Shrimp and Broccoli in Hoisin Sauce

I made this super easy dish the other day for the little one as she loves Asian food and Shrimp. It can be thrown together in a jiffy in fact hubby asked how long it took to make, I said 15 minutes and he even now says why not make more dishes like this its tasty and easier for me.

 Finally I think he sees why I don't cook Indian dishes as much as before, while I really enjoy them they just take time. I was joking with my sis in law as she was saying how she is struggling to learn British food but if you can cook Indian cuisine others are easy!

 I was thrilled to hear she made her hubby a chicken stew from my blog today and they both enjoyed it. She's a great cook and has excelled in the last few years the other day she made a chocolate cake for one of my brother in laws birthdays being the foodie that I am I  picked up the phone straight away to say how good it looked! My hubby is the eldest of 7 so lots of good cooks in his family. In fact this fall one of his brothers is getting married in Burma/ Myamah. I got his fiancee to share a Burmese recipe a while back heres the link - Burmese Chicken Curry

 I won't be able to go with 2 little ones but can't wait to see pictures and the food at the wedding will try and share with you all.


  • about a cup of defrosted shrimp or fresh
  • 7-10 small mushrooms sliced
  • one head of broccoli sliced
  • 1/2 a red onion diced
  • a little ginger/garlic paste
  • about 2 tablespoon of hoisin sauce
  • 1/2-one tablespoon of oyster sauce

  1. sautee onions in canola oil for 5 minutes add ginger garlic paste, shrimp, broccoli and mushrooms
  2. stir fry on a medium to high heat until al dente and add the sauces
  3. its that easy! serve with rice we have recently been enjoying Japanese Kagakaki rice (use less water than Indian rice as it gets sticky one cup rice to one cup water)

 Roberta from More Thyme Than Dough Blog gave me a stylish blogger award, I meet her on twitter and always enjoy her banter she is down to earth and a great cook and very caring be sure to visit her blog


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  1. You're making hungry but it's not dinner time yet!

  2. You're right - I love the ease. And I love the flavors!

  3. Te ha quedado de lujo el plato.


  4. I'm a huge fan of hoisin sauce.

  5. Jasmine has a very sophisticated palate I think. I know I would have never eaten this at her age. How nice that it's easy to put together and everyone in the family likes it.

  6. This saucy dish is so appetizing.

  7. I love hoisin sauce. Asian stir fries are so easy to make and the combinations of protein and veggies are endless! Besos, Rebecca :)

  8. Looks amazing, Loved the colour of the sauce:)

  9. That looks very lovely. You are blessed to have a child with such a diverse palate! If you have tips for getting kids to eat new food, I would love to hear them.

  10. This sounds wonderful with hoisin sauce!

  11. I love hoisin sauce and this surely looks delicious..

  12. Hoisin sauce makes everything tasty! Indian dishes can be time-consuming, you're right! I usually save Indian dishes for the weekend. In fact, I haven't made Indian food in a while...

  13. Yum, this looks delicious! Honestly, any combination over rice with a rich sauce is delicious! Looks great :)

  14. Fabulous, healthy and fast? Many thanks, Rebecca!

  15. ya, this look absolutely yummy, a simple and delicious Chinese's dish.

  16. Belinda thanks come for dinner one day
    Claudia thanks
    Jose thanks
    Bo oh me too and you are great at this type of cooking
    Sam I guess she does he he :-) doesn't know any different as I feed her all kinds of things :-)
    Zoe thanks
    chef pandita oh so true love em
    sushma thanks
    Angela just give them loads of variety of dishes
    5 star foodie :-)
    Suman aw thanks
    the food hound :-) good idea
    Nelly thanks
    Stephanie thanks hugs
    Sonia means a lot to me if you like it

  17. hubby would love this.
    i think i'll surprise him with this wonderful dish these days. he's the only one in the family that adores shrimps.
    thanks for sharing Rebecca

  18. Hoisin is such a versatile sauce in Asian cuisine. Wonderful dish.

  19. Oh I LOVE recipes from "other lands". I'm going to give the Burmese curry a go soon. Thanks for sharing the link, have a great day Rebecca!!

  20. Easy is always good but with these flavors, everyone will think you spent a lot of time on it. That is the beauty of hoisin sauce, in my opinion!

  21. This look so saucy and wonderfully delicious!

  22. We all need more quick recipes in our arsenals. I made an easy dinner last night (pork tacos/black bean salsa) and makes me wonder why I labor over dinner so many nights.

  23. mmmm How yummy! I love the stir-fries with hoisin sauce. Very appetizing.

  24. Congrats for the award!
    I love hoisin sauce. I often use it for stir-fry or Asian grills.
    This dish is so simple but yet packed with flavours. yum.

  25. Looks fantastic! What a delicious combination.

  26. I've got some hoisin sauce on the fridge door that needs to be used up...perfect dish.

  27. Love easy meals, especially for weeknights! I don't eat shrimp, so I think scallops would be a nice sub. I'm intrigued by your Burmese Chicken recipe-never had Burmese food before. Love tom try new cuisines!

  28. This looks so delicious! Oh, that "sauce" good!

    US Masala

  29. I have seen lots of shrimp dishes today - Love it!! I love this sauce too! My kids won't eat shrimp :(

    Also, just wanted to let you know I am having computer issues so sorry if I miss a post or two. I am hoping to get a new one soon - right now I am on a temp

  30. That looks so good,Rebecca!Great flavors.

  31. We love Asian food and this recipe is right up my alley. Thank you.

  32. I heard lot about this sauce, yet tried. I need to now, lot of flavors going on there.

  33. That looks and sounds fantastic...easy is good :) Congratulations to your brother in-law :)

  34. This looks great! I love easy dishes and anything with hoisin sauce:)

  35. I think it's wonderful that Jasmine likes to eat shrimp. I keep trying to get my kids to like it. Love this one.

  36. Sounds delish...may be dinner tomorrow night!

  37. There is nothing better than fast, easy and delicious! This looks so appealing!

  38. a little bit of everything hope he likes it
    Victor thanks so much
    Roz my pleasure
    peachkins thanks
    Bridgett he he thats cool
    always a winner thanks
    stefania thanks
    Lauren so true and wow that sounds good
    Angie thanks
    Michael oh bet its great grilled
    Dimah thanks
    Lea ann oh enjoy
    The spicy RD oh that would work well
    aipi thanks
    design wine and dine no worries love ya
    Erica thanks
    Rita enjoy
    swathi oh you will like it
    pigpigscorner thanks
    magic oh spice will tell him
    Raina thanks
    Kim oh they will like in the end fingers crossed
    designchic oh thats cool
    Susan so true

  39. Perfect recipe for a quick after work meal. Love hoisin and oyster sauce. Can't miss with that!



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