Flowers Just Because

I was in the store the other day and saw these beautiful daffodils and thought why not get some.
It doesn't need to be a birthday or valentines to treat yourself to flowers. I really enjoyed them and every time I looked at them it brought a smile to my face I hope it does the same to you

Have a great weekend everyone

Much Love

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  1. Oh my god, these flowers are so beautiful! They make people happy!

  2. The flowers brighten up our lives and spaces with such cheer. Thanks for the flowers:)

  3. I used to buy more flowers when we lived in a place with more windows and natural lighting, these are beautiful and show how you love life!

  4. Aw, what a sweet post. I love flowers. These flowers are gorgeous.

  5. fresh flowers are beautiful and i love the cheerful color of these flowers! have a great weekend!

  6. I melt for flowers...fresh ones of course and htey bring such joy and lightheartedness when you have a vase of them on a table in the home...truly,,tq for sharing

  7. wow , they are so beautiful :) , reminds me of a poem I did When in school, daffodils by wordsworth I think .

  8. Oh..I love all kind of flowers~~want to hop over and have a look at mine?

  9. it literally brought smiles in my face upon seeing it... i felt like it was given to me hihihi!

  10. Daffodils are so cheery after winter. You know spring is here when they arrive.

  11. A sweet weekend post!
    Wish you a beautiful weekend too!

  12. Yes flowers are therapeutic, even more if they are fragrant. Hmmmm!

  13. Oh, darling Rebecca, I so love flowers around the house. My daughters were so thrilled about the roses my husband brought for all three of us on Valentine's Day (poor man, living in a house with three women :))) Daffodils are very pretty, bring some sunshine and taste of spring, don't they?

  14. "Just because" is a darn good reason! They are beautiful. We remember to feed our bodies, but often neglect to feed our souls. Your post is an excellent reminder of that! :)

  15. Pretty! I just made a paper plate daffodil for one of my disney assignments :)

    Hey, wanted you to know I was clicking through and randomly looking at sites through SU and yours came up :)

  16. These are definitely smile-inducing. Such a vibrant yellow!

  17. I often walk by the flower stand and think those would look so pretty on my kitchen table...but I never get them:(

  18. Rebecca, daffodils mean Spring! And we all are longing for Spring. Thanks for sharing yours with us...

  19. Strikingly beautiful, just wonderful.
    Have a great weekend.

  20. I love fresh flowers! I've been slacking lately, but I usually try to keep a bouquet on the table. Such a cheap and easy way to cheer up the whole house!

  21. I love it when the whole field is covered with these golden daffodils....amazing sight. Hv a lovely weekend, Rebecca!

  22. There is nothing sunnier or cheerier (I don't know if those are real words) how about brighter and happier than fresh flowers. These are beautiful! Have a great day! I know it will be brighter!

  23. A lovely smile of things to come.

  24. Kenny: oh so they do lol
    Swapna: my pleasure
    chef E: smiles, I need get get them more often
    Sook: thanks
    Azita: oh the same to you
    Zurin: oh and you take lovely snaps of them smiles
    peanutts: oh I will have to google it
    sushma: smiles
    Anncoo: on my way
    skip to malou sure they are yours lol
    Sarah oh love Spring bring it on!
    Angie: aw thanks
    Shirley: oh thats true like Jasmine in India
    Dajana: wow your hubby is so sweet love that
    Ju: thanks so much and well said I need to remind myself sometimes
    Amanda: oh I need to do crafts with Jasmine
    Joanne: smiles
    sweet and savory: so need time get some!
    George: my pleasure
    Natashya: thanks same to you
    LK this post is inspiring me to do it more!
    Mary: thanks so much
    Lyndsey: thanks lol

  25. Pretty flowers! Thanks for sharing them with your readers!!! =)

  26. Lovely flowers...Thanx for the guest post offer,will let u know when i am ready....thanx again

  27. Thanks for the pretty pictures. Those are great flowers. Really helps to brighten your day.

  28. What a great idea Rebecca. I definitely will follow your lead. Have a great weekend.

  29. I love daffodils, we have them growing up the side of our farm road. It will be next month before they come out though, it's still pretty cold and frosty here.

  30. Beautiful! I agree - flowers don't need an occasion (they're actually almost nicer without one!)

  31. Emily: my pleasure
    Vrinda: oh so excited
    Melinda: oh dont they lol
    Sam: looking forward to seeing your snaps
    teresa: smiles
    Erica: lol
    Janice; oh must be lovely
    high low well said

  32. They are gorgeous and remind me of spring!

  33. Beautiful flowers! I just adored them so much and it's pretty expensive too.

  34. I love flowers, especially on random occasions. Sometimes you just want to get some! Especially why it's been so cold and snowy out for so long, flowers remind me that spring is coming!

  35. those are very beautiful flowers Rebecca..thanks for sharing!! :)

  36. Kim: thanks
    my little space go on just once in a while your worth it lol
    Gina: oh i know you poor thing
    Olive my pleasure

  37. Ah, you made me feel like Springtime.

  38. They are getting ready to bloom here-Ah Spring!

  39. **sigh** nothing like gorgeous flowers to brighten a girls day! Thanks for sharing:)

  40. Beautiful flowers. They definitely made me smile! :)

  41. Trix; love it
    Doc oh thats lovely
    Stephanie: so true
    Sari: oh thats great
    Gulmohar smiles

  42. Daffodils are so cheerful and i love them.

  43. foodie with little thyme thanks
    keats the sunshine girl thanks


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