Tips for Pinterest

Here's a tutorial with my tips for using the social media site pinterest and a link to a great mashable guide, happy pinning!! 

this image comes from pinterest, couldn't find the original source on there. 

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  1. I've listened to this twice when I saw it on Facebook. You, as usual, have done a very professional job of explaining things that otherwise baffle me.

  2. Thanks for posting, great info. It can certainly be addicting! ;)

  3. You must have been reading my mind; I have been so curious about this Pinterest that I put my name in yesterday, but waiting for an invite. You are rest as usual. I am hoing I can also add it to my Samsung Android phone. I am not very smart about Facebook, but going to check you out over there Rebecca.

  4. Thanks Rebecca for Tips! You know I've signed this Pinterest and still not sure know how to 'Pin' it yet...heheee

  5. ok first of all im so obsessed with pinterest...second of all the iphone app totally stinks on my phone i hate it :( thanks for the comment on my blog! i'll be RSSing to your blog for sure!

  6. Oh my something else I need to figure out. Do I need to dabble?

  7. Just discovered Pin a little while ago and I love it. Thanks, Rebecca, for sharing the tips.

  8. so pleased you found it helpful folks, Lauren its your call :-)

  9. I joined a few months ago and then my daughter joined and I really enjoy the visual. So I use this sporadically. I still don't get Twitter, Rebecca...

  10. thanks for this. I signed up recently but havent had time to check it out properly. I thought it was funny that I got a few followers when I first signed up even though I've not used it! Will definitely look at it when I have a bit more time.

  11. Great post~ And now how do I find you on Pinterest? I'm totally addicted to the point that I prefer it over blogging! So easy and fast to find great information of like-minded people. Please look me up so that I can follow you back; I'm really into the healthy recipes/living pins!

  12. Claudia :-) oh sorry about Twitter I have seen your tweets and like them
    Baking addict :-)
    Roz sure thing

  13. Thanks for your tips! You are so right about wedding pictures, fashion and hairstyles. Somehow Pinterest is not very responsive in a sense that even when you unfollow those types of pinboards, they still appear on your main page. It can be a little frustrating to sieve through things that do not interest you.

  14. Lovely video clip Rebecca! I also started a while ago and I can spend hours looking at people's pins!

  15. Truly appreciate this video Rebecca. You should really make more of this videos in the future :)

    I can spend a huge amount of time on Pinterest -- it's addictive ;)

    Happy 2012!

  16. Biren oh thats interesting I was wondering if I unfollowed if it would help maybe not then
    Nami :-)
    Kiran I need to follow you both

  17. Cool tutorial :) I got my invitation but not set it up yet, does seem to be getting very popular :)

  18. I'm a big fan of Pinterest. It's such a terrific way to visually store everything I enjoy and so much fun!

  19. Is it ironic that I am pinning this?

  20. mother rimmy so agree, Angela love it thanks


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