Lebanese Style Pancakes and Giveaway Winner

I made these egg less pancakes the other day for my Mum in law as she doesn't eat eggs on her diet. I found the recipe on Joumana's blog TasteofBeirut.com  I adore her blog, and upbeat personality. Also the presentation of her dishes are first class.

It was easy to make and tasty and fabulous with fresh cherries and nutella:


slightly adapted, please see the link to Taste of Beirut for better directions- she had hers with clotted cream and a cherry sauce much more gourmet!

  • One cup of cake flour
  • one tablespoon of baking powder
  • one tablespoon of salt
  • one cup of milk


  1. whisk them all together till quite a thick batter,
  2. heat a little canola oil and cook, Joumana says not to turn them over I cheated a little and did on a few lol

Enjoy, they make a fun afternoon snack with a cup of tea

And the winner of the Turkish spice giveaway is Reeni of Cinnamon and Spice and Everything Nice, please email me with your address, I wish I had got more to give out sob. But when I go to India in September I will get more goodies and do another giveaway 

True Random Number Generator  31

What's your favorite topping for pancakes?


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  1. I like a lot of toppings - peanut butter, nutella, blueberry compote, maple syrup, strawberry compote, peach compote - the list is huge!

  2. love the pancakes with berries...looks divine and wonderful...is tht ur daughter in the pic...she is so so adorable and cute...

  3. love the pancakes with berries...looks divine and wonderful...is tht ur daughter in the pic...she is so so adorable and cute...

  4. I'm going to try these. They boys love pancakes but I sometimes run out of eggs. These would be perfect and I could use my eggs to make cakes. Or cookies. Or brownies...

  5. I don't usually eat pancakes, but how can you go wrong with Nutella (which, BTW looks dangerously close to the edge in that last photo) and fresh fruit! Or clotted cream for that matter!

  6. Congratulations Reeni it's almost like you had to win...what with your blog named Cinnamon and Spice and Everything Nice! We'll be looking for good things!

  7. Congrats, Reeni! Fun posting - eggless pancakes interest me!

  8. Rebecca congrats for these pancakes your daughter loved them :) and also to Reeni for the giveaway!



  9. Congrats to Reeni!

    You are quite the globetrotter these days :P

    Those pancakes look scrumptious. I'm a raspberry or red currant jam fan myself...like it a little tart :P

  10. My favorite topping would be any kind of fruit! Congrats to Reeni..

  11. doggy bloggy: oh I know thats whats so cool about pancakes we can get creative
    Sanyukta: thanks yep thats our little sweetie smiles
    Lisa: oh they will like them so soft
    Lyndsey: oh I know i noticed after adding the picture he he oh I am looking forward to what Reeni does, I was surprised when her number came up lol
    Claudia I know I was surprised how good they tasted
    Gera: smiles
    Joanne oh raspberry sounds so good
    Peachkins good taste

  12. You had me with the nutella sitting right there :) I just love how people can share recipies -especially people with special diets! The internet is amazing!!!

  13. so easy & yummy pancakes and congrats to the winner ...

  14. Yum! At a glance, it looks like a crumpet, but must be lighter in taste. My fav topping? Hmm... simply, honey or maple syrup. Gastro heaven :)

  15. hmm they would go so well with my cup of tea right now! I like something cinnamony and spicy on mine!

  16. This looks surprisingly good with no added eggs. Of course you can put the recipe on the seafood blog. :)

  17. looks delish, just checked the oringal recipe too,

  18. What DON'T I love on pancakes!? Toasted pecans and maple syrup is probably my ultimate favorite combo topping. These sound great...and look at Jasmine!! She's so big! And adorable ;)

  19. pancakes looks delicious...yummie!

  20. Thanks so much Rebecca! And to everyone for all the congratulations! Your pancakes sound so delicious with clotted cream and raspberry sauce - that's how I'll take mine, please!

  21. What a nce combination .. Lebanon and France!

  22. They look lovely. I'd like to get you and Joumana in a cook off so I get to eat both!!!
    Toppings-I think DB nailed'em!

  23. incredibel toppings. No wonder jasmine is so engrosed

  24. Wow, these pancakes look so good! I love nutella too!

  25. libbie oh for sure love the internet he he maybe too much
    Sushma thanks
    the lacquer spoon do you have a crumpet recipe?
    Ruth oh I would love a cuppa as well
    3 hungry tummies aw thanks I know they tasted good actually
    Peanutts oh hers is better lol
    girlichef oh toasted nuts now your talking!
    Suman thanks
    Reeni oh your welcome
    Laura smiles
    doc yep I think her did he he
    Jhonny he he
    Sook thanks

  26. I've never had to make an eggless pancake, but if I ever do this looks like a great recipe.

  27. my favorite syrup is boysenberry. but i also like to put peanut butter on them with good ole maple syrup

  28. Janice: i know maybe if you run out
    Danielle oh that sounds cool never heard of that berry

  29. The eggless pancake looks yum..thanks for sharing..first time here..you have a lovely space..happy to follow you..drop on at my blog when you get time..


  30. Yummy looking pancakes, I'll take mine with peanut butter and syrup.

  31. Nithu oh thanks so much for stopping by on my way over to your blog - Rebecca
    Mimi coming up lol


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