Ploughman's Lunch

When my parents came I asked them to bring some Branston Pickle, a famous British pickle and a must for a ploughman's lunch. Branston pickle is made from Branston Pickle a variety of diced vegetables, including swede, carrots, onions, cauliflower and gherkins pickled in a sauce made from vinegar, tomato, apple and dates with spices.

I got hooked on ploughman's sandwich's when I was last home, sharp cheddar cheese, salad and branston pickle so good. Here's my take on it. Apparently the Milk Marketing Board came up with the idea in the 1960's to increase the sales of cheese and it stuck :-)
You will find this on the menu of cafes and pubs around the UK. 


  • a couple of slices of good ham
  • a few slices of a sharp cheddar cheese
  • a generous helping of Branston pickle not sure where to get it in the US maybe World Market?
  • any desired salad, I used mixed greens, cherry tomatoes and mango
  • I also had some brie and a couple of slices of whole grain bread

  1. add to a plate or make as a sandwich and enjoy 

Anyone else had this?

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  1. This looks interesting!! I would love this lunch with lot of cheese!

  2. Absolutely Fabulous Lunch Rebecca.Luv that British pickle dear.Luks like Colourful bunch of Lunch.Luv it really.

  3. This looks like the perfect food to nosh on. A little of this and a little of that. I love it!

  4. Thanks for sharing Rebecca :) I must look for this Branston Pickle here, might be available at St. Michael.

  5. A classic! How fun to have your folks there.

  6. Nothing beats a good ploughma's lunch; never heard of Branston pickle; I thought you met cornichons, that is what we add to our plate. Now I have to go study this. Best thing about blogging; learning Something new all the time.

  7. That's a great lunch. I would love to taste ranston pickle.

  8. I've had Ploughman's lunch when I was in London, but don't remember if Branston Pickle was on the plate or not. The name is new to me.
    Will Google it and see what comes up!

  9. Ploughman's Lunches make me smile. They are the kind of meal that I absolutely love! Plus, whenever I'm eating one, I feel transported to a different time and place. Hmmm..does that make me weird? Oh well =)

  10. Looks very tempting like a wholesome lunch too!! I've never heard of the Pickle but would love to try the delicious sandwich --to me anything with brie is deelish:)

  11. Chuck in a couple of pickled onions and a wedge of pork pie on mine please!

    You can get Branston pickle over here fairly easily I have found. (at least in Chicago, Safeway/Dominicks and Meijer have it alongside the Maltesers and Ribena)

  12. I have never had this but it looks really yummy!

  13. Hi Rebecca. I LOVE ploughman's lunches. A friend of mine found a recipe for branston pickle, and we're going to make it and split the batch closer to Chrsitmas. Have a great Monday. Hugs

  14. One of my favourite things to eat when I go home! I always bring back a huge jar of branston pickle with me!

  15. Great, simple lunch! I've seen this on menu board when I've travelled to England, but never had it before. Will have to give it a go. Thanks Rebecca!

  16. Rebecca, this sure makes a nice lunch...and for dinner just add a glass of wine :-)
    Hope you have a great week!

  17. Cheese is my eternal downfall (or is it saving grace?), so I would scarf this down immediately >) And I'm intrigued by the Branston Pickle...

  18. oh yum! this is the kind of lunch i could eat every single day!

  19. Never heard of this. I will mention it to my brother since he visit England often for work! Maybe he will have one for me next time :)
    Or better yet, maybe I should meet up with him :)

  20. I never heard of this before but thanks for sharing. It's so amazing how just through blog hopping we learn about so many diff variety of dishes :)

  21. I would love to try a Ploghman's lunhc, tasty!! thanks for sharing!!

  22. I could eat that way everyday! Looks so wholesome and fresh.

  23. I've never tried or heard of this British pickles before. Looks delicious to put it in the sandwich. Very healthy meal!

  24. Love this idea any cheese/meat/veggie combo is so appealing. Love pickles too. This is idea is sort of like a charcuterie plate.

  25. What a deliciously hearty lunch! I love it when my meals have lots of components and variety.

  26. During my trips to London I always sought out the ploughman's lunch - and it was always perfect. Never thought to recreate it - so you have inspired me!

  27. I've never heard of ploughman's Lunch but I've certainly had ham and cheese on hearty bread. I Googled Branston Pickle and you cam order it through Amazon. It sounds good!

  28. thanks everyone so much fun to share British recipes, hope you can find some Branston pickle


  29. Hello Rebecca,

    I had been enjoying the pictures of the new Prince and the grown up Princess. I feel like hugging them and given lots of kisses. They are so beautiful. And you are a blessed mama.

    Thanks for sharing you lunch it gave me a good idea for an easy lunch today. I love to learn from other peoples country meals.



  30. Ahhh...the lunch of kings! :D Okay maybe not, but it sounds awesome!

  31. thanks Mely hope you liked it :-)
    Lyndsey :-)


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