Spicy Cod over Pumpkin Infused Cous Cous

The other day at the pumpkin patch I got a little New Zealand winter squash not really sure what to do with it :-) I cut it in half and baked it. I wanted fish that night and found a nice spicy cod recipe on Jamie Oliver's recipe app (since I am launching my own I figured I have to test drive some!) I had some Israeli cous cous on hand so I figured why not add the pumpkin to it. It was super easy to prepare lovely flavor and packed with beta carotene, folate, vitamin C and iron.

Spicy Cod over Pumpkin Infused Cous Cous

Inspired by Jamie Oliver :-)


  • half a roasted Zealand Winter Squash - I roasted with a little olive oil, salt and pepper at 350 for 45 minutes or until soft
  • 1/2 a red onion chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 chopped tomatoes
  • 2 pieces of cod
  • 2 chili peppers
  • 1/2 a cup of finely chopped parsley
  • a pinch of smoked paprika
  • one pack of cous cous 

  1. saute the onion and garlic for 5 minutes 
  2. add the tomatoes and reduce down to a sauce 
  3. add the cod, chili, parsley and paprika and cover poach for about 10 minutes until soft 
  4. meanwhile cook the cous cous the Israeli one or pearl cous cous needs to be boiled for about 8-10 minutes, while its boiling add the pumpkin then allow it to sit for a few minutes 
  5. serve the fish and sauce over the cous cous and enjoy

What are you going to cook with your pumpkin this year?

 finally the super sweet and talented Alisha from The Ardent Epicure  gave me the lovely blog award, thanks so much, its always lovely to get awards from other bloggers and its a privilege to be part of the community 

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  1. This is a beautiful recipe! I Love Jamie Oliver and so the fact that one of his recipes - inspired this one - says it all!

    Spicy Cod is wonderful too and a great pairing w/the fresh pumpkin!

    Not sure what I'll make this year when we carve?! Maybe this!!!!

  2. I might have to try this one!

    I'm soooooooooo sorry. I wanted to call you today but we got in late (had to stop by the State Fair) and just had an evening event and finally sitting down. Since you're not too far, we'll have to do a meet up soon!

  3. What a great contrast of colors and flavors!

  4. That cod looks delicious and I just adore the Israeli cous cous! Great post:) I am looking forward to making Butterrnit Squash Lasagna - can't wait!

  5. It looks so pretty and I am sure it tastes delicious! A great "Fall" dish!

  6. Jamie has lots of fun recipes and yet simple. This is such a comforting dish for the season. Hey, Halloween is coming soon! Is Jasmine joining the others for the T&T? ^_^ Have a great day.

  7. Wow, you scored big points on this post.
    Outstanding dish ♥

  8. Love cous cous in any form, and this is a must try.

  9. It looks liek a lovely comforting dish. Love JO.:)

  10. Welcome to the wild and wacky world of winter squash! this sounds like such a tasty recipe. Delicious.

  11. I love how you are having fun with pumpkin this fall! This dish sounds spicy and aromatic. Plus, it's very pretty and colorful.

  12. This sounds like a super tasty meal! I have not heard of NZ squash but I am sure it may be substituted with other squashes. The spicy cod sounds really good too.

    BTW, I finally got round to doing my About page :)

  13. This looks and sounds delicious. Thank you for sharing!! Wonderful fall recipe.

  14. I love the cous cous! Great fall dish!

  15. I am so inpired. My husband loves cod and I really am looking for a new way to serve it.
    This recipe not only looks good but I'm sure it must be tasty.

  16. Rebecca, I love the couscous infused with pumpkin. What a great idea!

  17. Sounds so delicious with that pretty color. Never heard of NZ winter squash before must look around at Market place here :)

  18. It looks delicious! I love all the ingredients and this is a must try! Thanks!

  19. Wow Rebecca, what a lovely dish...absolutely love the idea of pumpkin infused couscous...look so pretty as well :-)

  20. So beautiful recipe love cous cous and is full of vitamins :)

    All the best,


  21. Very nice recipe, and so healthy. I love winter squash.

  22. A new recipe app?? Sounds exciting!! And the pic looks delish!

    I bought some books on blogging and plan to buy the one you suggested! I am busy e-mailing and contacting people/businesses about advertising my blog so it can grow :)

  23. A great way to infuse the couscous Rebecca. Couscous is so easy to use and delicious at the same time. I use it all of the time.

  24. Great idea for cous cous. Never thought of pumpkin before paired with a spicy meat. You are genius!
    Thanks for your kind comments lately. They are much appreciate, my friend.

  25. This looks good Rebeccah! I'm a big Jamie Oliver fan as well and I've been craving fish a lot lately so this is hitting the perfect spot for me.

  26. Looks great. Cod is so popular over here. The traditional way is covered in olive oil with chickpeas and onions on top. I plan to make some pumpkin burritos soon. Last year I did a pumpkin cream sauce to use for cheese ravioli. I really wanted pumpkin ravioli, but in the essence of time went with a pumpkin sauce instead.

  27. Design wine and dine hope you try it :-)
    Belinda no worries I will come to Durham one day
    Barbara bakes thanks so much
    Stephanie wow lasagna sounds lovely
    Carrie thanks
    Sonia so true :-)
    Kristy Um I guess she will I didn't celebrate it as a kid, your right Jamie rocks
    Ana thanks so much I am touched
    Sanjeeta enjoy
    Zurin thanks
    Joanne he ehe thanks for the welcome
    Kim thanks yep enjoying the pumpkin my first time making it
    Biren cool just read your about page
    Peanutts thanks
    Betty Ray thanks
    Maria aw thanks
    Rita hope your hubby likes it
    Nirmala thanks
    Anncoo hope you find some
    Pam enjoy
    Juliana aw thanks kind of u
    Gera smiles
    jUdy me too
    the food hound thats great - email anytime
    Sam love it as well
    Bridgett my pleasure you a lovely person and great cook hugs
    Julie hope you try it
    Melinda oh wow burrito great idea

  28. Wonderful flavors in this dish! Love the combo of the spicy fish with the pumpkin. It's nice to see other ideas for pumpkin than the usual.

  29. I love all the squash recipes I'm seeing lately. Especially since my csa has lots of squash in it. This looks like a terrific recipe. Love the use of cod with the pumpkin.

  30. I have tons of pumpkin in my freezer - thanks for the idea! Looks delicious. Robyn xxx

  31. That looks really, really GOOD. And relatively healthy and perfect for the cooler autumn weather.

  32. I don't think I would have thought on this combination on my own. Thanks for the recipe.

    Plan B

  33. Karen thanks so much I agree he he
    mr pineapple thanks
    Mother Rimmy nice seasonal csa fun
    Sushma smiles
    Koek oh enjoy my friend
    Indie.Tea thanks so much kind of you
    plan B my pleasure


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