Chow and Chatters New Look!

Hi all how do you like Chow and Chatter's new look, I wanted a little re design and didn't want to break the bank and by good luck I found Kristen on ETSY she did an amazing job, was fun to work with and was very reasonably priced.

The top one is for my iPhone recipe app!! - COMING SOON ;-)

 Heres a little about her and links to her sites for more information:

My name is Kristen and I am a full-time freelance graphic/web designer. I graduated from the Art Institute Online earlier this year with a Bachelors in Interactive Media Design. I absolutely love what I do and it's even better because I can do it in my PJs! I have a passion for colors and typography. Currently, I am focusing on working with independent crafters and small business owners to brand their businesses. So I do it all, from website banners to full logo designs. My portfolio can be found at and

My boyfriend and I live in Raleigh, NC with our Australian Shepherd, Dillon, a cat named Miss Kitten and two Shar Pei, Freyja and Reuben. In our spare time, my boyfriend and I train and show dogs in AKC events. That's how we met. I have one tattoo on my back that is a pink fairy holding two puppies. It is in memory of my Australian Shepherd, Jambo, and Sandy, my Longcoat Chihuahua. It is based on Jasmine Beckett-Griffith's artwork titled "A Beautiful Rat." I love: pink hair, tattoos, reading horror books, watching Bravo reality shows.

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  1. Your new look is very nice. Very clean and fresh. Sadly I don't have an iphone, mine is windows mobile.

  2. I love etsy... you find just about anything there!

  3. love the new look! it's fresh, clean.

  4. Yes I like it! It's vey nice to visit here now....Just kidding! It's always been nice to visit you here. I do like the new look!

  5. It looks wonderful! I really should think of doing something like this.

    How cool is the App idea! You are so innovative. If only I had an iphone!

    Take care and best wishes,

  6. so nice Rebecca . . . i love it! Nice decision!

  7. Great new look Rebecca. Very fresh and modern.

  8. Loving it - clean and lovely. Someday...I'll catch up to you...

  9. Love the new look! Clean and spacious :)

  10. Pretty new look. It's easier to navigate which is wonderful.

  11. Looks really nice! Great job Kristen:)

  12. I love it Rebecca! So pretty. And congrats on your iphone app! That is so cool - I'm so proud of you!

  13. Janice thanks so much oh maybe your next phone!
    Megan: oh I agree the more I look the more I like it
    Azita thanks
    Lyndsey: he he your fun
    Zoe thanks
    Natasha thanks trying :-)
    Bella thanks
    Penny thanks
    Indie thanks, well thanks to designer
    Sam thanks hugs
    peachkins thanks
    the food hound thanks
    Claudia oh I wish I could cook as well as you!
    anncoo smiles
    Nisrine good to hear
    Raina will pass along comments
    Reeni oh thanks your such a great and supportive person
    savoring time in the kitchen smiles

  14. It looks fantastic..I love everything! What a fabulous job she did!

  15. loved the new look,looks fresh and beautiful

  16. Liked your new look Rebecca, fresh and clear :)

    All the best with this new one,


  17. Rebecca, the new look is pretty light & refreshing! Love the colour.

  18. Congrats for the beautiful and informative new look. Best wishes, Rebecca.

  19. Lovely new look, Rebecca! Looks neat and nice :)

  20. Rebecca, your blog is lovely in both design and content :))

  21. Hello Rebecca,
    Is the process to set up an iPhone app difficult? My husband and I have talked about that for his site, and mine. :)
    Thank you!

  22. I like new style you did with the categories.

  23. Love it!! Beautiful integration into your blog.

  24. Very nice and clean! Love the new look!!!!

    I need an iphone.,keep putting it off!

  25. I like the look, Rebecca. Kristin has quite a talent...good find!

  26. Very nice Rebecca! Congrats! Your welcome page is great. I have yet to write my "About Page".

  27. Great new look! Spic and span clean looking. Great info on the tabs!

  28. Your new look is very pretty. Pretty but not overwhelming. Great job!

  29. I'm excited for the new look. You find the most talented people!

  30. Love it and I can't wait for the app. That being said, I really, really, really can't wait to get my fixed iPhone back.

  31. I love it! I might contact her too, I need something new and fresh and reasonably priced :)

  32. Looks great...beautiful job :)
    And love the To Go logo, congrats again on the iphone app...Don't forget to work on a blackberry one soon :)

  33. Very good, I really like.
    Very elegant and clean new look ♥

  34. Love the look!!! Very well done!

  35. thanks so much everyone will pass all the amazing comments along to Kristen the designer


  36. Very nice! Looking forward to the app. How fun!

  37. thanks Bridgett your support means the world to me

  38. You must enjoy creating such fun things as this! I just found out my sister in law and hubby do PHP and I may have to zest up my site!


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