Butterfly Cupcakes and For Japan with love

I made these fun little cupcakes the other day with our little one, they are like mini victoria sandwiches my favorite British cake I go mad for this in the tea rooms when I go home!

I also just read Natasha's blog Five Minutes for me and she mentioned a bloggers event  this Friday March 18th - Bloggers day of Silence for Japan, I plan to join maybe you can too :-)

This friday please consider not posting on your blog - Bloggers Day of Silence in honor of Japan to join just:

1.  This coming Friday, March 18th, post nothing at all on your blog.
2.  Please post about what you will be doing this Friday whenever possible in hopes to spread the word and whoever else would like to join in.  
You can check out Ever Our's post here or Utterly Engaged's post here and do it your way if you'd like.  
3. Tweet and Re-Tweet the link to http://www.forjapanwithlove.com please.  
4.Whatever anyone can contribute will be appreciated. 

Every little helps.


  • 4 oz self raising flour
  • 4 oz butter 
  • 4 oz sugar 
  • 2 eggs
  • a dash of vanilla essence
  • strawberry jam
  • confectioners sugar to mix with butter for butter cream- about 2 oz butter and 3 tablespoon sugar blended

  1. cream the butter and sugar
  2. add eggs and flour and vanilla
  3. add to cupcake cases and bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes 
  4. allow to cool then carefully slice a disc out of the top and cut in half for the wings
  5. fill with jam and butter icing and add wings :-)
Hope you can all join us for supporting the wonderful country of Japan this week

This friday I am speaking on social media to dietitians in Charlotte NC and will mention this event to highlight how social media can be used for good :-)

Much Love 

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  1. They are my favourite cakes too and i always order them when we go out for tea and cake.

    Thanks for posting about the day of silence too. It may seem insignificant but I think our collective thoughts and prayers might be welcomed by the people of Japan.

    You must be getting excited about your trip! I wish we were meeting up but once you have been here you will want to come again soon so I can meet you next time!!

    Hope you enjoy the rest of the week and Happy St Patrick's day!

    Best wishes,

  2. Great idea...love the butterfly cupcakes - they look delish!!

  3. I love the design of these cupcakes and how they are cut to resemble butterflies. Very cute.

    Thanks for posting about the day of silence. It's a great idea.

  4. Beautiful cakes! Natasha - you're right about collective thoughts - and contributions.

  5. My cousin in Tokyo is sending his wife and kids here next week. I guess he doesn't feel safe there :( this still feels like a bad dream... So sad.

  6. Rebecca- you are so sweet and caring, we need more folks like you in the world! Thanks for continually sharing your blog, joy for food, nutrition and sharing details on ways to help the world. Hugs!

  7. Unos cupcakes muy bonitos y ese detalle con japón muy bonito.


  8. Great idea Rebecca. You cupcakes are precious.

  9. What a beautiful post! These butterfly cupcakes sound delicious and thanks for spreading the word about that event!

  10. I will be posting the link "To Japan with Love" today. Sweet and poignant post Rebecca.

  11. I go crazy for fairy cakes! Love them!

    The day of silence for Japan is a lovely thing to do.

  12. Cute cupcakes. Perfect for Japan since the butterfly is a symbol of renewal.

  13. This butterful cupcake is looks delicious. Happy St Patrick day. I will praying for the victims of natural disaster in Japan.

  14. Natasha :-) I hope we can come back but its very far away :-) love you thanks for sharing this event so happy to join
    designchic thanks
    Kim hope you can join us
    Belinda :-)
    chef Pandita you can give them all a bug hug when they get there
    orly oh its my pleasure I enjoy it
    Jose thanks and maybe you can post in Spain on Japan
    Sushma thanks
    Suman thanks
    Joanne you should join in
    Sam thanks hope you join
    Claudia thats wonderful
    a bowl of mush thanks :-)
    Mimi oh thats so nice to know that
    Swathi thanks I am not Irish but love the food

  15. What a beautiful gesture; thank you for this. Your cupcakes are so cute and I am sure she enjoyed cooking with mom.

  16. such a beautiful cake and my heart and soul are just for Japan, God should hear them!

  17. These cupcakes are adorable! I need to make time to make some like this.

  18. Cute cupcakes Rebecca! You are becoming quite the baker!

  19. Wonderful idea and perfect cupcakes for the cause!

  20. I think Japan needs all the help they can get. Butterflies are a nice gesture.

  21. Rita oh love the age she is at can do so much with her :-)
    Ananda :-) hugs
    pigpigscorner thats wonderful
    tasteofbeirut yours will be amazing for sure
    Julie he he i guess so
    Susan thanks
    Dina :-)

  22. Thank you so much for passing on the news of this event!

  23. I m so overwhelmed to read about the day of silence.Everytime I see news I feel more and more sad and now with nuclear radiation threat,I cant imagine the plight of people.Can just say that they are in my prayers.
    I love the cute idea of butterfly cupcakes.

  24. feel badly I just posted. We're doing a read a thon at the boy's school. We all have to be careful not to move on with our lives because this didn't happen here.

  25. Send some over, my dear. They are so pretty.

  26. Beautiful cupcakes! They are so pretty and sound delicious.

    Thanks for sharing the info about day of silence for Japan. That sounds very nice:)

  27. The cupcakes are wonderful! Continuing praying for Japan for sure... XO

  28. thanks for posting this, my heart goes out to all effected..lovely cupcakes


  29. This is a really cute idea for cupcakes! I love how it's your favorite British sweet turned into cupcakes, and the butterflies just make them so adorable :)

  30. Love those cakes as well and these look Fab!

  31. great idea ...such pretty cupcakes, Rebecca...

  32. lovely post and tribute. the cupcakes are adorable.

  33. Hi Rebecca, I've never heard of Butterfly Cupcakes, but I LOVE these! I'm saving them for a 'must-make' for our grandchildren this spring! Just darling and oh I'm sure they taste great too! Happy Spring!

  34. Angela my pleasure
    Tanvi oh I feel the same
    Lauren for sure
    Angie here you go
    Raina :-)
    Design wine and dine daily
    sweetlife thanks
    doc thanks
    Victoria :-) aw thanks
    mom gateway thanks
    teresa thanks
    Roz oh they will love them

  35. Wish I had known about the bloggers "Day of Silence." I read someplace that donations are surprisingly low. Although my supermarket did ask me yesterday if I would like to donate, so perhaps our generous country is helping now. It's a horrific thing and can happen anywhere, anytime. Makes you feel small and helpless, doesn't it?

    Lovely butterfly cupcakes, Rebecca!

  36. Lovely cupcakes. And I wish I had known about the day of silence before Friday! Such a great idea.

  37. These cupcakes are adorable. Never had Victoria cake before but love the butterfly idea for cupcakes.
    Thanks for sharing Rebecca

  38. Barbara oh I agree makes me feel small, hugs
    Emily guess you could still post though
    a little bit of everything my pleasure

  39. I am sorry I did not see this before.
    The cupcakes are wonderful...


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