Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes

I made a lovely new friend recently called Kristen, she emailed me to ask me questions about being an Entrepreneurial dietitian to a talk she was giving to students. She is a wonderful diabetes educator and personal trainer. She even volunteers on the board of a food pantry in Clemmons an area she doesn't even live in. Through her I made contact with them and volunteer by helping with their social media fell free to follow on twitter @Clemmonspantry. She came to visit me one day and brought me a lovely pineapple  such a treat I chopped it up and thought wouldn't it be cool to make mini pineapple upside down cupcakes. They turned out really well and were wonderfully moist.


  • 2 small eggs
  • 4 oz of self raising flour
  • 4 oz sugar
  • 4 oz butter
  • a about 1/4 cup of icing sugar 
  • 1/4 of a chopped pineapple or enough to add a few chunks to the base of about 8 cupcake papers 
  1. cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy
  2. add the eggs and flour
  3. meanwhile line a muffin pan with cupcake paper and add a few chunks of pineapple to the bottom of each
  4. then add the cake batter to about 1/2 way up to allow space to rise
  5. bake at 350 for about 15 minutes
  6. if desired make some icing by mixing icing sugar/confectioners sugar with water and top with a cherry 

Do you do any volunteer work?

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  1. Really, so easy to make! I'm going to make this when I grab pineapple next time. We usually eat half of pineapple at once and always have extra (for next eating). I'm going to make this instead! Your icing is perfect. I've only made icing for less than 5 times (yup) my consistency is not perfect. I need to learn it better next time! Thank you for the recipe!

  2. I don't officially volunteer, but love doing is so much if and when I choose to.

    Love those cute cupcakes ;)

  3. What beautiful cupcakes, and awesome that you were able to make volunteering connections through Kristen!

  4. You are always so helpful to people, Rebecca! What a delicious way to use the pineapple gift.

  5. So sorry for being away so long! I'm finally back but entering the fray slowly. I've missed you.

    These cupcakes are divine!!

  6. These look great! I love pineapple and pineapple based desserts.

  7. Jose Gracias,
    Nami perfect you will love them
    Kiran :-)
    peggy thanks :-)
    susan :-) its good to help
    maureen missed you too welcome back
    baking addict me too ;)

  8. How fun and tasty! I'll definitely be trying these soon!

  9. so long did not bake a pineapple upside down cake, your presentation in cupcake sound handy and must be very tasty!

  10. these sounds delicious, would totally love a GF version :)

  11. these sounds delicious, would totally love a GF version :)

  12. Sweet... but not too sweet. Easy. Delicious. Bookmarked.

  13. yummychunklet :-)
    Sonia and easy loved your dragon cookies so cool
    Lauren :-) will make u some
    Claudia aw thanks

  14. I haven't had pineapple upside down cake since I was a kid...Love this cupcake version!

  15. These look delicious and they seem easy enough that maybe even I can make them :)

  16. EA thanks :-)
    Anna thanks
    Gloria :-)
    Alisha oh man your a better cook than me!

  17. They really do look delicious. I have a 2.5 year old daughter that is at the stage where she loves helping cook and bake at the moment. I've printed this recipe out and will enjoy baking them with her on Saturday. Thanks!


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