Zucchini blossoms stuffed with feta and oregano

I was so excited recently seeing my first zucchini blossoms and quickly got on facebook and twitter for recipe idea's without frying. I also learnt that the blossom on the left is male and on right female ;-)

I simply sauteed feta with a little butter, bread crumbs, tomato, oregano, and stuffed the blossoms after using a small grapefruit spoon to scoop out the inside. sprinkled with a more bread crumbs, a pinch of salt and olive oil and baked at 425 for 15 minutes. Oh my they were so good, can't wait to make more!
My favorite part was Jasmines comment that Mummy you can eat the boy one I will have the girl one!

Returned safely from our big family adventure to Europe, now for a rest :-), my zucchini plants are huge and even got to pick some fresh tomatoes on our return home what a thrill. Looking forward to looking up some of the dishes we ate on our travels and sharing here :-)



  1. Oh I didn't know that you could cook those! I had a zucchini from my garden tonight. So good! I love zucchini.

  2. They sound great. I never cook them, I just always wait for the big zucchini.

  3. I have a ton of squash blossoms right now. I think now I know what to do with them!

  4. cute pictures blossoms look wonderful

  5. Yay, sounds like your trip was loads of fun! I still have not tried zucchini blossoms, your recipe sounds gorgeous! Hugs, Terra

  6. Oh..I am dying to get hold of Zucchini seeds..no luck :( Wonderful trip and beautiful clicks, Reb!

  7. Jealous that you have some already. I am waiting - they'll probably appear when I am on vacation. Love the filling in this - and I'll have the male or female blossom - not fussy!

    Welcome home!

  8. Thx for connecting with me on foodbuzz. I just subscribed to your blog feed and can't wait to see what your next post will be!

  9. Oh my these are beautiful. You have to watch out for zucchini plants...all you have to do is turn around and they're full grown!

  10. Oh Rebecca, I wanted so bad to buy some of this blossoms...yours look great, and I like the idea of not frying them.
    Hope you are having a wonderful week and I love how your garden look :)

  11. And you grew them yourself! How exciting. I wish I still had a garden!
    Was fun watching and reading about your travels. But it's always nice to get back to normal, isn't it? I love traveling, but am always happy to get back (where everything seems to be broken down!)

    1. your right good to be back into a routine yep proud of our wee garden fun to teach kids

  12. Can you believe that I have never had zucchini flowers?? And you grew them yourself! Simply wonderful!

  13. I love zucchini blossoms. One of my favorite veggie dishes.

  14. are absolutely beauty Rebecca!
    I love zucchini blossoms!

  15. Those look delicious!

  16. What an awesome idea! These look scrumptious!

  17. Mine have not reached the blooming point yet...but these flavors and will have to give this a try :)

  18. I never thought to make one with the zucchini attached. Too cute. I have a ton in my garden too and just made some stuffed with goat cheese. I usually fry with a tempura type batter of flour and water, but the baking idea is something to try.

    1. oh like the tempura idea too thanks for visiting my blog

  19. OK so, if the sun actually gets to shine in the UK!!!

  20. I like the idea of baking vs. frying. Will have to try it. Glad to hear that your trip was good.

  21. I bet these were just divine. Never having tried squash blossoms before, imagine my anticipation. I'm using this recipe. =)


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