Thumbprint Cookies

So a couple of weeks ago I made my first thumbprint cookies, I know Americans will be surprised but in the UK cookies are not made as much as here, we are more of a cake nation. But America should be proud of its cookie making abilities I have so enjoyed all the blog posts on holiday traditions passed down through the generations. I got this simple recipe, simple is good for me ;-) from Amanda's Cookin she is a talented baker and also does amazing crafts and is a great voice in the blogging community.

  • 3 3/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 1/3 cups unsalted butter, softened (not melted)
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • 1 egg yolk
  • a dash of vanilla

  1. combine all ingredients and refrigerate for one hour
  2. then take out and add little balls to a cookie sheet (Amanda used a cookie scoop didn't even know they existed he he)
  3. use to thumb to make an imprint bake at 375 for 10 minutes 
  4. then remove add fillings of your choice, I used strawberry jam and lemon curd and bake for a further 5-7 minutes
I was surprised at the amount of butter in here thats the dietitian in me and they seemed a little greasy but after they cool, it keeps them soft and moist :-)

Go ahead help yourself :-) 

Hugs Rebecca

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  1. I love thumbprint cookies. My favorites are Ina Garten's version which are rolled in shredded coconut, then you make the indentation and fill with jam. It adds a fun layer of texture and flavor :)

  2. Love the simplicity of the thumbprint cookie!

    This is only the second one I have come across this season which seems strange...

    Interesting about how the Brits are more into cakes and the Americans a cookie nation! Love learning those little tidbits of info!

  3. I agree with Victoria, Ina Garten's thumbprint cookies are fabulous. I love to make thumbprints because you can fill them with so many different things: chocolate, jam, dulce de leche. So good.

  4. I agree, sometimes in recipes the butter amount can be quite shocking. These are lovely, my friend. Perfect for the holiday.

  5. I love thumbprint cookies. I lam the jam filling tucked into the center of a butter cookie.

    You are right, I have never thought about but Americans to make a lot of cookies. :-)

  6. Victoria oh wow I must try that trick next time
    design wine and dine he he my pleasure
    Sylvie oh I will be making them again for sure
    Bridgett thanks so much not bad for the first time
    Velva smiles

  7. Beautiful thumprint cookies. I love to make them.

  8. pretty thumbprints cookies, look great too.

  9. simple ingredients but resulted great flavours!

  10. Lovely cookies Rebecca. I've never made thumbprint cookies either.

  11. that is a really festive dish. The thumbprint cookies looks great!

  12. Nice job Rebecca! Your thumbprints turned out great!

  13. These little gems are beautiful. Thumbprints are one of my all time favorites. Merry Christmas!

  14. These thumbprint cookies look wonderful and I do love the English lemon curd. Merry Christmas!

  15. Love the name of your cookies, Rebecca. Like the dash of spread in it.

  16. great job rebecca, they turned out lovely!

  17. Scrumptious cookies! Happy holidays!

  18. I made my first thumbprint cookies two years ago - so was late in the game (for an American). So easy and pretty. I love your festive platter and could have one with my morning coffee.

  19. These cookies look wonderful. I am totally in cookie mode this week!

  20. My Mom used to always make these thumbprint cookies. Love them.

  21. These were the cookies I made every year and your looks fantastic. Happy holidays.

  22. Swathi :-0
    Jess thanks
    Sonia my kind of recipe
    Dimah thanks
    Sam oh you need to make them u will love them :-)
    peachkins thanks
    Julie thanks
    Diana thanks :-)
    Biren oh I also love lemon curd
    Sanjeeta :-)
    Teresa aw thanks
    % star foodie thanks
    Claudia oh but I want some of your Italian ones wow
    Emily tis the season
    Kim oh I know why yum
    Rita thanks hugs

  23. I love those cookies, but I don't bake a lot!Yours look delicious...Happy holidays to you and your family,Rebecca!

  24. I love aything jam :) These cookies look so cute!

  25. thanks Erica same to you hugs
    Tanvi :-) oh me too

  26. Thumbprint cookies are so much fun. I like to add a bit of almond flour to my thumbprints as well. You did such a nice job with these! Very pretty! :)

  27. I love thumbprint cookies. I just made some "raw" ones for a demo at Whole Foods. These look delicious.

  28. Thumbprints are so much fun! I love that you can stuff them with whatever jam you want! Delicious.

  29. They look yummy! Have a very blessed holiday season Rebbecca, with your husband and Jasmine. Lots of love

  30. I know, people really do get cookie mad at this time of year don't they? These would be nice dipped in coffee - I like my sweets for breakfast when I have them, you see.

  31. Oh how festive they look Merry Christmas to you and your family :)

  32. I don’t know if we are here more cookies or cakes - love all!!

    Splendid thumbprints cookies :)

    Happy Holidays! :)


  33. the ungourmet oh thats a neat idea
    deb oh thats cool bet it went down well
    Sushma thanks so much
    Joanne oh I agree the fillings make them
    Kitchen Butterfly thanks hugs
    Trix oh I confess I had some for breakfast
    Ananda thanks
    Gera :-) Merry Christmas


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