Turkish Beef Meatballs

I have featured this recipe before but couldn't resist sharing again, it turned out so well the other day. I got the spice mix in Turkey but the key ingredients are - coriander, black pepper, cloves, bay leaves and wild thyme. I love picking up ingredients on our travels and learning new dishes, I even got a cookbook when in Turkey :-)
Enjoy, I love these :-)


  • one pack of lean beef mince 
  • one small onion chopped
  • 1/2 a bunch of parsley chopped
  • one egg
  • 2 slices of bread crumbled
  • 2 tablespoons of meatball spice
  • a little salt
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • one can of chopped tomatoes


  1. mix all of the ingredients together except the can of tomatoes
  2. heat some olive oil in a thick bottomed pan then add the meatballs and slowly cook for 10 minutes stirring all the time to brown evenly
  3. then add the tomatoes and reduce down to a simmer for 20-30 minutes

Finally the wonderful Kristy of My Little Space gave me the lovely blog award I love Kristy she is a great cook, especially bread, great Mum and fun member of the blogging community

and Victoria of Mission Food another sweetie and future star chef seriously trust me on this

Thanks ladies I want to share it with everyone - Love you all your comments and the friendships from blogging make my day :-)

Have a wonderful weekend all 

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  1. Definitely welcoming. People can throw meatballs at me any day. Meatball spice - did not know that existed! Still learning...

  2. congrats on the awards. the meatball looks good.

  3. Meatballs are always a favorite here. I would love to try them with the Turkish spice mix. They sound wonderful!

  4. Have a great weekend, Rebecca! You're welcome :-D

  5. These sound perfectly delicious with those warming spices in the meatballs. Your photo has me craving a bite! How fun you got to explore the foods of Turkey.

  6. Yummy - I'll have to try that spice combination sometime

  7. I just love this type of meal. I'll try to make one with pork/chicken instead.

  8. Thanks for sharing this simple meatball recipe. Have a nice weekend..

  9. i love your turkish meatballs, these are perfect for fall weather, congrats on your awards...well deserved my friend


  10. so pretty and definitely something warm and delicious. :)

    i need to travel more, so i can discover new recipes and buy fun cookbooks, too. :)

  11. dish looks wonderful and congrats on your well deserved award rebecca..

  12. Congrats on the award. The meatball looks fantastic!

  13. Once a winner always a winner. Love this recipe! Meatballs are such delicious comfort food.

  14. Congrats on the award :) Well deserved of course! These meatballs looks delicious by the way!

  15. I think I will have to make these; sound wonderful. But I ,ve never heard of meatball spice.

  16. I love how simple these are! I also agree it's good to share things again that are worth it!!! Great spices - beautiful!!!

  17. Looks so good. I can never say no to a meatball:)

  18. Hi Rebecca!

    These look wonderful! We are big fans of meatballs here. I make large batches and freeze them. I like the combination of spices here. I bet that they are delicious. Hope that you have a lovely weekend!

  19. We were in Turkey in March and i loved their meatballs! Looking forward to trying this one out.

  20. I love Turkish food and enjoyed the spice profiles while there. These look delicious.Thanks!

  21. Mmmm, sounds delish Rebecca! Perfect comfort from this colder weather!

  22. Yum, these meatballs look very flavorful and delicious!

  23. Definitely will be enjoying your great dish proposal.
    Have a great weekend.
    Well done ♥

  24. Claudia me neither till we visited Turkey
    Jes thanks
    Jose thanks
    Savoring time in the kitchen oh we need to find some online
    Victoria aw thanks you too
    Bridgett oh Turkey was cool :-)
    Kristen you will love it
    little inbox oh that would work as well, thanks for stopping by
    Belinda thanks
    Sonia my pleasure
    Sweetlife oh thanks your so sweet
    emily lol you will
    Sushma thanks so much
    Dimah thanks so much
    Joanne so true
    Evan thanks
    Rita smiles
    design wine and dine thanks
    Raina me neither he he
    Krista oh thats a great idea
    Beth smiles don't u just love Turkey
    Doc thanks
    Catherine oh i agree
    Emily thanks
    Ana you too

  25. The meatballs look great! I like the meatball spices you used for the recipe.

  26. Ha, I put the wrong message on the wrong post- love this! I think you will figure it out :)

  27. I adore all kind of meatballs......Comfort, comfort and comfort food :)

  28. Angie thanks
    E no worries
    Erica he he i agree

  29. Oh i love the turkish meat balls, what a heartily delish meal!!
    That spice sounds really good, i mean looks good!
    Is it called meatball spice@the stores?

  30. That looks absolutely delicious!!! I personally love this kind of food...anything with meatballs is sure to win me over! Love that it's with rice too!

  31. sugar plum fairy I got the spice mix in Turkey maybe you can find a Turkish store or make your own so sorry
    Julien thanks so much and thanks for stopping by wow love your photos on Etsy Rebecca


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