Stop and Listen!

Stop and Listen to the waves, heres a clip of the waves at Folly beach SC, sometimes in life we need to stop close our eyes and listen to waves, birds the wind in the trees and re charge :-)

Hugs have a great weekend


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  1. Thanks so much rebecca! I really needed! lol, absolutely nice! gloria

  2. Dear Rebecca, I wish everyone would stop and listen to these beautiful experiences in life. Thank you and blessings, Catherine xo

  3. I think I was born to live by the water, but it didn't happen. There is something bout that sound that is so real and soothing. Merci Rebacca; you made my day.

  4. I love it and listen to it everyday! I am a beach person for sure, and take atvantage of living within walking distance from the water. Can't wait to show you!

  5. Hi Rebecca,
    A very happy belated Diwali wish for you and all your loved ones!

    Thanks for this lovely post. We all need to stop sometime and enjoy the blessings of nature.Heart touching sounds of waves, rains,winds and the storm....they are the true and virgin music of this wonderful Universe which only a loving sensible soul like yours can capture.Thanks for this great sharing!

  6. you're right, it is one of the nicest sounds in the world and my favorite too ! so relaxing....i love spending time at the beach
    wish people would spend more time for such moments

  7. I love the beaches in South Carolina! I've only been to Hilton Head so I'm sure it's very similar to where you were. So soothing.

  8. Rita oh thats wonderful my pleasure
    lyndsey looking forward to it
    sutaapa :-)
    a spoonful of yum simple pleasures
    Susan been meaning to go there too :-)


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