Australian Crunchie

I made Australian Crunchie recently no idea how it got the name in fact I don't think Australians have even heard of it!, Its fun to make and in fact was one of my favorite things to make with my younger brother growing up. This time the name brings a huge smile to my face as we are going to Australia next month!! we decided to go a huge long haul trip before we have two kids :-), we will be also meeting some wonderful bloggers down under. I am truly blessed for the opportunity be sure to come over when we are packing next month and squeeze in our suitcases.

The recipe comes from the BE-RO cookbook an iconic British baking book by a flour company. It started to be published in the 1920's when self raising flour was introduced. The traveling salesmen would give it out at demonstrations!, and it is still going strong with over 38 million copies sold!

  • 5 oz self raising flour
  • 8 oz butter or margarine
  • 5 oz sugar
  • 3 oz shredded coconut
  • 3 oz crushed cornflakes or any cereal - I used a shredded wheat and bran cereal this time 
  • one tablespoon of cocoa
  • melted chocolate

  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees
  2. melt the butter/margarine over a low heat
  3. stir in the sugar, coconut and cereal,  cocoa and flour, mix well
  4. turn into the tin and level with a knive and bake for 30 minutes
  5. when almost cold cut into squares
  6. then cover with chocolate if desired

Has anyone else been to Australia? got any tips?

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  1. SO excited for your trip... and more than a little jealous!! You have to promise to blog about all the fabulous places and FOOD!!!

  2. Oh, I'm so jealous! My son and I were just talking about where we want to "take a trip" to...and Italy and Australia were our top two choices...have a blast!! And then come home and make babies ;) LOL!! Australian crunchy sounds good =)

  3. Congratulations on baby number two and the awesome trip. I'm so jealous of your vacation. I want to tag along...hehe :)

  4. So envious of your trip! It'll be great. My husband and I were just saying last night how nice Australia looks. Have a great week.

  5. wow..Australia...hv fun trip and bloggers meet...crunchie looks drolworthy...

  6. wow, sounds like an exciting trip ahead...... have to agree with " the food hound" , quite jealous too ;).

  7. This crunchie looks so lovely, shall be trying out for my kids.

  8. Yummm.
    And Australia?! Take me with you!
    I love Cairns, but I wonder how things are looking there right now...

  9. Este dulce me ha llamado la atención, no conocía nada de australia.


  10. This recipe sound simple and it look so good.

  11. Wow, what an exiting trip.
    Wonderful tea time treat ♥

  12. your kitchen must've smelled great while this is baking!

  13. Crunchie looks delicious..have a nice trip to care!

  14. So exciting. Have a great teat trip. I am hoping one day to get to Australia but for now we need to finish up Europe before we move.

  15. Your trip sounds wonderful. I've never been, but my cousin lived there for several years. He loved golf and was amazed at all of the kangaroos on the course.

    I'll be looking forward to your posts. Isn't it fun to have blogger friends from around the world?

  16. I've never heard of these either but with coconut in them, they must be delicious! So cool about your trip!

  17. Glad to hear you are feeling better. That chicken soup in your last post must have cure you.
    Those crunchies sound tasty and easy to prepare.
    What a fun trip ahead for you!

  18. This looks so good! I don't think I have ever heard of it.

  19. I am jealous, i want to visit those places. Australian crunchies looks delicious. I made a similar on but from south africa.

  20. Mmmm, love the look of this AND the ingredients! Haven't taken a real trip in years...poor me. LOL!

  21. Good luck!!!I would love to visit Australia!Have fun!

  22. I'm so jealous of your trip! I hope you guys have a wonderful time! Even if this isn't actually Australian, it looks delicious :)

  23. what a fun trip, can i come :) this looks and sounds so good!

  24. I love the name of the treat - and a little crunch in the afternoon is always welcome! Wishing you safe travel to Australia and how wonderful to meet up with other bloggers. I think blogging has done a lot to make this one-world.

  25. Rebecca, how fun going to Australia...and this crunchie sure look yummie...enjoy your trip :-)

  26. Australia is near the top of my wish list. Lucky you! Have a wonderful time, and thanks for this fun recipe.

  27. the food hound sure thing
    girlichef he he one in the oven
    belinda thanks
    nutmeg nanny come on girlie
    Roz hope you and your hubby also get to visit one day
    sanyuka thanks
    Nammi :-)
    sanjeeta let me know if they like it
    mariko oh thats cool you have been there
    Jose thanks for the wishes
    Sonia thanks :-)
    Ana :-)
    peachkins yep it did lol
    Suman thanks so much
    Melinda oh love Europe
    Sam oh blogging is amazing wow that makes golf more fun
    Joanne he he i know can't believe it
    Rita he he yep magic soup
    Alicia thanks
    Swathi oh love South African food
    design wine and dine hope you get to take a trip soon my friend
    Erica thanks so much
    Victoria he he thanks
    teresa sure come on
    Claudia oh i agree blogging does connect the World
    Juliana thanks so much
    Beth oh thanks

  28. Welcome! We did have quite a bit of flooding in South East QLD and cyclone in the far north QLD, a lot of resorts are not in good shape, but the Reef is still there, and you will still be able to enjoy QLD, a lot of Europeans like Perth.. and basically, it's a big country and a lot to see, and do come around to Melbourne!

  29. Wow! This looks awesome! I love that your husband wants to share with you.

  30. I hope you have a wonderful trip, so exciting :) These are delightful treats.

  31. awww, you're so lucky, i've always wanted to visit Australia. Hope you'll have a wonderful time and enjoy every moment of your vacation.
    The crunchie look amazing.
    thanks for sharing Rebecca

  32. ms pink piglet thanks for the tips and for stopping by
    Shanae thanks and thanks for visiting
    the magic of spice thanks so much
    a little bit of everything of my pleasure

  33. Crunchy and sweet - two of my favorite things! I'm so excited for you and your upcoming Australia trip. Looking forward to hearing/reading all about it...!

  34. That sounds like a great trip! Have a blast okay? My friend makes crunchies for our book club. She say you have to use golden syrup to make them and you can only get it here in the British section at Publix.

    Funny about the "Australian" in the's the same way with our dog, he's and Australian shepherd and it's an American bread. :D

  35. tangled noodle i will blog from there promise
    Lyndsey wish we had that store in NC

  36. tangled noodle i will blog from there promise
    Lyndsey wish we had that store in NC


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