Pancetta, Baby Squash and Leek Risotto

Oh how I love risotto its easy to make and forces you to stop what your doing day dream and stir!, I found some lovely baby squash combined with leeks and pancetta and voila another great risotto is born.

  • 3 slices of pancetta diced
  • 2 small leeks thinly sliced
  • two cups of vegetable stock
  • 4 cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1/2 red onion chopped
  • 5 small baby squash sliced
  • 1-2 cups of water
  • one cup of Arborio Rice
  • 5 small mushrooms sliced

  1. saute the onion and garlic in olive oil
  2. then add the pancetta, baby squash, mushrooms and leek for 3 minutes
  3. add rice and the stock and stir keep stirring the rice as the stock evaporates then add another cup, stir then add the water as needed this takes about 30-45 min
I am going to start a new series of interviewing fellow bloggers, folks on the Chow and Chatter Facebook page and Twitter for fun, its just great to spotlight all you lovely folks :-)

Stay tuned and let me know if you want to be interviewed :-)

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  1. Oh my! This looks AMAZING! I'm going to try it out this week.

    Found you via my friend @FoodSafetyLady and am so glad she suggested your blog! :)


  2. Rebecca, this looks totally delicious! Pancetta, squash, leek...all good stuff.

  3. You're right- making risotto is the perfect time to stop and dream, and yet, I'm so hungry when I make it, I can't wait for it to be ready! I imagine I'd have the same experience making your delicious risotto :)

  4. Love the combination between risotto & squash. Must be very tasty and am sure Jasmine will love it too! Hope everything is well there. Have a wonderful day!
    Blessings, Kristy

  5. Vaya plato fantastico, delicioso.


  6. Bravo, such a great and welcoming dish ♥

  7. This risotto sounds like a great combination! I love pancetta in almost everything!

  8. Gosh, that looks fabulous, Rebecca! Love that combo, too.

  9. Looks and sounds so delicious! Love risotto too, it's something about the creamy and gooey texture that one can't resist!

  10. This looks so delicious. I almost never make risotto but I need to change that! This one looks so good.

  11. Fantastico questo risotto! Ciao Daniela.

  12. Lovely risotto Rebecca. Real comfort food for the bitter cold days we are having.

  13. What a great combo- risotto anything is my kind of meal!

  14. I do love risotto with all my heart adnadding pancetta to it must be breathtaking.
    Did I tell you I love risotto?

  15. Oh, I've been sick with the flu and finally feeling better today and a nice hot bowl of risotto sounds perfect!

  16. I love risotto, this sounds like such a wonderful combination of flavors for this time of year.

  17. gorgeous blend of flavors, love it!!

  18. I love risotto, haven't made it in a long time. This combination sounds perfect (without the pancetta for me)

  19. The combination of ingredients in the risotto sound so wholesome!

  20. All wonderful ingredients in one dish. Looks delicious.

  21. Awesome-love risotto and love these flavor combinations.

  22. oh i love risotto too...and this has all those beautiful stuff in there!

  23. What a great combination! I can't wait to try it!

  24. this is such a yummy looking risotto with pancetta squash and leek, very nice!

  25. Another delightful risotto recipe! I haven't made risotto for a while and I'm getting very tempted. Yours sounds wonderful!

  26. Gorgeous combination - love having the leeks, squash and pancetta rolled into one creamy risotto dish!

  27. I agree with you Rebecca. Risotto is an easy and methodical dish. One to daydream over for sure. I love your combination of ingredients here. Looks delicious!

  28. Lindsay thanks so much for visiting adore Terra
    Angie thanks so much
    Lawyer loves lunch he he
    Kristy i am good thanks hugs
    peachkins thanks so much your kind
    jose thanks
    Ana oh thanks :-)
    Jay :-)
    Peggy oh me too
    Sanjeeta thanks
    Barbara thanks
    pigpigcorner so true
    Belinda thanks
    Lisa you will love making it
    Daniela thanks so much means a lot to me
    Sam thanks
    Chef E oh love it
    Rita big smiles
    design wine and dine get well soon
    emily :-)
    teresa thanks
    priyanka enjoy your risotto
    Tanvi :-0
    swathi :-0
    Doc thanks
    ananda thnaks
    Beth hope u like it
    5 star foodie thanks
    Susan sounds like its time he he
    Claudia thanks means a lot to me when u like it
    kIm thanks

  29. What a lovely recipe, my family would really enjoy this and so easy to make a veggie version for me too :)
    As for the interview, I am sure I would be quite dull...but if you need an extra, I am more than willing, lol
    Hope your Holiday Season is going beautifully!

  30. Haha i just posted a risotto recipes as well! Great minds think alike. I love the pancetta/squash/leek combo. Delicious.

  31. That looks like a delicious one dish meal perfect for weeknights!

  32. you are becoming a risotto master - looks like you will be giving lessons soon...LOL

  33. Magic of spice your not dull at all lol
    Joanne indeed he he
    Biren so true
    Christo hugs

  34. Magic of spice your not dull at all lol
    Joanne indeed he he
    Biren so true
    Christo hugs


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