Turkish Spiced Cod

The second day in the Cotswolds I got out my spices I had bought in the Istanbul Spice bazaar and cooked cod for my Grandparents. We got a great deal on the fresh cod in the grocery store this dish is a twist on the British classic!


  • 2 fillets of cod
  • about 2 tablespoon of Turkish fish spice mix
  • one pack of new potatoes
  • one bunch of fresh parsley
  • one cup of 2 % milk
  • one tablespoon of corn flour
  • one tablespoon of butter
  • any desired vegetables

  1. Simply coat the fish with the spices and cook on a medium heat in a little olive oil with a lid for about 7 minutes
  2. meanwhile boil the potatoes and vegetables
  3. make a white parsley sauce by heating the butter, adding the flour to make a roux and then slowly stirring in the milk, add the parsley and allow to thicken.

This was enjoyed by all, it was such a joy to cook for Grandma and Granddad ;-)

the fish mix is coming up in the giveaway, watch this space!!

What is your favorite way to cook fish?

Finally I am launching a Chow and Chatter Blog Talk Radio Join me Wednesday June 9th at 6 EST USA to hear about Istanbul's amazing spice bazaar!

Lauren - I think its curry powder - Curry Powder


A spice blend consisting of cumin, pepper, turmeric, cloves, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, tamarind and hot red pepper.

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  1. from the picture, i believe your Grandma and Granddad were really enjoyed this yummy and heatlhy dish! well done.

  2. Aww the grandparents are adorable! What a great dish to serve to them.

  3. I can see all of you are so delighted with your fish recipe. Does the spice mix taste like curry? Now, looking forward to your new radio show. Congrats!!

  4. Isn't it great to still have your grandparents around? I am lucky as well. The dinner looks fabulous.

  5. I love simple recipes like this, so quick to make and yet so satisfying..Thanks for sharing Rebecca! :)

  6. Oh that is so sweet! Looking forward to more stories and photos from your trip!

  7. How fun to cook for your grandparents Rebecca. I would love to know more about the Turkish spice mixture. It sounds very interesting.

  8. Nice you got to use your spices so quickly, Rebecca! I love the photo of your grandparents too. They look like they are really enjoying the meal.

  9. Oh CanC that looks awesome- I am hoping it is lunch time soon! Jealous of the seasonings...everyone looks happy at the table!

  10. Thats a quick and delicious one..nice pic rebecca

  11. Dinner looks great! Looks like your grandparents enjoyed it!

  12. Mmm...a nice meal. I'm sure your grandparents really enjoyed it.

  13. I love the dishes in your Gram's cupboard- so quaint! Fish is grilled at my house, love it anyway it comes though.

  14. This looks like such a good meal - I love cod. It's so nice and flakey!

    Do you have any idea what's in the spice mix, so we can approximate it at home?

  15. That looks great. I love grilled fish with a little lemon juice, and blackened is good too.

  16. That looks great. I love grilled fish with a little lemon juice, and blackened is good too.

  17. It looks fantastic, curious about the spices in the mix!

  18. Sonia: oh they did lol
    Joanne: thanks
    the lacquer spoon: yep like a mild curry
    Bridgett oh its amazing love them so much
    Olive my pleasure
    peachkins that would be lovely
    3 hungry tummies coming up
    Sam: have posted a link to the facebook page
    Barbara they are cool will try anything
    chef E oh but giveaway coming up!
    Sushma thanks
    Kristen thanks
    Anccoo smiles
    Cristie oh thats the holiday home
    Lauren like a mild curry powder
    Melinda oh blackened is yum
    5 star foodie i know i should have asked!

  19. That looks simple to cook and yet very delicious....mmm. I love mine pan fried or baked.

    It's so wonderful to have your grandparents visit you. I'm sure it's such joy for them to see Jasmine...great grand daughter!

  20. This looks delicious Rebecca with that special spice mix! I bet everyone loved it!

  21. Mary oh it was wonderful
    Reeni oh love the spices I got in Turkey so cool

  22. Wow, nice to spend sometime with your Grandparents, and Jasmine with her Great-grans, superb. It looks lovely......I love fish grilled!

  23. The meal looks so good, and colorful! I love getting new spices, and can't wait to try them out either.

    I like fish grilled, but usually use mojo because my daughter will eat it that way. She is spreading her tasting out a little wider now, maybe I can start to change it up a little when it comes to fish.

  24. kitchen butterfly it was magic
    lyndsey hope your daughter enjoys it but your a right cook

  25. As your obligation is strengthened you make tumble to that there is no longer the dire to take a sense of repress, that things will bubble as they see fit, and that you purpose course with them, to your monstrous joy and benefit.


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