Happy Holi!

While I am not Hindu (I am Christian) and my hubby is South Indian and didn't really grow up celebrating Holi, I always love seeing it in Movies when folks wear white clothes and throw colorful powders on each other. It symbols the colors of spring :-) well to me :-)

If you celebrate a fun festival drop me a line would love to have guest post so much fun

Bon Voyage :-) will blog from down under in a few days and tweet for sure :-)

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  1. Thank you, Happy Holi to you too! I always see the beautiful scenes in Bollywood films, such lovely colors! :)

  2. this video reminds me of the Bollywood movies that we love to watch.
    yep we do have a lot of festivals too in the philippines. I remember the Flores de Mayo wherein little girls all dressed in white carry a basket of flowers and throw flowers all over as they walk towards the altar. It's supposed to offer flowers to Mama Mary. I used to join this festival every summer. Our summer months are March - May, so much like Spring months over here.

  3. WooHOO! Can't wait to hear from you on your travels - those posts/tweets are always so much fun! XO

  4. I have heard of this festival via an uncle that lived in India but this was fun to see. I used to go to my friend's Estonian Festival "back in the day" when they were all expatriates and Estonia was annexed by the USSR.

  5. have a great trip! can't wait to hear all about it! :)

  6. Thank you! Wish a very colorful holi :-)

  7. Down under? So jealous. Have a fantastic trip. We do a little Passover here (we're non-religious) but I can't wait to hear about other spring festivals. Have a great trip.

  8. Thanks Rebecca, wish u and ur family had a wonderful holi too:)

  9. Sounds like fun. The Azores are known for the festivals. They will start again in the Spring. Not sure if we will still be here for many, although my sister will be visiting me during one of the bigger ones in June.

  10. Wishing you a wonderful trip with lots of smiles and good food. Keep us posted Rebecca.

  11. Loved the post! Come visit us at Dovecote Decor to see our fabulous French Basketeer Giveaway!


  12. Happy holi to you too! Wishing you a great trip with loads of fun!

  13. Happy Holi! What a nice way to celebrate spring:) Have a great holiday!

  14. Holi is one of my favorite Indian holidays...all of the pretty colors and delicious food! Such fun.

  15. Thanks for the Education! I LOVE learning more about other cultures.

  16. This looks like so much fun, in fact it reminds me of paintball. I love how vibrant the colors are. I hope you have a great trip!

  17. Have a wonderful holi!!! Look forward to your updates/recaps. Safe travels!!!

  18. hope you're having a good trip, so strange to come here and not find a new post (no pressure). Tell us all about down under food.

  19. Very fun video, Rebecca! I was not familiar with Holi.

    Have a wonderful trip! I've always wanted to go!

  20. Happy Holi to you too! Enjoy your trip.

  21. I'm Christian and have seen this festival in Indian movies too.
    have a great trip Rebecca

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. How color-full and fun.
    It's great to see different rituals and traditions around the world.
    With Easter approaching, I have to mention a holy parade that happens in my home-town (Sorrento, Italy) on Good Friday. The paraders wear capes and hoods (just the eyes visible) and moarn the dead Jesus. A choir follows along and sing Latin chants. As they parade they carry many symblos and the crying statue of the Madonna, who lost her son. It is extremely powerful and a mix of spiritual and pagan.
    Here is a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIqWe4i7v-M&NR=1


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