Watermelon and Feta Salad

I am sure you have seen this salad or variations of it in the blogging world, or have it on your table but its a new one for me :-), can't stress enough how much blogging inspires me to make new dishes. 
This super simple salad, shouts summer and I adore the pairing of the sweet watermelon and the salty feta so so good. 


  • 2 large slices of watermelon, cubed
  • about 10 slices of cucumber
  • 2 handfuls of mixed greens 
  • oil and balsamic vinegar as desired
  • a handful of chopped cherry tomatoes
  • 3 slices of feta chopped 

  1. slice all the items and mix together, drizzle with oil and vinegar and enjoy.
  2. great as a meal by itself or as a healthy side dish 

Finally the weather is cooling down in North Carolina getting in the 80's and the leaves are changing, I must say its pleasant, but every season is wonderful in its own way ;-)

What's your favorite season?

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  1. I normally don't like watermelon, but if you say this is a good one then I will give it a go:)

  2. Okay We are in Starbucks and saw this in google
    Reader,Lol,how tasty this sounds on the plan
    for this week xo

  3. I love the combination of sweet and salty. So refreshing for the (hopefully) few really hot days that remain before it starts cooling off again. :)

  4. I have been wanting to try this all summer and haven't been able to find a decent watermelon. Back in Louisiana, I could have eaten this all summer long. It looks fantastic!

  5. I love the sound of this combo. Sweet, juicy watermelon with the savory tartness of the feta. Great post!

  6. This looks so summery and fresh! I can't get my husband to try this salad! :D

  7. watermelon in a salad sounds fantastic. :D you are due soon! whoohoo!

  8. Angela oh you will like it :-)
    Michelle he he thanks
    Jenni oh for real cooler weather will be lovely
    Candace hope you find a great watermelon
    yummychunklet thanks
    lyndsey oh more for you then
    Junia yep anytime!

  9. Watermelon and feta is one of my favorite salads. I like it with lots of basil. ;-)

  10. Una ensalada de 10, me encanta.


  11. Love the watermelon/feta combination. And agreed every season is wonderful in its own way. Remind me of that in January.

  12. I need to try this combo! It looks so so good! Fall is my favourite season :)

  13. Simple colorful and delicious salad!

  14. I have yet to try watermelon in this type of salad, but I've seen several versions. It must be a very tasty combination, especially this time of year.

  15. I love everything about this summery salad: lovely colors, refreshing, delicious!

  16. i've never had watermelon feta salad but keep hearing that I need to try it, looks delicious

  17. This is a refreshing salad indeed. Light and nutritious!

  18. One of my favorite salads..so simple and so delicious!

  19. Hi Rebecca, this is almost identical to one of our favorite summer salads. Only difference? We add fresh mint. All the best for a good week.

  20. what a lovely salad! i love the sweet, salty combo!

  21. Watermelon and feta are such a great combo...beautiful salad!
    P.S. my fingers are crossed for you to go into labor naturally ;)

  22. Rebecca look absolutely nice, gloria

  23. Deb oh basil great idea
    Jose Gracias
    Lauren he he love your humor
    Lauren oh and just starting
    sutapa thanks
    mother rimmy :-)
    Yuri thanks
    claire u would love it
    cheah :-)
    caitlin I was late learning but love it too
    krysta thanks
    Roz oh nice addition
    teresa oh me too he he
    magic of spice thanks so much for the support re delivery
    gloria thanks

  24. I've seen watermelon and feta before and I've been meaning to try this! Yours look so delicious! I have to get both when I go grocery shopping tomorrow.

  25. You know that I love salad, don't you?! ;-)) Watermelon and Feta are definitely a match made in heaven!

  26. Yep, salty feta and watery melon are the basics of a hot summer lunch. You get back all you lost with sweating!

  27. I had watermelon salad with feta for the first time last summer and was surprised at how good it is. Yours looks wonderful!

  28. Hi Rebecca,
    I have been away at my son's for the past week, so I missed many of your post. You are really on my mind though and wonderfinhow everything is going with you. I am also into a feta mood this week.

  29. That combo sounds delicious!Ilove salty and sweet combinations..... Looks like the perfect summer lunch,Rebecca!

    How are you doing?

  30. Yummy! This sounds like a delicious combination! :)

  31. Since I'm a big fan of both watermelon and feta, this salad is one of my top favorites! Love it!

  32. Watermelon and feta is a magical pair :) Glad you are continuously inspired by the blogging world! Hope you're doing well!

  33. This is such a great salad! I was not convinced to try it myself until this year and I'm sorry I waited so long.

  34. Great refreshing salad. I like to add some greens too in that :)

  35. Looks and sounds so delicious and refreshing. Love it!

  36. Nami very cool u will love it
    Angie yep adore yours
    ilke very true
    carolyn thanks
    Rita love your Greek salad have fun at your sons. I am fine just waiting a little hard to be honest
    Erica oh doing ok just tired and waiting
    sweet pea kitchen thanks
    roxana now mine too
    Victoria oh may it long continue doing ok thanks
    Susan oh its never too late right
    kankana good idea
    Eliana :-)

  37. It's perfect Rebecca. All sweet and salty and summery.

  38. SO GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!! I used to make fun of my dad for eating watermelon with cheese but after I had it I love it!!!

    We just started following your blog!



  39. A lovely light tasty salad - I love watermelon under any guise!

  40. Claudia thanks so much
    amy thanks on my way to visit yours
    brownieville girl thanks

  41. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog :) This salad is really fresh and delicious! Have a great day!

  42. Not sure that I would have put the two together, but I bet it's a very & nutritious treat :)


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