Baked Egg with Spinach and Tomato

I am hooked on baked eggs, they are so good can't believe it was taken me this long to make them. I think I read about them on a blog and went to bed thinking about them, I remember reading something along the lines of the eggs, bake while the coffee brews :-) 

So I got up that Sunday morning on a mission to make them this recipe is inspired from the BBC good food site. Its easy to do and really makes breakfast special. It's also good for brunch or even lunch, I made a mushroom one the other day!, its funny as when I shared the picture on the chow and chatter facebook page Erin commented that I am hooked, she's right :-)


  • 2 eggs or how ever many you would like
  • ramekins, I am also told they can be made in a muffin pan
  • one cup of spinach
  • 2 cloves of chopped garlic
  • olive oil
  • one tablespoon of butter
  • 5 cherry tomatoes chopped

  1. saute the spinach in olive oil with the garlic until cooked
  2. add a little butter to the bottom of the ramekin and add the spinach and a couple of chopped tomatoes
  3. break the egg into the ramekin with a little butter on the top
  4. and bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes until cooked with the egg yolk slightly runny for dipping :-)
  5. enjoy straight away with hot toast and coffee

Is there a new recipe your hooked on at the moment?

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  1. I love baked eggs, especially if we have a crowd of people for breakfast. Everyone gets to eat freshly cooked hot eggs all at the same time.

    This egg looks delicious! I like the toast too.

    1. oh thats a good point all at the same time love it

  2. I would love it for the breakfast! Looks mouthwatering!

  3. Oh I love how easy, and fun the recipe is, Yum! I don't really have one recipe I am hooked on, just love baking something new:-) Hugs, Terra

  4. oh i love baked eggs! your recipe is lovely!
    have a sweet day!

  5. Love this, Rebecca. Simple, healthy and filling! Perfect breakfast.

  6. Delicious Rebecca!! we love spinachs here! look yumm!!!!

  7. Looks fantastic, Rebecca. Your baked eggs are going on my menu this weekend.

  8. I love baked eggs! In fact, I'm craving one now! The picture that you have looks gorgeous!

  9. Baked eggs are a Sunday ritual around here. I love using vegetables - and eggs and tomatoes have always appealed to me! As I look at your photo, I am thinking - why wait until Sunday?

  10. Hhaha! How many times do I go to bed thinking about something amazing I've seen on another creative blog!
    Nicely done, my friend :)

  11. Nice eggs, they remind me of Sunday brunch :) more than a recipe I'm hooked on watercress and jicama. Been eating a lot of both in the past 3 weeks!

  12. We love baked eggs and this one I Have to try this coming weekend; those ingredients are right up my alley.

  13. Rebecca, you just reminded me that I have not done this for a while...yours look great...perfect for a weekend breakfast.
    Hope you are having a fantastic week :-)

  14. oh i LOVE baked eggs, this is my kind of breakfast!

  15. This looks delicious, especially with the toast. I can't wait to eat this for breakfast over the weekend.

  16. Hi Rebecca,
    Perfect breakfast!!!

  17. Brilliant! I've never hear of baked eggs. I may try this tomorrow for breakfast.

  18. I feel the same about baked eggs - what took me so long! I love eggs in all forms and, as you know, they're a nutritional powerhouse :)

  19. I will try to make it, we tried once, it did not turn out, then we tried poached eggs, not so successful either. Will go back to square one and try this recipe.

  20. EA had a baked egg recipe, cannot wait to try this.

  21. These look great! hubby loves baked eggs.

  22. I've made baked eggs before but not this preparation. It sounds delicious!

  23. That looks like a delicious breakfast. Since I started with South beach diet, i have been making eggs for breakfast and oats too!

  24. Vianney your man has good taste :-), Kiren oh thanks Susan :-) Vijitha oh thats cool

  25. What a delightful breakfast idea :) Looks wonderful!

  26. the intolerant chef thanks thanks Alisha

  27. YUM! i have seen this before but never tried it. this inspired me. and i love one commenter's idea that everyone can eat at the same time. with everyone in my family wanting an egg cooked a different way, i usually end up eating alone after everyone else is done. :) so i'm going to try this and see if everyone will go for it and we can eat together! xoxo

  28. Baked eggs are the perfect vehicle for all my favorite veggies, and the presentation is so nice!

  29. Your baked eggs with spinach and tomatoes look so good! I would love to wake up to this :)

  30. Yum -- I'll have to try this one as well! I have done baked eggs before in more of a "comfort food" recipe involving hashbrowns, onion, and red bell pepper. It's something I like to make for myself when my husband and kids are out of town visiting with his family or going to a football game.


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