Tips for Nursing

I wanted to share some personal tips for nursing mums, there is no right or wrong any way you choose to feed your child is fine love is key. I just want to help you if your struggling as it gets easier :-)

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  1. Very useful post.Interesting.U do recipes,carvings,handworks and ur professional attitude.Dear Blogger Friend,Wish U a Warm and Happy Diwali.Enjoy the Festivities with taste-filled delights,Safe and Delicious Memorable Moments - Regards, Christy Gerald

  2. I know a lot of moms struggle with this, so I'm sure this post is much appreciated!

  3. Great video and you look great Rebecca! I have breastfed my children and it's great that you are talking about breastfeeding and encouraging other moms!

  4. Excellent post. I'm not planning on having a child anytime soon, but I agree with your feelings towards it and think it's very nice of you to lend a hand.

  5. Fantastic post, Rebecca. And, congrats on the new son. I'll have to come back to this post when I have my first child!!

  6. my kitchen flavors thanks so much
    Joanne aw thanks hope it helps them
    Nami :-) your a fab mum
    kris :_)
    Gina aw thanks hugs

  7. great post/video Rebecca. I breastfed Tiffany until she was close to 19 months. I hope with our next child(ren) (when that happens) I can breastfeed again. It's great when you have someone to support you all the way. Lots of mom out there are struggling and need all the help and encouraging words they can get

  8. Roxana thats wonderful and so agree folks need support hugs


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