  43. simply life thanks
    Velva: oh thanks so much
    Kim: oh she adores any kind of fish, they may change as they get older lol
    3 hungry tummies oh thats cool you will love it
    my little space thanks
    Sarah: thanks

  44. I have all the ingredients including Cod, Frozen wild Alaskanan; my husband loves cod. Printed it out and will surprise tomorrow with your recipe. Love that picture of your and the kids.


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