Bacon and Split Pea Soup

This soup was inspired by Snacking Squirrel, a lovely Canadian food blogger it looked healthy and easy to make and pleased to say I made my first split pea soup. Dried peas are a great source of protein, B Vitamins, potassium and soluble fiber great for lowering cholesterol.

 Thats actually one of my favorite things about blogging since starting blogging I have so many wonderful first recipes :-) thanks everyone.

Hubby loves lentils, beans and pulses growing up in South India with a now strict vegetarian Mum, he loves them in fact I would call them his comfort food so I knew this would appeal to him. 


  • 1.5 cups of dried split peas
  • 2 carrots chopped 
  • 2 medium potatoes diced
  • 3 rashers of bacon
  • 1/2 an onion chopped
  • one cup of vegetable stock 
  • about 4 cups of water, and more as needed
  • 4 cloves of chopped garlic 
  • salt and pepper to taste

  1. cook the bacon till crispy and keep to one side 
  2. saute the onions and garlic then add the carrots, potatoes and slit peas 
  3. add stock and water and simmer for 2 hours near the end add the bacon
  4. serve with a your favorite bread and enjoy :-)

Has anyone else made this soup?

and a shout out to Jennifer of  agirlandhercarrot a fellow dietitian who gave me the stylish blogger award

and Malli kindly gave me this award it was her first, I remember the thrill of getting my first blogging award so be sure to stop by and visit her lovely blog.

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  1. I've only made this with ham. Loving the idea of smoky, salty bacon peppering the soup.

  2. This looks good. We really like lentils.Great Blog!

  3. Rebecca, this looks so comforting and warm. Delicious. I've never made this but I plan to.

  4. Split peas with bacon...What a great flavor combination. Like Claudia, I have only made this ham too. I know that bacon as an alternative would be really delicious.


  5. The bacon makes a nice variation to the standard ham my mom would always use. Split pea soup always makes me think of my brother. It is his favorite!

  6. This sounds divine. Can't wait to make it!

  7. Lovely. I love split pea soup. It is definitly a comfort food!

  8. I love blogging so many new recipes to try, this soup is perfect for this crazy winter weather..


  9. OMG I love split pea soup - I usually make mine with smoked ham hocks and this recipe sounds amazing too! Cheers on your first batch of this yummy soup - thanks for sharing the recipe!

  10. Claudia thanks i bet yours is amazing though
    Alicia aw thanks so much
    Ann oh you will like it
    Velva thanks so much hugs
    Lori love the way food gives us memories
    Erin oh hope you do :-)
    sweetlife yep is a good winter recipe
    stephanie yipee for firsts lol

  11. Sounds yum - especially with the bacon!

  12. I made something similar last month, it was a mint and split pea soup.

    Every with bacon taste good in my page.

  13. I love Kelsey's blog. It's always such fun to read her posts, and she's such a sweetheart. That's what I love about blogging too, so many new and great recipes to try.

  14. Love split peas, they are so easy. Bored while cooking I wrote a post about how split peas case anyone is curious or bored like I was

  15. Split pea soup is delicious. I normally use ham bones for the stock. Bacon rashers is a good substitute.

  16. oh yum! i'm actually planning to make this soup later in the week, i'm so excited now!

  17. We love pea soup but have never made one with green split peas; looks so good and my husband loves pea soup with bacon.

  18. belinda thanks
    Victor oh wow love the mint idea
    LeQuan great isn't it :-)
    Lauren he he will check it out
    Biren thanks
    Teresa let me know how it goes
    Rita thanks :-)

  19. I wish I liked pea soup more! This recipe sounds really good, and soup is my favorite thing to eat in winter. :)

  20. Thanks for the shout out Rebecca! You totally deserve the award! Enjoy it! Oh, and this split pea soup looks creamy and a little chunky with those lentils. Perfection in one spoonful!


  21. Bacon in soup...sounds miam miam.Never tried it though

  22. I know pea soup is a love it or hate it soup. I happen to love split pea soup!

  23. Yum, what a healthy looking soup!

  24. I love split pea. Had some snacks made with them before. Very delicious!

  25. Split pea soup is such a fabulous classic. Has to be made with ham or bacon for me, though :) I love your version!

  26. You have such an amazing blog with great photo posts and yummy recipes so here's an award I would like to pass on to you for a job Well Done!!Please pick it up from my site....ThnX

  27. Hearty n comfy..perfect for the winter evenings :)

    US Masala

  28. I agree; I am amazed at the new and wonderful recipes I find on blogs.

    I have never had pea soup. Yours sounds wonderful:)

  29. My husband loves split pea soup. I like the addition of potato in it.

  30. The split pea soup sounds terrific with the addition of bacon, excellent!

  31. Emily he he maybe if you try it you will like it
    Jen thanks
    Gulmohar he he got to love bacon
    susan :-)
    emily thanks
    angie oh that sounds interesting
    the food hound aw thanks
    aipi so true
    Malli thanks so much will come over
    Raina thanks
    Barbara oh hope you make him some lol
    5 star foodie thanks

  32. Pea soup is always a satisfying winter soup and its so quick and easy to make - nutritious too :) I made some with bacon a few months ago - I think it was better than the traditional ham.

  33. Mmm split pea soup. Delicious. Especially with bacon!

  34. it is very much similar to Finnish pea soup, except for the part bacon is replaced with pork, looks yum!

  35. IM SO DOWN TO TRY IT NEXT TIME WITH BACON!!! mmm i want more split pea soup mmm <3 Yay im SO HAPPY you made yourself some, it looks incredible!!! gotta love the color too :)

    xoxo <3

  36. shes cookin :-) great minds think alike
    Joanne thanks
    Ananda oh bet the Finnish one is nice
    Kelsey thanks so much for teaching me


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