Craft: Foil Boats

With this crazy hot weather, we have been doing more crafts, the other day we made paper boats and man it wasn't that easy to make them, went through a lot of paper, but once you get the hang of them its all good. Our little one would color the paper and I would fold. 

Link for the clip I used to learn how to make a paper (foil) boat 

We made one for Mummy, Daddy, Jasmine and her baby brother now due in less than 20 days!
We put them in the bath, but they got soggy fast, so the next day I made one out of foil, worked like a charm. Would also be pretty cool to put into a pond or river :-)

Have a fun filled weekend everyone :-)


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  1. What a good mom you are! Cute boats :-). We'll be in our own boats (rafts) day after tomorrow heading down the salmon river. Hope it cools off for you soon!

  2. So adorable. I used to love making these as a kid but I always wore them as hats! My mother should have known...

  3. What a great idea and they turned out so adorable!!

  4. I was thinking about you guys when I saw all the flooding this morning that came your the boats, seems like maybe you should send a few messages in them :) like bottles in the ocean...

    PS- the food your posting on here is making me hungry!

  5. Maris (In Good TasteAugust 6, 2011 at 8:32 AM

    These are awesome! Your little one is so cute!

  6. This is too cute! Loved the video =)

  7. Jasmine has your smile Rebecca. She's such a doll. Those hats are cool. What a great project to do with children. I'll remember this if I ever babysit our little grand-nieces.

    20 days to go - wow. Take care. We're all thinking of you.

  8. Ea have an awesome rafting adventure
    Dom good for hats as well
    Alicia thanks
    Chef E he he no flooding in winston luckily
    Maris :-)
    Angie me too
    peggy :-_)
    Sam oh thanks will keep u posted

  9. That looks like a lot of fun! She is so cute:)

  10. ooh Imade boats to my kids too, but now are teenagers!!! xgloria

  11. thanks Raina
    Gloria oh thats neat :-) do they remember it ?
    Jennifer aw thanks and thanks for stopping by


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