Black Chick Pea Curry

Heres a great vegetarian curry, packed with micro nutrients, protein and fiber. I have posted it before and make it a lot one of hubby's favorites in fact my Mum in Law has made this already for him and she only arrived last week!

  • chana - little black chick pea, available in Indian stores
  • ginger/garlic paste
  • coconut shredded
  • 1/2 red onion
  • salt to taste
  • one tablespoon masala powder
  • 1 green chili
  • curry leaves- if you have some
  • 3 small tomatoes
  • a little tomato puree
  • tamarind paste 1/4 handful soaked in hot water

1. Soak the 
Channa in water overnight
2. pressure cook the 
Channa 4 times, with onion and tomato, these little things need a lot of whistles to soften them up!
3. heat a little canola oil, add onion, chili, ginger and garlic and tomatoes and simmer down to a paste for about 10 minutes
4. then add the cooked chick peas, some water, masala powder, salt to taste, coconut and tamarind (its fine without it as well) and simmer for about 15-20 minutes.

Tomorrow don't forget to tune in for an Interview with the lovely and most talented Girlichef, I can't wait to get to know her better and hear her voice

Wednesday June 23rd 6pm

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  1. This is fantastic...these flavor combinations are a delight:)

  2. this is a healthy version of curry, Thanks for sharing, must try your recipe one day.

  3. A lovely healthy curry - adore that it has been made for you already. I will be your mother-in-law and do the same for my children!

  4. love the ingredients used, looks delicious, would be perfect with rice

  5. Oooo, love bean curry!! If only I could smell it...

  6. I have been eating tons of chickpeas recently...and can you believe I have never seen black ones?!?! I will have to find them! Can they be found at most grocery stores?

  7. Oh my god, that looks amazing. I just picked up a bag of those and a new block of tamarind so I will bring them to you and we can have lunch together. :)

    (Love your show!)

  8. I love a good curry! This looks so good! I have some black chickpeas that I need to use...

  9. Oh mummy's recipe. Thanks Rebecca! Is she going to take over your kitchen?

  10. adventures in domestic cooking- thanks
    magic of spice: thanks so much
    Sonia: oh hope u like it
    Claudia - oh so sweet
    Sushma oh or chappati lol
    the lacquer spoon smiles
    Nithya oh thanks so much
    design wine and dine maybe whole foods i would go to your local Indian store
    Lisa oh thats so cool share your version
    Joanne oh thats cool
    3 hungry tummies well kind of but I like different food sometimes and J doesn't do spicy yet

  11. this looks like a nice dish - I would love to pull up some naan and get busy. I need to get me some black chickpeas!

  12. I've never heard of a black chickpea...I'm on the hunt!! This sounds so delicious and packed with awesome flavors =) I'll talk to you in a few hours....can't wait!!

  13. like to use black channa/chick peas in my cooking..even i make this curry exactly the same way..yours looks perfect and delicious..

  14. I love it! This looks excellent :) I've been trying to find recipes using beans to be a bit more frugal! I'm giving this one a shot!

  15. darling love to read abt u...and knw tht u maried a kala chana curry...our fav..u cook great indian food...just perfect..bravo...10/10 on this tempting curry dish.......

  16. I have never seen black chick peas!! wow i have to get some....
    thanks so much for such a great curry!

  17. Chickpeas - Delicious! Would be perfect with a big bowl of rice.

  18. What a delicious curry! The black chickpeas sound very unique, a must try!

  19. You've got me curious to see if I can find black chickpeas in a market closeby. I know I would like this curry dish so I've got my fingers crossed that I'll find them.

  20. Looks delicious! Full of Indian flavor and taste!I would love to try this!

  21. Love the color, Rebecca! I can just imagine how delicious it is. And how wonderful that it's a healthy curry too! Aren't MIL's wonderful?

  22. A great comfort food! I didn't know there are chickpeas in Black! Gotta look out for them next time I visit India store.

  23. Rebecca, black chick peas are new to me. Lovely combination of flavors here.

  24. doggybloggy oh you will find them in NYC for sure enjoy
    girlichef oh loved to hear your sweet voice
    Suman oh thats so cool you make it the same, thanks for stopping by
    Nicole oh enjoy lovie
    Sanyukta: oh thanks so much
    Chef Dennis oh thanks hope you get some
    Diana so true
    5 star foodie thanks
    always a winner thanks
    Cathy try an Indian store lol
    Barbara true lol
    Angie can't wait to see yours
    Sam oh thanks

  25. I saw black chickpeas when at the Indian market and was not sure what to do with them, I had not researched it, so now I will be trying this recipe!

    My son is now found himself a girlfriend who eats vegetarian, so I will share this with them too!

  26. Chef E oh thats so cool my bro is vegetarian as well but now eats fish lol


  27. Oh, my. This looks so tasty and fast enough to tackle for dinner. I'm adding it to my meal list this week!


  28. the peche oh thats cool, enjoy - Rebecca

  29. Hi Rebecca! This looks great! I just love recipes that taste wonderful AND also happen to be really good for you. I've never heard of black chickpeas, I'll have to seek them out. Though I imagine the regular ones will do as well?

  30. I love all of the great flavor in this dish.

  31. Nithu thanks
    Julie oh sure regular would also work just as well
    Mimi thanks


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