Glitter Pumpkins and First Smiles

Here's a fun toddler craft - glitter pumpkins, I even amazed myself being able to fit in a craft with Jasmine she better be thank me when she is older!  The little guy has started to smile magical here's a picture :-)

Have a blessed weekend everyone

What's your favorite thing about fall?


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  1. Beautiful craft by Jasmine. Your Princess and prince looks cute.

  2. Stopped by to see the baby. So cute!!! Jasmine is a cutie too. My daughter and I used to decorate mini-pumpkins. One year I grew them - OMG! There must have been 50 at least.

  3. Your baby is very cute and so is Jasmine! Have a lovely weekend :)

  4. Jasmine is very creative and your little baby is very adorable too :)
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. what a cutie! he looks so cute..and i cant wait to do crafts and the likes when my baby is older..must learn from jasmine! u daughter is talented like mommy..

  6. You should have a 'cute' warning on this post. Adorable kids.

  7. Such a cute smile :) Hope you are having a blast with both of them around you.

    Weather is definitely my favorite thing in fall :)

  8. Oh my gosh, look at that big, beautiful smile! Fun post Reb, thanks so much for sharing your joys with us :D

  9. What little girl doesn't love glitter! Your little guy is so adorable, Rebecca. What a sweet smile.

  10. Oh my gosh, what a big smile on that handsome little guy!

    You are cultivating quite the little artist in Jasmine. I think crafts are so educational.

  11. Very Cute and adorable little ones U have dear.Luvd watching it.Thanks for dropping in at my space.

  12. Oh Rebecca...that first smile is one you will never forget. I haven't.

  13. Cuties both of them! They made my morning!

  14. Adorable kiddos, and sorry I am so late at congratulating you on the new addition to your family. Looks like you are all doing great!

  15. Nelly :-) love sharing the joy
    Swathi thanks
    Mary thanks so much for stopping by and fun tale
    Sonia :0)
    Biren u too
    stephanie thanks so much
    anncoo ;-)
    Jenahanne sure will give u tips
    sam :0)
    regan :-)
    nic :-) he he
    ilke love that too
    girlichef my pleasure
    cathy :-)
    caitlin :-)
    susan he he i agree'
    my kitchen flavors thanks
    Barbara :_) sweet memories
    joanne oh thats great to hear
    winnie thanks so much hugs

  16. so precious! Jasmine is such a big sister now.. and your little one... wow how magical a smile could bring!
    happy weekend,

  17. Love that smile; you are such a good mama Rebecca; she will remember.

  18. Malou thanks so much u too
    gaga :-)
    Rita oh thanks u have made my day

  19. It really is magical how they develop one by one each day.

  20. is so precious watching your kids. At first in the video I thought he was in the baby swing in the that smile!


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