Lotus Root and Peanut Soup

I went out for lunch recently with fellow ladies who tweet :-) in Greensboro and after lunch me and the little man, went to the Asian market there's a great big one there called Super G. I spotted a bag of lotus root and couldn't resist getting a bag I had seen a soup on Biren's blog Roti and Rice , but I lacked the pork to make the stock. So after a fun chatter on facebook, I decided to make miso soup with it. It is an aquatic root of the lotus flower low in fat, high in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, copper, and manganese. This root has a neutral in taste and had a great crunch. 


  • 1/2 a pack of vacuum packed lotus root from the Asian store
  • one sachet of dashi soup stock 
  • a couple of handfuls of peanuts
  • 6 strips of seaweed broken into smaller pieces
  • 2 tablepoon of white miso paste 

  1. soak the sachet of dashi with hot water in about 3 cups of water, its like a tea bag for 2-3 minutes then remove
  2. mix in the miso paste with the stock/dashi and another cup of water 
  3. add lotus root and peanuts and boil for 15 minutes 
  4. near the end add the seaweed 
  5. enjoy 

So has anyone had lotus root before and do you have any more recipe idea's for me :-)


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  1. Lotus root is so beautiful...last time I was at our Asian market they had lotus flower bud...I wanted to buy it but I had no idea what to do with it.

  2. Lotus root ?? Never tasted it before but I had soups with peanuts ..hmm i wonder what it will be the taste of this soup !!

  3. Just the use of lotus root makes this soup look really interesting and delicious!

  4. love the healthy soup! never thought about combining peanut and miso together! i've never cooked lotus root before but i've seen it a lot in chinese stir frys before!

  5. What an interesting combo of ingredients! Looks super yum! Can't wait to try it!

  6. I have seen these in Chinatown; now I know what I can make with them; looks real tasty.

  7. I haven't used lotus root in so long! This soup sounds like the perfect winter warmer =)

  8. I love lotus root, but never cooked with miso and peanut...sounds very tasty and so easy.
    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead Rebecca :-)

  9. Lotus roots my fav one..looks so comforting and yumm.

  10. Now you have me investigating lotus root. If you put something in a soup - I am immediately intrigued! The soup looks fabulous.

  11. Funny, we have a big supermarket chain called Super H. Us Asians aren't the most creative with names, hahah!

  12. Great idea Rebecca. I'm really not sure if I've ever eaten lotus root before, but i love your idea to use it in a miso soup. LOVE miso soup!!!!

  13. i see a lotus root all the time but i didn't have any clue as to how to cook it... i never had soups with peanuts too.hmmm i am intrigued

  14. I have never seen lotus root here in rural France, I doubt if I can get it :(( Diane

  15. So creative. I've had lotus root but never cooked with it. You answered my initial nutrition question. Love miso paste too.

  16. Bo you can find out and teach me he he
    Sheril sending u a virtual bowl
    yummychunklet :-)
    Junia stir fry up next
    Mdivani oh you will love it
    Rita loved it
    peggy :-)
    Juliana you too thanks
    pavitha thanks
    claudia aw thanks
    sophia he he
    EA :-)
    Malou :-) i know u will like it
    Diane oh sorry
    Lauren -)

  17. lotus root is an ingredient I need to put on my list of things to use. I love that you have put it in miso soup. I truly genius idea!

  18. Miss lotus root...the soup looks delicious!

  19. Hi Rebecca, this is perfect, I just bought some lotus root last weekend, because I'd never had it before and wanted to try it. Thanks so much.

  20. tinytearoom thanks
    Angie :-)
    Roz cool you will love it

  21. I am glad you enjoyed the soup. The vacuum packed lotus root are really convenient to use in stir fries and miso soups. Thanks for the shout-out!

  22. Lotus root is so pretty! I think I've had it as chips before, could be fun to slice them thin and fry them :) Would make a nice garnish too.

  23. thanks Biren and my pleasure
    Victoria oh they really would :-)

  24. Rebecca, it looks lovely. I pick up lotus root once in awhile. I like to use it in stir fry, and salads. I want to find it fresh now.

  25. lyndsey your so cool and have already used it


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