Blog Talk Radio

Listen to internet radio with Chow And Chatter on Blog Talk Radio

I had the pleasure of interviewing Nelly from Cooking with Books, a trained pastry chef and all round awesome person about baking tips from a pro and Ea from The Spicy RD, a private practice dietitian and expert on gluten free eating.

Heres the link to the Interview if your interested, and feel free with a cup of tea or coffee to scan the archives I have interviews with some of our favorite bloggers and plan to do more :-)

  • Interview with Chef Dennis- More than a mountful 
  • Interview with Chef E - Food, Wine Fun
  • Interview with Girlichef - Girlichef 
  • Interview with Michael Fenster - Chef and Cardiologist of What's cookin with Doc
  • Inteview with Malou from Skip to Malou 

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  1. Sounds like fun, will have to check these out :)

  2. Nice work as always! Love the roasted chick peas. Lovely snacking idea ;-)

  3. Thanks so much for inviting me to be on your show. It was great fun chatting with you and Nelly!

  4. I have to listen to the whole series, and looking forward to the next.

  5. Will have to check these out...I knew you had done some but I don't think I've listened to any of them.

  6. some of my favorite bloggers whoohoo!

  7. Love EA, will go back and listen. Fun idea Rebecca. I'd love to meet you too one day.

  8. Ha! I see my name...thanks sweetie!

    I enjoyed listening to this, thanks for sending me the message about it!

    Rub the belly for me! say hello!


  9. Amazing! You are doing so good Rebecca! I have to come back and listen to all of them. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  10. thanks everyone big hugs will try and interview more of you fine folks in the coming months


  11. I've listened to the first few, now need to catch up with the rest!


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