Cauliflower and Carrot Soup

This is a really simple soup great for this time of year, hubby was asking for a soup, so heres my new invention! I had a cauliflower and carrots on hand and coriander so made a nice comforting soup. Got to love soup as you can add almost anything!


  • 3 chopped carrots
  • one whole cauliflower chopped
  • one liter of vegetable stock
  • 1/2 a bunch of chopped coriander/cilantro
  • 1/2 a chopped onion
  • 4 cloves of chopped garlic

1. saute the onions and garlic in olive oil for 5 minutes 
2. then add the cauliflower and carrots and mix
add the stock and coriander and simmer for 30 minutes until very soft
3. transfer to a blender to puree and serve :-) I added some creme fraiche at the end as well

Have a wonderful start to the week everyone 


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  1. fall is my favorite time of year to eat soup! i love that this recipe is so simple, too. :-)

  2. Rebecca this looks great! Nice recipe I love cauliflower and like it simple like this! I've even whizzed steamed cauliflower and a touch of good ranch dressing in a food processor for a quick healthy dip!

  3. Simple, healthy and delicious - and that creme fraiche didn't hurt.

  4. YUM! I have a soup very similar to this recipe, but with fresh ginger in it. The creme fraiche idea is great! Hope you had a great weekend!!

  5. Yumm Rebecca, looks rich and filling and perfect for fall! Thanks!

  6. love the colour and the combo...perfect to enjoy it this weather...

  7. How yummy! I made some carrot soup the other day too, but with lentils. Next time I shall try with cauliflowers! (I bet my husband wouldn't tell there's cauliflowers inside...a perfect way to "cheat" him to eat cauliflowers!)

  8. Great comfort food! I think even finicky kids can eat it :)

  9. Rebecca, I have to admit you're getting there and this soup sounds amazing. I would love to have a bowl or two. haha... I can actually feel the autumn at the other side of the globe. Time just flies, isn't it! Another Halloween will be coming soon. Hope you're enjoying your day.

  10. A great combination of ingredients and a perfect autumn soup. ;-) Have a great week!

  11. What a delicious combination of flavors. It is definitely soup weather where I live.

  12. Rebecca~ I love the addition of coriander! It sounds like a warm fuzzy blanket in a bowl!

  13. Mmmmmm, that looks wonderful! A beautiful bowl of creamy goodness. I love cauliflower and carrots so this sounds delicious to me.

  14. Sounds like a delicious soup, perfect for the slightly cooler weather. I love the color too!

  15. Such a lovely soup...I love creamy warm fall dishes like this :)

  16. Oh Rebecca, I made this soup before with garlic and onion in it. Will make this again because I love cauliflower.

  17. Mmmm...Now this is an autumn soup. Delicious. I just wish the weather here would cool down a bit so that I could make me some.

  18. I love how just about any veggie can be turned into a good soup. This sounds like an unlikely yet still delicious flavor pairing!

  19. Soup just goes with fall. Carrots and caulifower soup sounds wonderful and I love your addition of cilantro. Simple is what I need today.

  20. Great flavors in this. I've been trying to introduce more cauliflower into our house, and this looks like a great way to do it. Sounds like a yummy recipe!

  21. Emily thanks
    Lyndsey: that sounds yummy as well
    Belinda thanks
    Claudia love it
    food hound oh ginger would be a great addition
    renne thanks
    Sushma smiles
    Angie oh he will like it
    the lacquer spoon yep think so
    my little space thanks
    Deb oh you too
    Ana thanks
    Cathy thanks so much its still warm her sob
    Sommer thanks
    savoring time in the kitchen thanks so much
    Biren thanks
    Magic of spice me too
    Anncoo oh I am adding bacon!
    Jenn hope it cools for u
    Joanne smiles
    Cristie enjoy
    Karen enjoy and thanks for stopping by

  22. Rebecca, I love how you made this dish with ingredients on hand. Simple healthy ingredients.

  23. I would love to give this a try but I know my vegetarian friend would love this more! I will make sure she sees this recipe!

    Take care and best wishes for a great week,

  24. This soup is so simple and perfect. I love pureed veggie soups & all the things you can add to them for a fuller meal are great too :)

  25. What a delicious looking soup! I love the cauliflower here!

  26. looks like a perfect soup for the fall!

  27. Great soup! I never thought of combining both of them in a soup. Good idea.

  28. Looks so good, I love soup season, all these great soup recipes everywhere!! I just made a cauliflower soup too, delicious :)

  29. Nirmala thanks so much
    Natasha thanks so much for sharing
    five star foodie thanks
    simply life thanks
    tigerfish thanks so much :-)
    Victoria oh me too


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