Smoked Salmon and Chive Pate

Here's a simple pate with smoked salmon and chives, I made for new years eve. It was fun to make a couple of party foods and have friends over :-), heres the link it was on the BBC site. After I made this I was thinking I should get a fish mold to make it look prettier :-)

What is your signature party food dish? 

Have a great weekend everyone.

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  1. Yum, that looks delicious! I don't have a signiture party dish, I really should get one!

  2. A fish mold would make this so fun...but it looks wonderful this way as well, will go check it out :)

  3. This sounds fun and delicious. And, what a different appetizer to bring to a Super Bowl party!

  4. This sounds really delicious and I have a fish mould so I am all ready to go. Diane

  5. That would be the ideal party food for me! Simple, quick and really tasty! Looks like you did a great job there.

  6. come to think of it, i don't have any signature party dip or dish. maybe i could borrow this one? hehe.
    have a happy sunday my sweet friend,

  7. What a great appetizer. Looks delicious even without the fish mold. I'm always trying new recipes so I can't say I have a 'signature' party dish because my signature changes all the time :)

  8. That looks delicious,Rebecca!I don't have a special dish for parties!

  9. oh i love it! thanks for sharing and have a sweet week!

  10. Love using salmon in a pate - fun to have a signature dish. I don't. Uh oh.

  11. torview aw thanks Justyna you too Claudia u have loads


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