Thoughts on Being an Entrepreneur

Here are a few of my thoughts on being an Entrepreneur what do you think?

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  1. You have such a good attitude on life Rebecca. It shines through in everything you do.

    I so agree on the philosophy of surrounding yourself with positive people and doing the best you can do.

  2. I think a big part of being an entrepreneur is someone willing to take risks. At least in MY definition. A year after a divorce, I decided to start my own business so that I could work from home and raise my children and not relegate them to daycare. That was a huge leap of faith that still has to sustain me today sometimes, 17 years later!

  3. Now if only my connection was fast enough to play this....! Diane

  4. Yes, stay positive - because it's hard - very hard. But when you are surrounded by those who say "aye" instead of "nay" amazing things can happen.

  5. Wonderful thoughts, Rebecca, and with the right attitude and people surrounding you, anything is possible!

  6. Your words are spot on. Terrific post, Rebecca! Yes, always keep it positive :)

  7. Well said! I agree with your definition all the way :)

  8. You are very influential blogger that we adore, Rebecca! Your positive attitude definitely help us lead to next level. And you are so natural. If you put a camera at me, I'll be silent... =P


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