Pancetta, Leek and Pea Risotto

I just love risotto and I want to thank food blogging for motivating me to make it, thats the wonderful thing about blogging. In fact Terra from Cafe Terra was talking about how easy pumpkin is to make on twitter the other day. So while taking cute snaps of Jasmine and her little buddy at the pumpkin stand I got one to eat not just for the front steps! I got a New Zealand winter squash, its a little cute purple/blue one. I made cous cous and added it and a pumpkin soup today, recipes to follow.......

So onto a simple and tasty risotto, oh I bet pumpkin would be great, maybe that will be my next pumpkin recipe!...

  • one small pack of pancetta, thinly sliced
  • 2 small leeks thinly sliced
  • two cups of vegetable stock
  • 4 cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1/2 red onion chopped
  • 1/4 cup of white wine
  • 2 cups of water
  • one cup of Arborio Rice
  • one cup frozen peas

  1. saute the onion and garlic in olive oil
  2. then add the pancetta and leek for 3 minutes
  3. add rice and peas and the wine and stir keep stirring the rice as the water evaporates then add another cup, stir then add the final cup this takes about 30-45 min

This funny picture is my feet in the leaves, we were walking the other day and had so much fun jumping in them and kicking them I thought we all needed a reminder :-)

So if you haven't jumped in leaves for a while find a tree lined area and have fun!

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  1. Leeks gives such a nice flavour, i usually use it for stir fries , i loved your variation too, risotto looks very delicious rebecca..

  2. Wow! Thank you so much for the mention. :) Pumpkin is so much fun to cook with, and so beautiful in sweet or savory dishes. I have made a butternut squash risotto, and I still think about it, YUM! So I definitely think a pumpkin risotto would be amazing. Have fun creating dishes with pumpkin! :)

  3. What a nice risotto...leeks always add a nice flavour...Love you blog..will visit often nw

  4. love it!!risotto looks so tasty

  5. what a wonderful looking dish.Looks really tasty.My 1st visit here,you have agreat space.
    Do drop by sometime.

  6. I love rissoto...and I love that picture of you kicking your feet in the leaves...we are never too old to have fun.

  7. Love your risotto. I have been wanting to cook risotto. Looks like it's high time I make it. I should go out and jump on leaves today.... LOL

  8. Oh myyyyy- does that look good- Love leeks!

  9. I love thecombination of peas, leeks and any kind of ham...especially pancetta! Lookd great and great picts!

  10. Even though it takes sooooo much stirring at the stove, risotto is such a versatile dish and I love it! You can put anything in it, and it turns out great (well, almost anything... :). These flavors look super!

  11. it looks like you and risotto have become quite good friends - looks very tasty!

  12. Sorry I haven't been around lately. Risotto is a family favorite and I love your version. Glad you had fun jumping in the leaves. The kids love it. I'll have to give it a go next time:)

  13. That risotto looks perfect! Loving the idea of a pumpkin risotto too. Hope you try it!!

  14. Never tried risotto at home..will giv a try...

  15. Love your risotto, which is healthy, digestive and beautiful! Good to warm us in cold autumn days :)

  16. I love risotto!!!! Great flavors....Delicious recipe.

  17. Your risotto looks delicious, Rebecca!

  18. Great recipe...I imagine that it would be delightful addition the the pumpkin soup :)

  19. Lovely-i love risotto and leeks as well!
    When are you coming to Fla?

  20. Rebecca, you had me at "Pancetta, Leek and Pea Risotto!" Great job on your risotto!! Mmmmm :)

  21. I am almost embarrassed to say that I have never had a leek! And I call myself a foodie!!!! ha

  22. I love that you add pancetta and leeks to your risotto; great combination; crazy about risotto and have not made it in a while.

  23. Great clicks
    Lovely risotto dish ♥

  24. Sushma thanks oh I do as well add leeks to loads of things pretty common veggie in the UK
    Zoe thanks
    Terra thanks again for the inspiration'
    sinfullyspicy welcome thanks so much for visiting
    s thanks thanks for visiting on my way to visit u
    thats Ron thanks so much
    Bo so true
    Mary enjoy the leaves looking forward to your risotto
    chef E thanks
    design wine and dine thanks
    the food hound so true totally worth it
    Christo yep we have he he
    Kim no worries
    Ruth oh i should smiles
    Vrinda oh u will love it
    the lacquer spoon thanks your right
    Erica thanks
    chef pandita thanks
    pigpigscorner thanks
    magic of spice smiles
    doc will email u'
    victoria smilesL
    leslie u have to change that
    Rita thanks isnt it a fun dish
    ana thanks

  25. I'm so super happy you are now inoculated into the pumpkin eater's club! Best stuff on earth.

    This risotto has such a great combination of flavors. Pancetta, I think, makes everything better.

  26. I really need to give risotto another try! Yours looks too good to pass up!

  27. Rebecca, you are so right! Risotto is wonderful and yet so simple to make. I love your addition of pancetta. YUM!

  28. I've only made risotto once, but yours looks delicious. The peas make it look very pretty as well.

  29. I love risotto and yours sounds wonderful with the flavors you have used. I am glad you reminded me about jumping in the leaves. That is fun:) My kids will think I am crazy but I will do it anyway. Come to think of it, they already think I am

  30. Joanne so true oh I have a lot to learn from you your the pumpkin master
    Evan oh you will shine at it
    Bella thanks so much
    Indie.tea oh thanks
    Raina go on do it its so much fun, I need to find some more to jump in tomorrow

  31. I love new risotto recipes. Personally anything with Pancetta makes me happy.

  32. I have to admit that I've never made risotto before. It seemed too much work. This looks like a recipe I could tackle. Thanks!

  33. Rebecca, I just tried your madeleine recipe, love it. Nice to know you via blogging. Thanks for sharing.

  34. That looks amazing! I made risotto just last night, too! YUM!

  35. This is a really delicious looking risotto! You can't go wrong with pancetta. Yum! Our leaves have been slow to fall here, they just aren't ready to let go yet!

  36. I remember placing piles of leaves at the bottom of a slide or in a small wading pool for the kids.Lovely moments. The risotto is packed with things that just plain taste good. Loving the leeks which are abundant right now.

  37. I love risotto too! This looks good! Love the picture of your feet in the leaves!

  38. What a lovely recipe- thanks for sharing! Have you tried adding roasted butternut squash or pumpkin to your risotto? Delicious!

  39. I love risotto! My two favorites are asparagus and mushroom risottos. This recipe sounds wonderful also with the pancetta!

  40. Your risotto sounds delicious Rebecca! And Jasmine is getting so big! She must of had fun picking a pumpkin.

  41. Risotto looks so great, all the flavors I love too! What I really liked was the pumpkin picture and that you shared jumping in the leaves!
    Your the best!

  42. What an interesting combo for risotto, Rebecca! Really sounds good. Love using leeks in anything....

  43. Looks good, well minus the pancetta. We made risotto a couple weeks back and it was so good. I need to do it again, but with mushrooms this time.

  44. Love your risotto, I'm a huge fan of it. Yours looks great.

  45. mom on the run I agree i Love it
    mother rimmy oh you can do it so easy :_)
    Sonia like wise I am thrilled you enjoyed it
    Jess thanks
    Nicole thats cool
    Claudia oh I love that I am going to make a pile under her slide!
    Emily smiles
    Autumn I think I will do that next thanks so much for stopping by
    savoring time in the kitchen oh loving the asparagus idea
    Reeni oh she is growing fast tall now
    Rennee oh wow your so kind hugs
    Barbara thanks so much love making it
    Melinda oh mushrooms yum
    Naomi thanks

  46. I like your encouragement of jumping in leaves, it is so much fun, isn't it? The risotto looks so good, I like the combination.

  47. Christine hope you find some leaves in central park and have fun


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