Tips for Facebook Pages

I am thrilled to share my first clip of a computer screen sharing tutorial it took 2 plus hours to upload to youtube!, let me know if it helps and any more social media tutorials you would like :-)


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  1. So great Rebecca. Fantastic how you share your foodie and blogging / social media wisdom. But I'm not sure that it's best to automatically send Twitter feed to facebook? I think different audiences need slightly different content? From tweetdeck or hootsuite etc you can select to send some tweets to facebook if relevant? What do you think?

  2. That was great Rebecca! I am still not on Facebook but I am going to make one soon. Your tips will really be helpful. Thank you:)

  3. Emma thanks I think its a personal choice, I personally think although the audience can be slightly different they both like chow and chatter as they enjoy food, travel and chatter (brand if you like) so its relevant to both. Also I think it includes all
    Nadine thanks so much kind of you Rebecca

  4. It really help Rebecca. Nice job.

  5. I thought it was great Rebecca! Very helpful for those of us just starting our business pages!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks Rebecca. I think this is helpful, I can use all the tech tips I can get. I'd didn't know how to use those features you showed us. Hope you have a great week.

  8. In from Natasha's It is so nice to meet you!!
    I am a new follower !!

  9. Swathi so pleased it helps
    Sharon thats wonderful
    Gina looking forward to liking your page
    love the decor welcome on my way to visit you

  10. We aren't great at updating facebook page for work. I do post slightly differently FB and twitter as FB more personal and twitter more work. Bugs me when someone tweets and the link is to those FB posts. I don't youtube yet, baby steps.

  11. Great information, Rebecca. Thanks for the FB tips. It can be very confusing when trying to get things set up correctly. I think it's a work in progress.

  12. Lauren thats cool i personally don't mind when it connects to facebook if the link is good lol
    Cathy do u have a facebook page I must like you :-)

  13. Great job Rebecca..I was thinking of linking my FB page with twitter..Thanks for the tips :-)

  14. Thanks for this Rebecca - I haven't ventured in to the world of facebook yet - but if/when I do I'll be back for another look!

  15. Thanks Rebecca. I've been manually posting my blog posts. I didn't know you could set Facebook to do it automatically. I wonder if I set it to auto, will it show my posts twice. Hmmm

    I use my name on Facebook and not my blog's name. I'm thinking I should make a Facebook page for my blog now. So many choices.

    Thanks again for sharing your tips. You're the best. Happy Valentine's day to you and your lovely family.

  16. Gulmohar my pleasure :-)
    brownieville girl oh you will enjoy facebook
    Sam oh i think thats a good idea a separate page and linking will save u work


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