Austrian Knödel

I had my first Knödel (stale bread dumplings) when we were en route to Munich from Northern Italy and stopped the night in a little town in the Dolomites.  We ate in a little place on a rainy evening, with two tired and hungry kids and were the only people in the place. I always remember how proud the owner was to introduce us to this dish. I re created the spinach one using this recipe, it can just be eaten on its own or in a clear soup. Overall they turned out fairly well but not as soft as the ones there. But they have been making them all their lives :-), kind of like me and chapatti they used to be like rocks now really good 10 years later. 

Also can you believe this is my 1000th post!!!, I should get a cake or something he he 

What dish have you tried to re create after a trip?

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  1. This recipe reminds me of Helene from Masala Herb. She's very fond of knödel. I loved the food in Austria so I should make this.

  2. Ok, I checked the date before commenting this time :) 1000th post! Here's two virtual cakes!!

  3. These are the moments I love discovering while traveling....Awesome.


  4. Wow...1000th post! Congrats, Rebecca!

    1. he he its a bit crazy I guess you can say I like blogging

  5. Never even heard of this! It's like a stale matzoh or something? Looks interesting for sure :)

  6. I'm so intrigued by these! A definite need to try.

  7. Never heard of these. Thanks for sharing them!

  8. Wow, 1000 posts...congratulations! Plus this knodel sounds really interesting. I would love to try it!

  9. Congratulations! Confetti in the air! Well done! :) I grew up with some type of knodel, my grandmother was a frugal cook, used all bits and pieces. It ereally good.

    1. Marina from reading I think thats what its all about being frugal and using up old bread

  10. Congratulations on the milestone! I've never made knödel but it looks amazing.

  11. Congratulations on 1000 posts, that is so awesome! and this looks delicious, i've never had one before!

  12. What an amazing job you did in recreating these indeed. So full of flavour and it looks truly delicious!

  13. I never had anything like this Rebecca...sounds very tasty. Congratulations on your 1000th post...WOW!
    Hope you are enjoying your week :)

  14. This would be a great way to save those breads! but seriously Rebecca where is the cake .. 1000th post!! you are amazing girl and congrats :)(((HUGS)))

  15. MMM,..i love them too! they are great in hot soups, I agree!

  16. Congratulations on your 1000th post!!! The spinach knodel sounds wonderful.

  17. Wow, Rebecca, 1000 post! You rock girl!
    Well to me. you are a rock star in the blog world, always up to date with the latest trends in the media.


    PS. Love to see your kids growing via your blog and facebook. Thanks for sharing.


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