Thai Red Curry and Thai Cookbook Giveaway

I was tweeting with Thai Kitchen and talking Thai food as you do :-), when I got to thinking I love their products and Thai food why not ask if they would like to do a giveaway. They kindly agreed to send two of their Thai cookbooks to US readers.

I made this simple red curry the other day, curry pastes are very handy if you want to make a quick nutritious meal in 20 minutes.


  • one pack of chicken
  • some frozen veg
  • about 3-4 tablespoon of red curry paste to taste
  • one can of coconut milk
  • a dash of fish sauce
  • a little sugar
  • 1/2 a red onion chopped
  • 2 cloves chopped garlic
  • one teaspoon ginger paste

  1. saute the chicken and onion with ginger and garlic for 10 minutes 
  2. then add the vegetables
  3. in a separate pan heat the coconut milk and slowly stir in the red curry paste, fish sauce and sugar till its warm and thoroughly mixed
  4. add this to the chicken and simmer for 15-20 minutes
  5. serve with rice

So for the giveaway just leave a comment and in a week I will pick a couple of winners at random. 

Good luck everyone

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  1. I love Thai food! Count me in :)

  2. Very nice...I would love to participate!

  3. Good luck with the giveaway. I always do Thai take-out (love it) and never cook it - I am stymied by the many ingredients!

  4. I love curries too, though I mainly cook Indian. I have visited Thailand and sampled their curries so I wouldn't mind a stab at the cookbook.

    Thanks for dropping by range warfare, it is always nice to meet a fellow Brit on these shores.

  5. I LOVE Thai Kitchen! They are my go-to brand for my thai needs. Delicious curry!

  6. Wow it looks yum and what a lovely giveaway too..

  7. Thanks for this to have this beautiful book!!!

  8. That must be a local brand. Very handy to have ready made ingredients like that.

  9. The curry looks delicious. I have a bunch of Thai Kitchen products in my pantry and fridge--it's god stuff. ;-)

  10. I love Thai food too, so balanced and full of detail ♥

  11. I love Thai food! Count me in :) Thanks!
    ricettebarbare at gmail dot com

  12. I am a big fan of Thai food. Cause it has the spice and heat similar to that of the Indian food. I would love to have that book. So please count me in.

  13. Lov Thai food,curry looks perfect...

  14. Yay! I love Thai food but don't really have many recipes. This would be great!

  15. Victoria: sure thing
    Pierce: sure
    Claudia come on you could do it
    Jan great to meet you fellow brit all the best for the giveaway
    Joanne oh mine as well
    Jhnonny smiles
    Sushma smiles
    Niveditha sure
    3 hungry tummies oh i thought it was international
    Deb he he i know
    Ana well described
    peachkins oh me too
    Lisa yep
    Barbara sure
    Cool lassie sure
    Vrinda thanks
    Emily sure

  16. I love curry, but my hubby thinks it tastes like soap. Crazy! I'll make this for myself when he's off fishing. Yum!

  17. I love Thai food and thr red Thai curry is my favorite! Nice job on making it, it looks awesome!

  18. I LOVE Thai and this looks fairly simple (I never thought Thai cooking was and only first tried it last week myself).
    Count me in and I apologize that this is my first post, but I've been reading after seeing your blog on The Tiny Skillet. :)

  19. I'm just learning to cook Thai food and this recipe sounds wonderful. I've tried mussaman curry and now will try red. Some lucky person is going to win a cookbook!

  20. I have to win this book!!!!My husband loves Thai food, so I have to learn about this delicious cuisine! Can I win, please ;-)

  21. I would love to win this cookbook! Anything Thai Curry and I'm in.

  22. This is a wonderful giveaway, I've recently been more into Thai food and wanted to learn how to make some recipes at home.

  23. I would love to win this book.

    Count me in too.

  24. Yum yum yum! Count me in. Love all things thai and curry.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  25. I always have their red curry paste on hand and the fish sauce! Growing Thai basil outside! Love it!

  26. This dish is simple and sounds delicious. Thank you for the very kind compliment on my blog the other day. ;)

  27. Thai food is great!

  28. Mother Rimmy oh so sorry your hubby doesn't like curry mine doesn't like homemade bread sob
    Lyndsey oh thanks
    Betty Ray oh no worries good luck
    Cathy oh I will have to try that one next
    Erica smiles lets see hope you do lol
    Lea Ann all the best
    Anncoo thanks
    madeline oh thats cool
    Kim all the best
    Ma sure thing
    design wine and dine oh I need to grow some
    Diana oh my pleasure
    Joan smiles

  29. I like Thai food too, love spicy food at lot. I just made Thai fried rice, but your Thai red curry sound really yummy.

  30. awesome give thai food....curry looks temoting n delcious with a lovely n creative presentation...goodluck to all...fingers crossed

  31. Awesome, Reb! Your curry looks, I'm about due for a curry ;) I'd love the chance to win a cookbook (of course)!!

  32. Sonia oh I loved your fried rice
    Sanyukta good luck
    girilchef thanks so much good luck

  33. oh I love the Thai Kitchen products! i didn't even realize they had a cookbook.

  34. Fast and flavorful, I'm in.

  35. I would love to try cooking Thai.

  36. Mmmm, I LOVE Thai food and this curry looks really good. I don't cook enough Thai food, but I should start!

  37. thank you for this, to see how it could affect your health go to


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