The Recipe App Journey

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  1. Hey Rebecca,

    Thanks for sharing. I know you've put a LOT of time, money and passion into your product. Just hang in there, all your energy will pay off!

  2. thanks for your encouragement Somner means a lot to me Rebecca

  3. Love your video; you sure put a lot of yourself in this venture; you have to be patient and not always easy!

  4. Rita I know your right patience is not a strongpoint of mine hugs i love your wisdom

  5. Good luck, Rebecca! I know with everything available out there it's hard to get a piece of recognition. Hopefully, patience will pay off! I'm sure there are lots of iPhone users out there (even though I'm not one of them).

  6. Rebecca, I know it's tough, and I know you've put a lot of work into your app, but you have such a great positive outlook!! I know that with that positive energy everything will really work out great, and you will continue to succeed in everything you do :) xo

  7. thanks Victoria your so sweet big hugs


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